The LBB2/Mayday system of movement is not particularly hard mechanically, but its difficult cognitively, as most folks (I don't) think in terms of momentum. A key component (so I'm told) in air to air combat is mastering the use of energy, energy from the engines, energy from altitude and gravity, drag maneuvers, etc. All utilized to try and gain an edge over the opponent.
In most Traveller games, maneuver is not particularly important, outside of range. Get close, stuff hits, things die. But that's all that matters. Getting close. Speed, facing, etc., not so much. This is why an abstract range band system works just fine for Traveller combat.
For example, if the game system models closest approach (I don't recall in B2/Mayday does or not, BL does I think) then things like closing speed don't make any difference. Simply fly by, figure out how close each ship got during the fly by, and blast away. That fact that you started the turn 10 hexes away from the target, and ended the turn 10 hexes past it, doesn't make any difference if got within 2 hexes in the first place.
It makes for tedious game play, however.
If you ever played the early video game Space War, that's what it was. Newtonian ships flying around, making passes, and blasting away when they got close. As a player, I just turned and burned. I mashed down the thrust key, turned wildly, and spammed the fire button. In the closeness of the arena of the screen, and speed of the ships, it was kinetic fun based as much on reaction time as anything else.
However, if it takes several minutes for the ships to "turn and burn" and make effective passes, that just crushes the action of the game play.
The game gets vastly more interesting if bearing and facing come into play. Flying up on to somebodies "six" so you can zap them with impunity. It just doesn't really make that much sense in any kind of pseudo-realistic space game, especially not at the ranges that Traveller typically engages at, as well as the time frames of the turns.
BL models this by making facing a factor, and facing is limited if you're accelerating. If you're not accelerating, there's nothing to stop you from turning the ship in any direction you like. So if you're being chased, turn off the motor, spin around, and start blasting away as the pursuer closes. In BL, the more you accelerated during a turn, the less you had leeway in setting the facing for that turn.
So, even with that freedom, its easy to see why in simpler systems, facing is disregarded. In the end, how much does it really impact the result of the combat if when ships are "close" they're likely facing each other anyway.