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Peer of the Realm
The history of 'Voodoo', a Ship's Gunner in the PbP game Diplo-Crisis.

Unobtainable Early Biography:

Milen Zhivkov Cioaba was born to a family of the Romani people living in a crowded urban mega-city called “New Bangkok” located in a small Industrial Tech country on an Early Interstellar Tech balkanized world. His father was a craftsman of gold and silver charms and his mother was a fortune teller. When Milen was eleven years old, a popular Charismatic Dictator arose and gained a following among the urban poor. The major world governments set in motion an anti-psion campaign to discredit the rebel leader and his followers. Both movements eventually spread beyond the ability of anyone to control, ending in a worldwide civil war known to the people who survived as the ‘Night of Fire’. For nearly four months, chaos and fighting raged in the streets, nations were divided, governments fell and the movement to unify the planet to help the poor was utterly crushed. Only the landing of Imperial Marines and the conversion of the most unstable regions to ‘Captive Governments’ restored peace to the world.

That is not what Milen remembers of the ‘Night of Fire’.

In New Bangkok, the wealthy live at the top of 2 kilometer tall towers with balconies that open into the clean air high above the permanent haze that blankets the surrounding countryside for kilometers in every direction. The middle class skilled workers and managers live in the middle levels of the giant towers with sealed windows and filtered air in assigned housing blocks paid for by the mega-corporation masters who controlled every aspect of their life. At the base of each tower are the factories and offices where the corp-types work. Surrounding the towers is the sprawl, home to 80 percent of the planetary population. The sprawl is a collection of unregulated buildings that vary from 3 to 8 stories tall buried beneath a continuous blanket of haze (tainted atmosphere) and often in the shadow of a super-tower. In the sprawl, 70% of the children die before the age of 18 and the median life expectancy for an adult is only in the 40’s. The sprawl provided inexpensive expendable labor for jobs too dangerous for an educated worker and too complex for a machine. For Milen’s family, the sprawl was ‘home’.

Milen’s first indication that something was different was awakening to find light pouring through his window. A strange red light that danced across the walls and ceiling. The tower was burning and the streets of the sprawl were full of angry people, fighting. Suddenly, Milen’s father bursts into the room and jerks him from the bed. He caries the frightened 13 year old boy to a secret closet in the master bedroom and orders him to stay there until he returns – no matter what happens, Milan is not to leave that closet or to make a sound. Shouts from the hall. The crash of the front door being broken down. His father shutting the door to the secret room and the click of the lock. His father shouts from another room and his mother screams. Smoke and unbearable heat fills the secret room, then the sprinklers go off soaking everything. Four days hungry, cold and wet hiding in a dark closet. Strange noises. Shouts in the distance. Automatic gunfire.

Then on the fifth day, heavy footsteps. Crash, the wall is breached. An Imperial Marine in Battle dress lifts the limp boy from the floor and delivers him to a Marine Field Medic. A grav vehicle flight to a temporary tent-hospital, an IV in a bed, Navy Doctor/medics, and a refugee shelter in another part of the city. Milen leaves the camp a 13 year old emancipated minor.

Returning to his home, Milen finds it looted and burned. The clothes on his back and his mother’s Tarot cards are his only possessions. He eventually learns that a mob whipped into an anti-Psion frenzy was determined to eradicate all suspected psions from New Bangkok. His father was beaten to death protecting his mother, and she was covered in fuel and burned alive in the apartment. There are a lot of orphans in New Bangkok after the ‘Night of Fire’ and the sprawl is more dangerous than before. Milan finds a new family in a local street gang – and is given the new name ‘Voodoo’ because of his ability to read the Tarot cards (a skill he learned from his mother). He never uses his birth name again.

[OOC: Milen has no birth certificate. He has never been to a doctor. He has never been to school. He never spoke to the Marines/Navy. It is unlikely that even Spyder, who recruited Voodoo into the gang knows his ‘birth’ name. Voodoo is his real name.]

The experience left many impressions on Voodoo, but one which might be less obvious is this: Voodoo has a reverential respect for anyone who is an Imperial Marine. Wealth and titles do not impress Voodoo. To him, a Marine represents the pinnacle of human achievement – the ultimate representation of unstoppable power harnessed for the protection of the weak. What can top that?

Age 13: Initial Gang Activity
The turmoil following the ‘Night of Fire’, Imperial occupation and collapse of the National government saw a dramatic rise in Gang related activity as the citizens of New Bangkok struggled to survive and rebuild under foreign occupation. The Metro Police were eventually forced to turn to Canine Units to run down gang members through their warrens of alleys and storm sewers.

Everyone in a gang is expected to pull his own weight, including 13 year old Voodoo. One of his earliest ‘jobs’ is in ‘Search and Rescue’ against the Police Dogs. When the older members commit a crime, they have new members standing by ‘just in case’. If the Metro Police send dogs after the thieves, the young members lead the dogs off the track and escape through an opening too small for the dog to follow. One of his early missions goes wrong and Voodoo is attacked by a dog and captured by the police. Voodoo is arrested, charged with ‘obstruction of justice’ and serves 30 days in a juvenile detention center. Spyder, the gang member training Voodoo, is furious and calls for Voodoo’s expulsion as unfit for membership in the gang, but Voodoo keeps his mouth shut and serves his time. Upon his release, Spyder is waiting to welcome Voodoo into the gang as a full member … “Blood to Blood and Cradle to Grave” … but still had doubts that the kid will make it in the long term. Voodoo has made an enemy and learns to use a pistol (Handgun-0)

Age 14-15: Early Gang Activity

As a full member, Voodoo is under more pressure to make money for the group. Using his basic knowledge of the Tarot cards to screen new members, Voodoo begins to remake the gang's image and builds their reputation among the other gangs. He also makes contacts in the press, becoming an informer and slanting the news against the police tactics and towards more sympathy for the gangs. But burglary and theft pay the bills. The Tarot gives Voodoo an edge in planning crimes and knowing when to walk away. He quickly starts running a 3 man crew (including Spyder – a talented second story man) that pulls in a 40,000 credits per man bonus in the first year. More importantly, they leave no hard evidence or witnesses behind, so the worst that ever happenes is a member gets questioned and released.

Voodoo turns out to be his own worst enemy. His crew’s success leads to it growing to a 6 man crew (increasing the profile of the jobs and the danger to each member) while prompting the Metro police to establish a Special Task Force to deal with the spike in high profile crime by gangs. More planning maintains the record of leaving no evidence or witnesses (which means no arrests or convictions), but the bonuses drop to a more modest 17,000 credits per man.

Voodoo masters the Tarot.
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Voodoo part 2

Age 16: Interurban Gang Activity

‘Big fish eat little fish’ is a law of nature – and of the streets. The success of one particular gang in New Bangkok (and one team in particular) did not go unnoticed by larger criminal organizations. Talks led to negotiations that led to an alliance and “The Fist” of New Bangkok were absorbed into a larger nation-wide organized crime network.

Suddenly, Voodoo finds himself involved in planning Felonies in strange cities with professional criminals. The problem with being a ‘kid’ among adults is getting people to listen to your warnings. The cards say they needed to walk away from a job, but Voodoo is outvoted by the other members of the 4 man team, who see only the prize to be won. The job falls apart and the team walks away empty handed, but not without leaving behind overwhelming physical evidence that is discovered by the Department of Public Safety’s Special Task Force on Interurban Crime. Everyone is arrested (including Voodoo) and one of the crew turns state’s evidence.

Voodoo is charged as a violent juvenile, is unable to make his 100,000 credit bail, and declines a plea bargain for 5 years in prison. He draws both a competent prosecutor and a competent public defender, an honest judge that favors the defendants rights, and an impartial jury. The physical evidence against Voodoo is only circumstantial, but the witnesses are overwhelmingly against him (a second team member also testifies against him). Voodoo takes the stand and manages to sway some of the jury, but it is not enough. The verdict comes back “Guilty” and Voodoo is sentenced to 13 years in a Psychiatric Prison to undergo Drug Therapy in hopes of rehabilitating him.

The transport from the city jail to the Psychiatric Prison is attacked by Spyder, who kills everyone on board to leave no witnesses and helps Voodoo escape to Startown … “Blood to Blood and Cradle to Grave”. Voodoo and Spyder are friends for life.

Running with the big dogs, makes Voodoo Streetwise.

Age 17: Organized Crime Activity

Spyder and Voodoo cruise into Startown and connect with a planet-wide organized crime syndicate. Voodoo is assigned to intelligence gathering and working heavily with smuggling operations. Voodoo finds himself playing cat and mouse games with the SPA and quickly develops ties to off-world smugglers and organized crime. It is during this period that Vinnie the Suit visits the world and spots Voodoo’s underutilized talents.

A simple handgun will no longer suffice when moving large quantities of valuable contraband, so Voodoo upgrades his pistol for a SMG and learns how to use it. A simple exchange goes bad when the 6 man crew of a Merchant/Smuggler, desperate for cash, decide to try to take the money and keep the drugs. Voodoo and Spyder come prepared to leave nobody alive and walk away without the drugs. Voodoo is questioned by the SPA and released and Spyder breaks the news to the Syndicate. The Syndicate is furious and accuses them of screwing up a simple operation and loosing their drugs.

Spyder and Voodoo feel trapped with nowhere to turn, but the cards said to turn to Vinnie the Suit (but not to trust him completely). The two tell Vinnie everything that happened and turn over the 2.5 MCr in Syndicate cash that they still have. Vinnie takes two new acquaintances ‘under his wing’ and arranges transportation off-world, a pair of genuine Imperial SPA Issued passports (with no homeworld listed), and 25,000 credits in pocket money for each of them.

Voodoo goes into ‘Security’ for Smuggling operations, and Spyder becomes Vinnie’s ‘errand boy’ and, eventually, his strong right arm.

Age 18-19: Security aboard Courier (Drug/Gun Runner) ‘Whiskey Tango Foxtrot’

Voodoo finds his new life does not welcome him with open arms, but his ‘sponsor’ can be persuasive. He signs aboard a reluctant courier as ‘Security’, but Vinnie the Suit makes it clear that it is the integrity of the cargo and not the safety of the ship that Voodoo is guarding – ‘like your life depends on it’.

His first year is one of proving himself trustworthy. Starting out with simple routine ‘bread and butter’ deliveries and working his way up to ‘special’ cargoes with specific delivery instructions. With loyalty and success comes recognition, promotion and reward – including a 25,000 credit bonus for the skillful handling of a difficult job that went bad on the other end.

Bigger ‘small packages’ lead Voodoo deeper into the world of organized crime and missions that involve getting your hands dirty. Smuggling gradually gives way to inside jobs and piracy. Voodoo ends up running the security team for a special operation that ends in Voodoo getting shot, a lot of dead bodies and a 35,000 credit bonus. With the attention that this draws, Vinnie decides to relocate his asset and protect his investment. Voodoo has no objections to that.

All the waiting, hiding, and shipboard drills gives Voodoo a chance to learn Gambling and a basic familiarity with Vacc Suits.

Age 20-21: Security aboard Merchant (Bulk Smuggler) ‘Brass Monkey’

Voodoo is signed aboard the ‘Brass Monkey’ as security, but being a ‘family ship’, he is quickly cross trained to increase his usefulness. For a while the assignments are all fairly quiet ones with no surprises and professionals at both ends. Voodoo performs miscellaneous grunt work, being the new man on ship, and endless Gunnery drills.

When a government crackdown dries up the easy money, the ‘Brass Monkey’ up-guns and moves into piracy. Voodoo gets lots of practice with that triple laser turret and develops a reputation for being able to disable a ship with minimal damage.

Business is good until a captured liner turns out to have among its passengers two Imperial Ministry of Justice Marshals transporting an illegal Psion to the Behavioral Conditioning Holding Center. Voodoo turns on his crewmates, killing the IMOJ Marshals, several pirates and over a dozen bystanders before escaping with the Psion and 100,000 credits in ‘family’ money (that he and the Psion spend escaping). That was the last contact that Voodoo had with Vinnie the Suit or organized crime.

[The IMOJ launched a detailed investigation, with some speculation that Psions had infiltrated the IMOJ. An IMOJ bulletin was sent to all law enforcement agencies listing Voodoo as a ‘person of interest’ wanted for questioning. Voodoo is not a suspect and the bulletin asks only that the IMOJ be notified of Voodoo’s movements if he arrives or leaves.]

[Psions as a subculture, are naturally suspicious of strangers and often cautious with new ‘friends’ (hardly surprising when much of the Imperium wants to imprison and either experiment on or lobotomize you). Killing a large number of people with a SMG, including members of the IMOJ, to rescue a Psion from Imperial custody goes a very long way towards establishing credentials. An unexpected consequence of this impulsive act is that Voodoo is known in underground Psion circles as a sympathizer to the cause. Psi Institute operatives have contacted him on one other occasion for assistance and Voodoo helped smuggle them off world. Voodoo is unaware that he would probably be welcome in any Psi Institute as a patron of the cause.]

His time spent conducting and observing business aboard the ‘Brass Monkey’ left Voodoo with a basic understanding of market forces (Trader-1).
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Voodoo part 3

Age 22: Security aboard Free Trader ‘Nelson’
Voodoo signs aboard the Free Trader ‘Nelson’ under the command of Captain Briggs (Imperial Navy, Retired) as ship’s security on a trial basis (His papers and background don’t sit too well with the Captain, but he likes to give a man a chance ‘to prove his mettle’. The ‘Nelson’ doesn’t land enough legitimate trade to pay the bills, so the captain turns to smuggling to make up the shortfall. Voodoo is assigned to general security for the big mission. What is advertised as a simple ‘pick-up’ from an Amber Zone (bypassing the planetary starport and bureaucracy), actually ends up closer to a strike mission into a Red Zone. Voodoo’s ability to anticipate an ambush (and handle a SMG) quickly earned him a permanent place on the crew and validates the handle ‘Voodoo’. A series of running firefights into the warehouse and back to the ship with the cargo, give Voodoo a chance to improve his SMG skill. The smuggling mission proves a great financial success and Voodoo earns a 50,000 credit bonus.

Age 23-25: Gunner aboard Free Trader ‘Nelson’
With a year of history behind him, Voodoo is officially listed aboard the ship’s roster as a Gunner. This year luck smiles on the ‘Nelson’ and the ship lands a lucrative charter. The turrets prove mostly for show in the relatively safe trips, but Voodoo is used for the personal security of the client during the trade negotiations. Watching a master at work, Voodoo picks up a basic familiarity with the art of Bribery.

All good things must come to an end, and that includes the safe, quiet charters. Once again, passengers and freight do not cover the bills for the ‘Nelson’, but this time the Captain and crew have enough money to pool together and try speculative trade. The reality is that the best place to sell many cargoes at the highest possible price, are not particularly safe. Pirate raids, civil wars and sales that end in gunfights keep life exciting. Voodoo distinguishes himself at one particular world when the ‘Nelson’ comes to the aid of a liner under attack by two raiders – the story even makes the papers and Voodoo gets a brief mention by name and a promotion to Chief Gunner. Combat improves his Gunnery skill.

The speculation gradually moves to safer routes and the Captain starts to build up a better network of contacts. Passengers and Freight never cover the bills on a long-term basis, but the speculative trade finally starts to show a steady profit. Voodoo earns a 2500 credit bonus that he manages to parley into 5000 credits and a SMG pistol with his improved gambling skill.

Voodoo (age 26) 6A7944
Gambling-2, Gunner-2, SMG-2
Artistic-1**, Streetwise-1, Trader-1
Handgun-0, Bribery-0, VaccSuit-0

**Tarot Cards

Equipment: Locked Box with SMG pistol and Cr 195,000 cash.
2,000 credits cash in money belt; Passport; Tarot Cards.
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