Originally posted by far-trader:
Vehicles are external access for most work but there's room around it within it's size to do simple stuff.
Not true. A vehicle size is actually the volume within its hull including the hull. That means that if you only allocate the size of the vehicle as the size of its hanger there is zero room to work arround it. As a matter of fact there is less then zero room to work arround it.
Lets use the modular cutter as an example of how to design a hanger. A cylinder 6m in diameter, 28.5m long with a hemispereical bow and a reduction in diameter near the rear. Doing the math taking into account all of its diferent shapes you get a volume 50dt.
Right away there is a problem if you only allocated 50dt for the hanger, a strait 6m diameter by 28.5m long cylinder takes up 60dt. And you still do not have any room to work on the out side of the craft.
So lets make the cylinder with a diameter of 7.5m and the lenght 30m. This gives us some room not to dent the cutter nor the mother ship every time the cutter fly in and out. It also give us the space to allocate for the bulkheads and pressure doors, but not for means of pressurising and de-pressurrising the hanger. This cylinder now take up 95dt and you have about the same ammount of space arround the cutter as you have between car in a typical parking lot.
Deck are flat and the cutter is essentially a cylinder lying on its side. This means that we have to factor in the wasted space between the cylinder and the normaly flat floor and ceiling. It's much easier to wlak on a flat surface and in this case the wasted space in the ceiling can be used to store the pumps and pressure containers to pressurise and de-pressurrise the hanger. We now have a box 7.5m wide by 30m long by 7.5m high of a total space of 125dt.
After you factor in the bulkheads you only get about 60cm of manuvering room to work arround the cutter. That is not enough room load and unload the cutter. So lets increase the width and lenght of the hanger by 1.5m. Now the box is 9m wide, 31.5m long and 7.5m high for a total volume of 157.5dt.
So in the end in order to have a reasonable hanger for a modular cutter we need to allocate more than 3 times the volume of the modular cutter.
Shape is a bigger factor in determining the volume required for a sub craft then its size.
If we were to apply the same logic that was used to calculate the volume for the modular cutter to say the CT S/C, the hanger would take up 400dt to 550dt depending on how much room is allocated to arround the ship. With a 95dt shuttle it would be even more due to the wings and tail.
I'll try a work out some gidelines as to how much space should be allocated for different ype of hanger and sub-crafts for a latter post.