Originally posted by stofsk:
That article is so full of holes salamander.
Such as?
Actually, don't bother. I'm not trying to start an anti-SW flamethread. I'd be happy to discuss why I think the SW movies are badly written but not at the risk of having anyone feel I'm attacking him for liking Star Wars.
My point is only this: lightsabres work in the SW universe. They were designed into the SW universe.
I don't think they work in the Traveller universe, in any of its rulesets. My proof of this is that they don't exist in any of its rulesets.
The polite way is to say that David Brin not only is an idiot but can't analyse a literary piece while providing accurate evidence (did you see any quotes from the scripts? I sure as hell didn't). His argument is full of varied negative assumptions about Star Wars, none of which he bothers to justify with direct quotation, or any form of analysis. He praises Star Trek while ignoring its glaring faults (the kind of faults that make otherwise rational human beings throw the remote at the TV).
I won't bite. And I'm sorry that referencing the article comes across as a flame against SW. Well, okay, it
is a flame against Star Wars, but I have no desire to flame fans of the Star Wars universe.
He may be a writer, but a critic? Not a very good one.
If you are in agreement, we'll just disagree here.
As for the lightsabre being a silly idea -
In the Traveller universe, yes.
lets see, in the Star Wars universe you have a lightsabre with unlimited ammo,
Dude, no personal weapon has unlimited ammo in the Traveller setting or rulesets. This is a serious question of game balance. A TL
15 laser rifle still requires a power pack in most rulesets. The kind of power supply needed to drive a SW lightsabre does not exist at Traveller[ruleset] TL's. If you have a bunch of mystic dudes running around the Spinward Marches with these things, the whole of canonical Traveller[setting] gets altered. Fine, if you want to run your campaign that way, but you will have people pointing out that this doesn't make
sense from a Traveller[setting] point of view.
is nondescript and easily concealable, only used by the Jedi elite in the First Place,
Traveller[setting] doesn't have anything to approximate the Jedi elite. Psionics have been rigorously repressed. If you have Jedis, you wind up playing a "saifai" RPG using Traveller[ruleset]. That's fine, but it is a point of departure from people who enjoy using Traveller as a
setting as well as a ruleset. But it's YTU: DWTWSBTWOTL.
can be used to deflect blaster bolts, and can even use them to redirect the said bolts to strike the attacker.
Traveller[ruleset] doesn't have blasters. Though laser weapons and P/FGMPs exist, most characters, NPC or otherwise, are going to be using slugthrowers. As I've been trying to point out in this thread, this defensive advantage is useless against CPR or MD slugthrowers because their rate of fire is several orders of magnitude greater than what's available in the SW universe.
Seriously, are you going to tell me that a Jedi can stand in front of a vehicle-mounted VRF Gauss Gun and deflect
4,000 rounds per minute with his lightsabre? A Traveller TL 9 ACR has an ROF of ~ 600 rpm. Will a Jedi be able to stand his ground and deflect the entire clip of HEAP rounds that my character just emptied at him?
I've never played any SW RPG, but the movies do not use even basic modern infantry tactics: there's no area denial; no suppressive fire or beaten zones; no rolling barrages; StormTroopers don't seem to have a sophisticated understanding of bounding overwatch and they all fire stockless laser carbines
from the hip.
Napoleonic formations just don't work in the face of rapid-fire, autoloading slugthrowers and breech-loading artillery with several-km ranges. There's a reason why these tactics went out of style, yet they're still being employed "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away".
I repeat: give me a BatRon, a decent artillery battery and a reinforced Marine battalion and I will solve a whole bunch of the Rebellion's problems.
Lastly, you can use it to cut your Christmas turkey.
Except that it cauterizes everything that it cuts. I can't imagine
that's going to taste good in turkey sandwich. Well, maybe with enough mayonnaise...
I agree that you
can play Traveller with Jedis and lightsabres: I just don't understand why you'd
want to. In order to make lightsabres work in Traveller, you need to change so many things about the rules and the setting that you may as well just play Star Wars.
Here endeth My Not-So-Humble-Opinion.
Brought to you by the letter "J"