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Weapons - INDEX Thread


Weapons for your Classic Traveller game.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.
Third Imperium is a Classic Traveller fanzine, no available free on the net HERE.

Third Imperium #2.

Inside the FGMP-14

Third Imperium #3

TL 1 Battle Axe
TL 1 Bagh Nakh
TL 2 Blackjack
TL 1 Boomerang
TL 2 Bullwhip
TL 1 Caltrop

TL 5 Cattleprod
TL 6 Chainsaw

TL 5 Flamethrower

TL 1 Garotte
TL 8 Electro-Garotte
TL 13 Ultra-Wire Garotte

TL 2 Shuriken

TL 15 Stunner

Third Imperium #4

Starship Missile Designs

Inside the Gauss Rifle

Third Imperium #5

TL 14 Rocket Pistol

Third Imperium #7

Inside the Disintegrator

Third Imperium #9

Alternate Laser Power Packs

Inside the AutoPistol

Third Imperium #10

TL 6 Speed Loader
TL 7+ Trigger Lock

TL 11 Combat Sentry

TL 10 Variable-Output Laser

Customized Weapons
Far Traveller is a Classic Traveller magazine published by FASA. It ran for only two issues.

Far Traveller #1

(Various) Small Arms Accessories
High Passage is a Classic Traveller magazine published by FASA. It ran for five issues.

High Passage #1

Book 1 Weapons (discussion and illustration).

High Passage #2

Book 4 Small Arms (discussion and illustration).

High Passage #3

Book 4 Support Weapons (discussion and illustration).
The "Viper", a three-shot concealable revolver that fires a very low velocity 12.5mm HEAP round. Wildly inaccurate at anything but point blank range, but will punch through cloth armor if it hits. Made of non-metallic components; illegal at Law Level 1+. A favorite on higher tech worlds where police wear body armor. This is a "top break" revolver like the British Webley revolver.

CT Stats:

Close: +0
Short: -1
Medium, Long, Very Long: no

None, Jack, Reflec: +2
Mesh: +1
Cloth: +1
Ablat: +2
Combat: -2

Damage: 4D

DEX: 10+ (+1): 5- (-1)

Wt/Cost: 500g, cr1,000+

125mm long (5")

Ammo is hard to get and illegal anywhere that the weapon is illegal. If ammo can be found, it usually costs cr5 per bullet (roll 10+ per week to find ammo; +Streetwise, -2 if Law Level 6+, 3d6 rounds found).

The Viper is almost as concealable as the Body Pistol and is made of non-metallic components. On a concealment roll, treat it as a Body Pistol, with a negative DM of -1 due to its somewhat larger size.

Striker: Eff Rng: C (5 meters) Long Range C (10 meters) Extreme Rng: 15 meters. Penetration at all ranges: 6
TL 9 Cordless Heavy Nailer

This is a cordless "nail gun" that carpenters use to fire heavy nails into wood or metal. It comes with a normal power pack appropriate for carpentry. However, it can take a much more powerful power pack, which turns it into a lethal close range weapon. (This modification is used by carpenters when they need to drive nails into particularly dense materials.)

The device is popular with criminals on worlds that have high law levels because it isn't typically classified as a weapon and therefore is usually exempt from gun ordinances.


Close: +1
Short: +0
Medium: -8
Long, V Long: no

None, Jack, Reflec: +1
Mesh: -3
Cloth: -5
Ablat: -3
Combat: -10

Damage: 3D (1D normal power pack)
Ammo: 100 (normal pack will fire about 200 before needing recharge; high power pack will fire 10)

Length: 250mm (10")
Wt: 4000g

Cost: cr250; comes with normal power pack and charger.
Ammo Cost: cr10 per 100
High Power Pack with Charger: cr100
I'll post something soon, maybe, but isn't this what the 'Ships Locker' thread is for?
And shouldn't the NPCs go under the 'Adventurers' thread?
And the Animals under Bestiary?

Just asking. Not really sure what your aim is.
Under Barrel Shotgun (UBS) -- a shotgun subsystem that mounts under the barrel of a Rifle, Automatic Rifle, Assault Rifle, Carbine or ACR (replacing the integral grenade launcher).

This allows the Rifle, Automatic Rifle, Assault Rifle, etc., to be fired as a Shotgun -1 instead of normally. The UBS holds 4 rounds. The UBS adds 2500g of weight and fires normal shotgun ammunition. Use DEX mods for shotguns.

Cost: cr500 TL8.
SORAG published by Paranoia Press

(These weapons are used by SORAG agents.)

TL 3 Garrote

TL 7 Throwing Knife

TL 8 Grenade Pistol

TL 8 Small Arms System (multiple configuration weapon)

TL 8 Hypo Gun with Armor Piercing Rounds

TL 8 Hypo Gun with Tracer Rounds

Personal Firearm customization rules.
SORAG published by Paranoia Press

(These weapons are used by SORAG agents.)

TL 3 Garrote

TL 7 Throwing Knife

TL 8 Grenade Pistol

TL 8 Small Arms System (multiple configuration weapon)

TL 8 Hypo Gun with Armor Piercing Rounds

TL 8 Hypo Gun with Tracer Rounds

Personal Firearm customization rules.
The Adjutant

Lists some military weapons that can be used in a Book 4, AHL, or Striker influenced game. Weapon stats are only given in Striker terms. See the VEHICLES Index thread for more info.

Here's an example of the type of detail included in The Adjutant materials:

The M-25 is an SMG issued to Special Operations units and Planetary Guard. It fires a 5mm, 125 grain bullet and may also be loaded with the 5mm LAPEX round (Light Armor Piercing, EXplosive tipped). A selectable fire rate is provided with 1, 3, and full automatic fire. Ammunition is held in a 50 round detachable magazine that feeds into the bottom of the stock forward of the hand guard. An integral battery and sensor in each magazine provides a digital display, in the scope or HUD, with the number of rounds left in the magazine.

This system is augmented with a single round, 30mm, cold shot RAM grenade launcher mounted under the 5mm barrel. A two-stage pump lever is used to eject spent casings and load fresh ones. This launcher is fired via a switch loacated above and forward of the magazine port. A wide variety of grenades are available, the most common of which are listed in the next entry.

Constructed of high strength plastics and carbon graphite coposits, as well as lightweight metal alloys, it is fully field stripable. Sighting is accomplished with a Laser Target Designator tied to the helmet HUD display on the M65 Armor suit or via a small-screen enhanced electronic video sight display at the rear of the sight. This sight is fitted with thermal and enhanced optical systems.

Complete Striker stats and illustration for the weapon follow this description.
In the CT-Striker Yahoo group... I have a whole couple of files of new weapons for Traveller. You can just ignore the "Close" range band to make them compatible with Classic Striker (The weapons are intended for use with Striker III, which I have begun working on again now that I am out of school for a while...)

Anyone who wants to contribute... Come by the yahoo group...
TL 5-11 GPMG

Pegasus #9, the gaming magazine published by Judges Guild, brings us CT players an interesting article on the General Purpose Machine Gun.

This is a long article, stretching over a page, discussing all aspects of this weapon, its many uses, and its many versions. Complete weapon stats included.
The link to the Yahoo group is:


You will need to join the group, and then look in the files section for the Striker III folder.

In the Striker III playtest folder are two files the begin with "Personal Weapons..."

They contain slug throwers and Energy weapons.

I would LOVE to re-post them here, but looking at the formats... It would have to be in a font so small that no-one could read it... Plus, I would have to pull all of the data out of the tables that they are written into in MS Word...

Eventually, somtime this summer I will probably have my own web-page up for the Striker III project. I am hoping to make it T5 compatible, so I will need input from any of you who have knowledge of the comat system for T5...
Pistols in Different Worlds #21

Article includes discussion and stats for three pistols for CT: TL 6 Machine Pistol, TL 13 Gauss Pistol, and a TL 15 Plasma Pistol.

Both CT and AHL/Striker stats are included. Also included is the AHL/Striker stats for the Laser Pistol mentioned in Mission on Mithril.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">ARMOR TABLE
No Ja Me Cl Re Ab Ba
Machine Pistol +2 +2 0 -1 +2 0 -3
Gauss Pistol +3/+6 +3/+6 +1/+4 0/+2 +3/+6 +3/+6 -3/-1
Plasma Pistol +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 0</pre>[/QUOTE]</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">RANGE TABLE
Machine Pistol -2 +4 -1 -3 no
Gauss Pistol 0/0 +2/+2 +1/+3 0/+2 -3/-1
Plasma Pistol no 0 +2 +1 0</pre>[/QUOTE]</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">OTHER MODIFIERS and DAMAGE
Min DEX Adv DEX Damage
Machine Pistol 8/-2 11/+1 3D
Gauss Pistol 8/-2 11/+2 4D
Plasma Pistol 9/-3 12/+1 8D</pre>[/QUOTE]The Striker stats below include the Laser Pistol from the Mission on Mithril adventure.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Ammo Weapon Effective(8+) Long (10+) Extreme(12+)
20(4) Machine 10(1)+2 20(0)+1 40(0)+0
40(4) Gauss 60(4)+2 120(2)+1 200(1)+0
Plasma 100(8) 200(6) ----
Laser 60(5) 120(3) 200(1)</pre>[/QUOTE]Note that I can think of two other versions of the Gauss Pistol. One is on pg. 33 of Striker Book 3, and the other is listed on pg. 43 of JTAS #13.

Regular CT stats for the Laser Pistol is on pg. 3 of JTAS #2.

This is an INDEX thread. Please post comments to a new thread in order to keep this one clean.
Flamethrowers in Dragon #116

Several flamethrowers and things like asbestos spray presented in an article. Stats for gameplay included.

This is an INDEX thread. Please post comments to a new thread in order to keep this one clean.
High-Tech Weapons in White Dwarf #11

Several weapons, with stats, presented. A sampling: Concussion Rifle, Incindiary Rifle, Anagun, Power Holster, Pellet Grenades, and the like.

Laser Sword / Laser Foil in White Dwarf #24

For those of you who want a touch of Star Wars in your Traveller games.

Weapon Availability Rules in White Dwarf #33

Provides rules for finding weapons during the players' travels.

Additional Traveller Weapons in White Dwarf #33

Several new weapons are described, presented with complete stats. Examples: Snub Rifle, Shock Disablers, Needle Rifle, Heavy Body Pistol, etc.

This is an INDEX thread. Please post comments to a new thread in order to keep this one clean.
Archaic Missile Weapons in Best of JTAS #3

includes both mechanical missile projectors (sling, short bow, long bow, composite bow, light crossbow, heavy crossbow) and fire-arms (Arquebus, matchlock musket, wheellock pistol, flintlock musket, smoothbore flintlock pistol, flintlock rifle, rifled flintlock pistol, percussion rifle, percussion pistol)
Archaic Missile Weapons in Best of JTAS #3

includes both mechanical missile projectors (sling, short bow, long bow, composite bow, light crossbow, heavy crossbow) and fire-arms (Arquebus, matchlock musket, wheellock pistol, flintlock musket, smoothbore flintlock pistol, flintlock rifle, rifled flintlock pistol, percussion rifle, percussion pistol)