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Vehicles - INDEX Thread


Vehicles for use in your Classic Traveller game.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

Vehicles for use in your Classic Traveller game.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.
High Passage is a Classic Traveller magazine published by FASA. It ran for five issues.

High Passage #1

TL 7 Sandcrab Class ATV

TL 14 Star Dart Class Space Fighter

High Passage #2

TL 15 FZ 72 Cobra Class Fixed Wing Fighter Aircraft

TL 12 Grav APC

TL 9 AH 15 Agressor Class Rotary Wing Aircraft

High Passage #3

TL 15 Manta Class Space Escort Fighter

High Passage #4

TL 10 Grav Mining Vehicle
High Passage is a Classic Traveller magazine published by FASA. It ran for five issues.

High Passage #1

TL 7 Sandcrab Class ATV

TL 14 Star Dart Class Space Fighter

High Passage #2

TL 15 FZ 72 Cobra Class Fixed Wing Fighter Aircraft

TL 12 Grav APC

TL 9 AH 15 Agressor Class Rotary Wing Aircraft

High Passage #3

TL 15 Manta Class Space Escort Fighter

High Passage #4

TL 10 Grav Mining Vehicle
Merchants & Merchandise published by Paranoia Press

TL 10 Civilian Flyer (Personal Air/Raft)

TL 9 FH-80 Rotary Wing Aircraft (Medium Transport Helo)

TL 10 Flycycle FC-10 (Personal High Speed GravBike)
Merchants & Merchandise published by Paranoia Press

TL 10 Civilian Flyer (Personal Air/Raft)

TL 9 FH-80 Rotary Wing Aircraft (Medium Transport Helo)

TL 10 Flycycle FC-10 (Personal High Speed GravBike)
SORAG published by Paranoia Press

(These vehicles are used by SORAG agents.)

TL 7 Amphibious Ground Car

TL 8 Miniature Submarine

TL 7 Autogiro

TL 7 Infiltrator Aircraft

TL 10 Interloper Jump Capsule
SORAG published by Paranoia Press

(These vehicles are used by SORAG agents.)

TL 7 Amphibious Ground Car

TL 8 Miniature Submarine

TL 7 Autogiro

TL 7 Infiltrator Aircraft

TL 10 Interloper Jump Capsule
The Adjutant

The Adjutant is a series of ten books, published as a newsletter/magazine, that used the Striker vehicle design sequences to produce military and para-military vehicles for use with Classic Traveller and Striker.

Together, the ten books make a hell of a vehicle reference for CT, with each vehicle given its own illustration.

Complete details, right down to the type of ammo used, are listed for each entry.

It was the aim of the Adjutant to use Striker design sequences to create all (or most of) the vehicles used in the Imperial Army circa 1105 to 1115 (during the "Golden Age" of Traveller).

Different variations of vehicles are shown, and detailed text about certain aspects of the displayed vehicle is provided. Specific game rules are described as well, but weapons are only described in Striker terms.

This set of supplements is perfect for Traveller players who love Book 4, Striker, and David Drake's Hammer's Slammers set of novels.

Consider these vehicles the type your characters will gain transport skills in when going through character generation as a military career.

I will list each vehicle below.

RM-90-01 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number One: Air Cushion

M-700 Main Battle Tank
M-732 Self Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-740 Armored Personel Carrier
M-742 Armored Recon Scout Vehicle
M-755 Cargo Carrier
M-778 Armored Recover Vehicle
M-790 Armored Utility Sled
M-792 Armored & Mechanized Unit Air Defense
M-410S Multi-Role Missile Platform
M-794 Armored Fighting Vehicle

RM-90-02 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Two: Aircraft Rotary & Fixed Wing

M-951 Gnat Rotary Wing Recon Scout Vehicle
M-960 Skyhook Rotary Wing Heavy Lift Cargo Carrier
M-956 Hopper Rotary Wing Assault Carrier
M-969 Wasp Rotary Wing Ground Assault Platform
M-915 Gasp Combat Air Support Fixed Wing Craft
M-922 Scorpion Combat Air Support Fixed Wing Craft
M-927 Viper STOVL Fixed Wing Craft
M-1020 Orbit Capable Planetary Assault Platform
M-5 Goblin Combat Air Support Aircraft
M-7 Gremlin Combat Air Support Aircraft
M-925 Hornet Fixed Wing Multi-Role Aircraft/Spacecraft

RM-90-03 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Three: Track Laying

M-703 Armored Personel Carrier
M-705 Heavy Self Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-709 Heavy Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-711 Medium Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-712 Heavy Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-713 Ultra-Heavy Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-741 Armored Cavalry Vehicle
M-755 Armored Self Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-779 Armored Rocket and Missile Air Defense Weapon
M-788 Armored Personel Carrier
M-791 Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge
M-797 Combat Engineering Vehicle
M-799 Armored Recovery Vehicle

RM-90-04 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Four: Wheeled, Service, and Support

M-12 Fast Attack Scout Truck
M-20 Mule Military Utility Lifter, Equipment
M-22 Wheeled Platform
M-21 General Purpose Trailer
M-24 Clydesdale Wheeled General Purpose Platform
M-209 Ox Wheeled Tractor/Trailer
M-160 Wheeled Special Purpose Vehicle
M-23 Specialized Wheeled Platform
M-130 Wheeled Combat Engineering Vehicle

RM-90-05 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Five: Grav

M-709 Medium Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-710 Main Battle Tank
M-735 Selp Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-745 Armored Personel Carrier
M-747 Armored Recon Scout Vehicle
M-748 Tactical Control Vehicle
M-757 Armored Vehicle, General Purpose
M-780 Combat Engineering Vehicle
M-785 Quad Equipped Medium Air Defense Platform
M-786 Self Propelled Launcher
M-789 Modified Armored Personel Carrier
M-796 Specialized Armored Fighting Vehicle

RM-90-07 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Seven: Orbital Assault & Landing Craft

M-1005 Launched Assault Re-Entry Vehicle
M-1020 Orbit Capable Planetary Assault Platform
M-1034 Mosquito Tactical Fighter
M-1038 Oasis Orbital Assault Ship, Infrantry Shuttle
M-1040 Wasp Assault Carrier
M-1050 Orbital Ship, Landing General Purpose
M-1060 Zeus Class Orbital Fire Support Platform
M-1065 Ark Class Cargo Ship
M-1068 Oiler Class Cargo Container Ship
M-1070 Lamprey Class Specialized Orbit Assault Craft

RM-90-08 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Eight: Exotic

XM-001 Star of David Tank
XM-100 Horseshoe Tank
M-068 Combat Engineering Suit
M-127 Recovery Vehicle
XM-110 Specialized Static Defense Vehicle
XM-125 Specialized Main Battle Tank
M-135 Multi-Role Specialized Launch Platform
M-432 Confuser Missile
M-825G Medusa Missile
M-460 Parrot Missile Enhancement Delivery System
M-438 Hi-Low Missile System

RM-90-09 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Nine: Infantry Weapons

M-15 Wolfspider Device
M-25 SMG
M-26 ACR
M-27 Close Assault Weapon
M-28 Advanced Combat Assault System
M-28A AutoPistol
M-30 Heavy Squad Support Weapon
M-32 Personal Anti-Armor Weapon System
M-33 Support Weapon
M-34 Barrage Automatic Grenade Launcher
M-202 Dragonfire FGMP
M-220 Hellfire PGMP
M-60 Combat Lift Kit (helmet and harness)
M-62 Protection System
M-65 Personal Reactive Armor System
M-246 Hydra Vehicle Mounted Support Weapon
M-791 Burro Grav Sled
M-792 Lightning Modified Grav Sled
M-412 Guard Dog Specialized Auto Sentry

RM-90-10 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Ten: Wheeled Combat

M-110 Ferret Light Wheeled Armored Recon Scout Vehicle
M-111 Armored Combat Vehicle
M-121 Medium Wheeled Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-125 Wheeled Self Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-122 Wheeled Quad Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun
M-19 Thor Wheeled Multiple Rocket Laucher System
M-117 Wheeled Armor Personal Carrier
M-118 MELT Mobile Erector/Launcher - Tactical
M-119 MELS Mobile Erector/Launcher - Strategic
M-209-J Transport
M-209-K Transport
M-20 Military Utility Lifter, Equipment
M-130 Wheeled Combat Engineering Vehicle
The Adjutant

The Adjutant is a series of ten books, published as a newsletter/magazine, that used the Striker vehicle design sequences to produce military and para-military vehicles for use with Classic Traveller and Striker.

Together, the ten books make a hell of a vehicle reference for CT, with each vehicle given its own illustration.

Complete details, right down to the type of ammo used, are listed for each entry.

It was the aim of the Adjutant to use Striker design sequences to create all (or most of) the vehicles used in the Imperial Army circa 1105 to 1115 (during the "Golden Age" of Traveller).

Different variations of vehicles are shown, and detailed text about certain aspects of the displayed vehicle is provided. Specific game rules are described as well, but weapons are only described in Striker terms.

This set of supplements is perfect for Traveller players who love Book 4, Striker, and David Drake's Hammer's Slammers set of novels.

Consider these vehicles the type your characters will gain transport skills in when going through character generation as a military career.

I will list each vehicle below.

RM-90-01 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number One: Air Cushion

M-700 Main Battle Tank
M-732 Self Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-740 Armored Personel Carrier
M-742 Armored Recon Scout Vehicle
M-755 Cargo Carrier
M-778 Armored Recover Vehicle
M-790 Armored Utility Sled
M-792 Armored & Mechanized Unit Air Defense
M-410S Multi-Role Missile Platform
M-794 Armored Fighting Vehicle

RM-90-02 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Two: Aircraft Rotary & Fixed Wing

M-951 Gnat Rotary Wing Recon Scout Vehicle
M-960 Skyhook Rotary Wing Heavy Lift Cargo Carrier
M-956 Hopper Rotary Wing Assault Carrier
M-969 Wasp Rotary Wing Ground Assault Platform
M-915 Gasp Combat Air Support Fixed Wing Craft
M-922 Scorpion Combat Air Support Fixed Wing Craft
M-927 Viper STOVL Fixed Wing Craft
M-1020 Orbit Capable Planetary Assault Platform
M-5 Goblin Combat Air Support Aircraft
M-7 Gremlin Combat Air Support Aircraft
M-925 Hornet Fixed Wing Multi-Role Aircraft/Spacecraft

RM-90-03 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Three: Track Laying

M-703 Armored Personel Carrier
M-705 Heavy Self Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-709 Heavy Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-711 Medium Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-712 Heavy Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-713 Ultra-Heavy Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-741 Armored Cavalry Vehicle
M-755 Armored Self Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-779 Armored Rocket and Missile Air Defense Weapon
M-788 Armored Personel Carrier
M-791 Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge
M-797 Combat Engineering Vehicle
M-799 Armored Recovery Vehicle

RM-90-04 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Four: Wheeled, Service, and Support

M-12 Fast Attack Scout Truck
M-20 Mule Military Utility Lifter, Equipment
M-22 Wheeled Platform
M-21 General Purpose Trailer
M-24 Clydesdale Wheeled General Purpose Platform
M-209 Ox Wheeled Tractor/Trailer
M-160 Wheeled Special Purpose Vehicle
M-23 Specialized Wheeled Platform
M-130 Wheeled Combat Engineering Vehicle

RM-90-05 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Five: Grav

M-709 Medium Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-710 Main Battle Tank
M-735 Selp Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-745 Armored Personel Carrier
M-747 Armored Recon Scout Vehicle
M-748 Tactical Control Vehicle
M-757 Armored Vehicle, General Purpose
M-780 Combat Engineering Vehicle
M-785 Quad Equipped Medium Air Defense Platform
M-786 Self Propelled Launcher
M-789 Modified Armored Personel Carrier
M-796 Specialized Armored Fighting Vehicle

RM-90-07 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Seven: Orbital Assault & Landing Craft

M-1005 Launched Assault Re-Entry Vehicle
M-1020 Orbit Capable Planetary Assault Platform
M-1034 Mosquito Tactical Fighter
M-1038 Oasis Orbital Assault Ship, Infrantry Shuttle
M-1040 Wasp Assault Carrier
M-1050 Orbital Ship, Landing General Purpose
M-1060 Zeus Class Orbital Fire Support Platform
M-1065 Ark Class Cargo Ship
M-1068 Oiler Class Cargo Container Ship
M-1070 Lamprey Class Specialized Orbit Assault Craft

RM-90-08 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Eight: Exotic

XM-001 Star of David Tank
XM-100 Horseshoe Tank
M-068 Combat Engineering Suit
M-127 Recovery Vehicle
XM-110 Specialized Static Defense Vehicle
XM-125 Specialized Main Battle Tank
M-135 Multi-Role Specialized Launch Platform
M-432 Confuser Missile
M-825G Medusa Missile
M-460 Parrot Missile Enhancement Delivery System
M-438 Hi-Low Missile System

RM-90-09 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Nine: Infantry Weapons

M-15 Wolfspider Device
M-25 SMG
M-26 ACR
M-27 Close Assault Weapon
M-28 Advanced Combat Assault System
M-28A AutoPistol
M-30 Heavy Squad Support Weapon
M-32 Personal Anti-Armor Weapon System
M-33 Support Weapon
M-34 Barrage Automatic Grenade Launcher
M-202 Dragonfire FGMP
M-220 Hellfire PGMP
M-60 Combat Lift Kit (helmet and harness)
M-62 Protection System
M-65 Personal Reactive Armor System
M-246 Hydra Vehicle Mounted Support Weapon
M-791 Burro Grav Sled
M-792 Lightning Modified Grav Sled
M-412 Guard Dog Specialized Auto Sentry

RM-90-10 Imperial Armed Forces Vehicles Guide, Altair subsector, Set Number Ten: Wheeled Combat

M-110 Ferret Light Wheeled Armored Recon Scout Vehicle
M-111 Armored Combat Vehicle
M-121 Medium Wheeled Armored Fighting Vehicle
M-125 Wheeled Self Propelled Artillery Weapon
M-122 Wheeled Quad Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun
M-19 Thor Wheeled Multiple Rocket Laucher System
M-117 Wheeled Armor Personal Carrier
M-118 MELT Mobile Erector/Launcher - Tactical
M-119 MELS Mobile Erector/Launcher - Strategic
M-209-J Transport
M-209-K Transport
M-20 Military Utility Lifter, Equipment
M-130 Wheeled Combat Engineering Vehicle
Just to clarify - almost all the vehicles in the Adjutant series are TL13. This limits their usefulness outside a limited range of worlds.

I'm not sure the following is accurate either...
"It was the aim of the Adjutant to use Striker design sequences to create all (or most of) the vehicles used in the Imperial Army circa 1105 to 1115 (during the "Golden Age" of Traveller)."

They bear no relation to cannon Imperial vehciles.
Just to clarify - almost all the vehicles in the Adjutant series are TL13. This limits their usefulness outside a limited range of worlds.

I'm not sure the following is accurate either...
"It was the aim of the Adjutant to use Striker design sequences to create all (or most of) the vehicles used in the Imperial Army circa 1105 to 1115 (during the "Golden Age" of Traveller)."

They bear no relation to cannon Imperial vehciles.
Originally posted by jec10:
Just to clarify - almost all the vehicles in the Adjutant series are TL13. This limits their usefulness outside a limited range of worlds.
The Adjutant considers, carefully, this very issue. Much thought was put into the tech level of each piece of equipment. Not all equipment is at TL 13. The tech varies on the actual piece of equipment. Many of the wheeled vehicles, for example, were created at TL 9.

The Adjutant states that, while higher tech equipment has more features, it's also very expensive. Cost is always an issue when arming and army. But, more importantly, is support and logistics for the equipment. Soldiers on a world fighting with PGMPs will likely have a hard time finding replacement plasma cylindars and parts when the weapons are damaged. Maintaining your own supply is paramount (not to mention vastly expensive) in these types of campaigns. But, bullets are available on almost all worlds with any population center in the Imperium, able to be manufactured at a low tech. Combine this with cost issues of higher tech, and you've got a strong argument for arming your troops with capable, but not necessarily the highest tech, equipment.

The equipment in the Adjutant strives to find a balance between tech level, cost, and combat efficiency.

I actually think the supplements are brilliant in that the amount of thought that was put into the designs (rather than just automatically make all Imperial equipment at TL 15 as we normally see in Traveller) reached that level of depth.

If you read the supplements, they make a strong case for going in with high tech versions of ACRs rather than BattleDress and FGMPs.

To see some of the depth written about the equipment, see the May 28, 2007 post in THIS thread.
Originally posted by jec10:
Just to clarify - almost all the vehicles in the Adjutant series are TL13. This limits their usefulness outside a limited range of worlds.
The Adjutant considers, carefully, this very issue. Much thought was put into the tech level of each piece of equipment. Not all equipment is at TL 13. The tech varies on the actual piece of equipment. Many of the wheeled vehicles, for example, were created at TL 9.

The Adjutant states that, while higher tech equipment has more features, it's also very expensive. Cost is always an issue when arming and army. But, more importantly, is support and logistics for the equipment. Soldiers on a world fighting with PGMPs will likely have a hard time finding replacement plasma cylindars and parts when the weapons are damaged. Maintaining your own supply is paramount (not to mention vastly expensive) in these types of campaigns. But, bullets are available on almost all worlds with any population center in the Imperium, able to be manufactured at a low tech. Combine this with cost issues of higher tech, and you've got a strong argument for arming your troops with capable, but not necessarily the highest tech, equipment.

The equipment in the Adjutant strives to find a balance between tech level, cost, and combat efficiency.

I actually think the supplements are brilliant in that the amount of thought that was put into the designs (rather than just automatically make all Imperial equipment at TL 15 as we normally see in Traveller) reached that level of depth.

If you read the supplements, they make a strong case for going in with high tech versions of ACRs rather than BattleDress and FGMPs.

To see some of the depth written about the equipment, see the May 28, 2007 post in THIS thread.
Sup 4...

Would you be interested in helping design some new vehicles as soon as we get the new design sequences for Striker III completed (I am waiting to get more info on Grav tech from T5 if there is any)???

Sup 4...

Would you be interested in helping design some new vehicles as soon as we get the new design sequences for Striker III completed (I am waiting to get more info on Grav tech from T5 if there is any)???

TL 10 Omni-Car

Very cool groundcar/gravcar for your games. Can come with many "secret" options. See Space Gamer #52

This is an INDEX thread. Please post comments in a new thread in order to keep this one clean.
TL 10 Omni-Car

Very cool groundcar/gravcar for your games. Can come with many "secret" options. See Space Gamer #52

This is an INDEX thread. Please post comments in a new thread in order to keep this one clean.