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Well, if this is something to do with the Vilani, you've completely stumped me. All I can come up with is that by "Fostering" you mean the caste-apprentice system, and by "Meal" you mean something to do with the Shugilii.BTW, GKA do remember where the Fostering thing is from, I also remember a bit about Visiting and the Meal?
Well, any Vilani family that would have to hire a Shugilii would have to be pretty destitute in the first place. Traditionally, it was the duty of the eldest child to take on that position; it would be extraordinarily tragic (early death) or humiliating (running off, or otherwise shirking the duty) for a family to be without its Shugilii for any length of time.The Caste fostering is one, yep. And the other had to do with Vilani having Guests to their Home and hiring a Shugilii to cook a feast for the Famili and Guest....there are other details but as I said they are hiding in the fog.
Not to belabor the point, but on Terra, most fermented or pickled food is prepared in advance, up to months (maybe even years) in some cases. This was even more often the case before the Solomani had effective refrigeration, when their diet included a lot more home-canned and/or salted foods than they do today.Fine, GKA, I was a little loose with my terminology but cut a brother some slack. I do understand that the Miller prepares the food, but to me prepare and cook are kind of linked as one thing. One doesn't just prep food...unless one is a prep cook....ah, nevermind, point to you. Gurukarpu strikes again.
I'm second in line myself, which puts me in charge of the family finances and "estates," such as they are. Fortunately for the family's diet and entertainment needs, my older sister is a whiz in the kitchen. The third kid is supposed to be reserved for the Shangarim (Bureaus), by the way. My kid sister is a trained accountant, in fact; but I weep for any Bureau that tries to put her skills to any use.o:On, the other hand, really, the eldest child....crap, no wonder my parents are always disappointed with me. *grins*
My Great Depression-scarred grandmother used to make hamburgers whose "meat" was actually about 2/3 bread crumbs. And then there's the mother of one of my closest friends/Traveller gang, who as a little girl in Byelorussia witnessed Stalin's Great Famine firsthand. A nice lady, but all kinds of levels of crazy, and freakishly paranoid, to boot.What, I love sawdust sandwiches, they remind me of the Soviets....almost miss 'em....NOT!
Yes ... it's almost as if they're ... inscrutable.Funny that for a Race that ran 15000 worlds we know so little about them in some ways...
I've thought about that; but I just haven't been able to land on a decent title for it. I suppose any one of the social/philanthropic organizations named in that earlier thread would suffice. I just can't decide which one it would be.Go Bilanidin Studies Group! Rediscovering lost knowledge...
This sounds exactly like the kind of thing I am into, awesome.I seem to remember in the dim and distant past there was a Vilani Culture Mailing List. I'll try to dig something out later from my other machines. It went into the minutiae and was fascinating, if rather obsessive.