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Web-based Automatic Sector Data / Map pdf Generator


Hi folks.

I know these things get whipped up all the time, but I got on a roll after re-reading some of my old LBB's last year, so I wrote a sector data/map generator that accepts sector files or randomly generates a sector, and then outputs text files containing all the relevant data and pdf's with formatting and design very similar to that of the original LBB's.


I used some choice old Unix-based Traveller software (James Perkins' SW4) and created a web-based random sector generator script that accepts a URL and returns a high-res pdf file. The quality and speed exceeded what I initially thought possible, so I thought I'd pass along the info and see if others can benefit.

Yes, I do hope to be hosting this on my public web server soon, with a bunch of improvements to come as I'm inspired. If you'd like to see a live demo (in other words, to see it running on my personal machine), please feel free to contact me via email.

After you install the required components (see script), merely pass the sectorname and the desired % of systems via a URL: http://[servername]/SectorMaker.cgi?Sector-TL4826+41

And presto, in around 30 - 45 seconds, you've got a choice, printable pdf of a Classic Traveller sector. It contains system names, UPP listings and a hexmap for each subsector - a brand new sector, chock full of gaming possibilities!


Update: now with color option:

In addition, each generated doc can optionally contain a 'descriptions' section, that breaks the UPP down into easy-to-read text using the 'full-upp' program.


Once my upload has been approved in the admin queue, you can see a sample of the untouched output (scroll through the pages!) here:
http://micki001.cnc.net/trav/Seneh.pdf (1mb)
http://micki001.cnc.net/trav/Seneh_secdata (28k)
http://micki001.cnc.net/trav/Seneh_desc.txt (268k)

The text of the SectorMaker.cgi is located here:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">#!/bin/sh

# SectorMaker.cgi
# by Micki Kaufman micki001@concentric.net
# I was looking at my LBB collection, and got an idea, so voila!
# Presenting the Traveller Sector Guidebook .cgi script. Creates and returns
# a high-resolution (vector-art) pdf containing the sector data and hexmaps,
# listed subsector by subsector.
# Requires:
# - James M. Perkins' Traveller software programs
# http://traveller.mu.org/archive/software/SW4
# - Paul J. Netherwood's Traveller program 'full-upp'
# http://seegras.discordia.ch/Roleplay/Traveller/Software/FullUPP.tgz
# - Christopher Pound's language confluxer
# http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~pound/revised-lc
# - pstopdf
# (built in on Mac OSX)
# - enscript
# (built in on Mac OSX)
# - joinPDF
# http://www.iis.ee.ic.ac.uk/~g.briscoe/joinPDF
# - pdftk
# http://www.pdfhacks.com/pdftk/
# Using sector tools, the sector data and individual subsector data is
# created, and the PostScript hexmap is generated. Using pstopdf, the PostScript
# hexmap is converted to a pdf. Using enscript, the text sector data is
# converted to a PostScript file. Still working on page size. using joinPDF, the
# pdf's are concatenated together. And then we serve it up!
# Still to come: data fields (containing name, date, etc.), Univers (yet monospaced)
formatted list.
# Far Future Enterprises Fair Use Notice:
# The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright
# 1977 - 1998 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far
# Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game,
# provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to
# a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are
# for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises’s
# copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files
# should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In
# addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or
# distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

#### First, here are the get_UPP and parse_SectorDescription functions.

### get_UPP (requires 'full-upp', installed in bin folder.

function get_UPP()
full-upp $2 > /tmp/$1uppo.txt
cat /tmp/$1uppo.txt /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/ret.txt > /tmp/$1upp.txt
chmod ugo+w /tmp/$1upp.txt /tmp/$1uppo.txt
#echo "Content-Type: application/text"
#echo " Filename: "$1upp.txt
echo ""
echo ""
echo $1
echo "Name: "$3
echo "UPP: "$2
echo ""
cat < /tmp/$1upp.txt
rm -rf /tmp/*upp.txt
rm -rf /tmp/*uppo.txt

### get_SectorDescriptions grabs each of the planet's descriptions (using the get_UPP
function on each) and then serves the whole thing up as a text file and pdf.

function get_SectorDescriptions()
while read LINE
get_UPP $LINE > /tmp/$1det$LINE.txt
done < /tmp/$1

cat /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/pageblanker.txt /tmp/$2title.txt
/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/ret.txt /tmp/$1det*.txt > /tmp/$1finaldet.txt


# Create .ps files from each datafile
enscript --word-wrap --margins=40:-50:0:40
--fancy-header='travellerpagenums' --header='|- $% -|'
--header-font=Univers9 /tmp/$1finaldet.txt -f Univers-Light8.25
--media=Traveller -q -p /tmp/$1out.ps

# Create .pdf files from each datafile .ps
pstopdf /tmp/$1out.ps -o /tmp/$1piecetemp.pdf

# Grab the pages, starting #36 (the prior 35 are blank to set up the numbering,
# since the pdftk program can't start the numbering at 36.
pdftk /tmp/$1piecetemp.pdf cat 36-end output /tmp/$1piecetempText.pdf

# Grab the first page of the descriptions
pdftk /tmp/$1piecetempText.pdf cat 1-1 output /tmp/$1piecetempIntro.pdf

# Place the 'World Descriptions' header on the first page, in keeping with the
# document's section headings.
pdftk /tmp/$1piecetempIntro.pdf background
/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/Desc_Background.pdf output /tmp/$1pieceDescIntroWithBack.pdf

# Grab the rest of the descriptions
pdftk /tmp/$1piecetempText.pdf cat 2-end output /tmp/$1pieceEnd.pdf

# Join the first page of descriptions (now with header) and the rest of the descriptions
pdftk /tmp/$1pieceDescIntroWithBack.pdf /tmp/$1pieceEnd.pdf cat output /tmp/$1piece.pdf


#### Now the main body of the script.


## Generate the custom cover

# Generate the text of the sector name
echo $1" Sector" > /tmp/$1seccover.txt

# Add a line to the sectorname for processing
cat /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/covercat.txt /tmp/$1seccover.txt > /tmp/$1seccover2.txt

# Turn it PostScript
enscript --word-wrap /tmp/$1seccover2.txt --margins=12:-100:264:40 -B -f
Optima-Italic32 --media=Traveller -q -p /tmp/$1seccover1.ps

# Turn the generated text white for the cover
sed 's/5 273 M/5 273 M 1 setgray/g' /tmp/$1seccover1.ps > /tmp/$1seccover.ps

# Make the generated text of the cover a pdf
pstopdf /tmp/$1seccover.ps -o /tmp/$1seccover1.pdf

# Combine the generated name and the background front cover pdf into the new sector front cover.
pdftk /tmp/$1seccover1.pdf background /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/SectorData_Cover.pdf
output /tmp/$1Cover.pdf

## Generate the back page

# For now, grab Jim Lovell's quote. Will accept a text field or a 'fortune' as well.
enscript /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/LovellQuote.txt --word-wrap
--margins=25:-90:100:160:40 -B -f Optima-Italic23 --media=Traveller -q -p /tmp/$1Back1.ps

# Make the generated text of the back cover a pdf
sed 's/5 302 M/5 302 M 1 setgray/g' /tmp/$1Back1.ps > /tmp/$1Back.ps

# Make the generated text of the back cover a pdf
pstopdf /tmp/$1Back.ps -o /tmp/$1Backtemp.pdf

# Combine the generated text and the background back cover pdf into the new sector back cover.
pdftk /tmp/$1Backtemp.pdf background /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/SectorData_Back.pdf
output /tmp/$1Back.pdf


## Generate the raw subsector data or import it

if [ $5 > 0 ]; then
cp /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/$5 /tmp/$1secdata
sed q /tmp/$1secdata > /tmp/$1secdataorighead

gensec3 $2 $3 > /tmp/$1secdataorig2

# Save the first line of the sector file ('Version' tag)
sed q /tmp/$1secdataorig2 > /tmp/$1secdataorighead

# Remove the first line for the text processing
sed '1d' /tmp/$1secdataorig2 > /tmp/$1secdataorig

## Generate the sector's system names

# Count the number of worlds generated
NUM_WORLDS=`wc -l /tmp/$1secdataorig | awk '{ print $1 }'`

# Grab the generated datafile's contents preceding and following the name
cut -b20-80 /tmp/$1secdataorig > /tmp/$1secdataorigBack

# Run the random word generator
perl /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/lc -$NUM_WORLDS
/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/namesmaster.txt > /tmp/$1namegrab1

# Grab the names from the file
sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,18\}$/& /;ta' /tmp/$1namegrab1 > /tmp/$1namegrab2

# Combine the three files into a new secdata file with the names inside
paste -d '\0' /tmp/$1namegrab2 /tmp/$1secdataorigBack > /tmp/$1secdatainterim

# paste the header back onto the sector data
cat /tmp/$1secdataorighead /tmp/$1secdatainterim > /tmp/$1secdata



#Create Title Text for Listings and Descriptions
echo ""$1""" Sector" > /tmp/$1title.txt

## Big Per-Subsector Loop Starts

for x in A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P; do

# Generate this subsector's data file
subsec2 S=$x < /tmp/$1secdata > /tmp/$1subsec$x

# Create a duplicate
sed '' /tmp/$1subsec$x > /tmp/$1subsecdata$x

# Reorder the ID on the datafile for output only
cut -b20-24 /tmp/$1subsecdata$x > /tmp/$1secdatareorderID
cut -b1-19 /tmp/$1subsecdata$x > /tmp/$1secdatareorderName
cut -b25-81 /tmp/$1subsecdata$x > /tmp/$subsecend$x
paste -d '\0' /tmp/$1secdatareorderID /tmp/$1secdatareorderName /tmp/$subsecend$x
> /tmp/$1subsecReorder$x

# Put the heading on top of this subsector's data file (for printing)
cat -u /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/introspace.txt /tmp/$1title.txt
/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/beginfile.txt /tmp/$1subsecReorder$x > /tmp/$1subsecOut$x

# Create .ps file from this subsector map, using PostScript format (for luscious printability!)

# Change the version number to trip the logic of the mapper
sed 's/3/2/g' /tmp/$1secdataorighead > /tmp/$1secdataorighead2

# Put the header on each subsector file
cat /tmp/$1secdataorighead2 /tmp/$1subsec$x > /tmp/$1subsecCalc$x

# Map each subsector's data
mapsub3 -p < /tmp/$1subsecCalc$x > /tmp/$1subsec$x.ps

# Create .pdf file from this subsectors map's .ps file
/usr/bin/pstopdf /tmp/$1subsec$x.ps -o /tmp/$1subsecinter$x.pdf

# Create .ps file from this subsectors data's file
enscript /tmp/$1subsecOut$x --margins=40:20:40:40 -B -f Courier8 --media=Traveller
-q -p /tmp/$1subsecdata$x.ps

# Create .pdf file from this subsector data's .ps file
/usr/bin/pstopdf /tmp/$1subsecdata$x.ps -o /tmp/$1subsecdatainter$x.pdf

# Place the generated data on a background with header and page number
pdftk /tmp/$1subsecdatainter$x.pdf background
output /tmp/$1subsecdata$x.pdf

# Place the generated map on a background with header and page number
pdftk /tmp/$1subsecinter$x.pdf background
output /tmp/$1subsec$x.pdf

#Each subsector's loop ends here

### Assemble final .pdf containing cover and each subsector's map and data

#Evaluate whether the fourth argument is higher than 1 (to bypass descriptions)


let "desc = desc + 1"

if [ "$needfordesc" -lt "$desc" ]; then # -n tests to see if the argument is non empty


# Bring it together with the right TOC (no 'world descriptions' line)
pdftk /tmp/$1Cover.pdf /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/SectorData_IntNoDesc.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataA.pdf /tmp/$1subsecA.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataB.pdf /tmp/$1subsecB.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataC.pdf /tmp/$1subsecC.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataD.pdf /tmp/$1subsecD.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataE.pdf /tmp/$1subsecE.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataF.pdf /tmp/$1subsecF.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataG.pdf /tmp/$1subsecG.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataH.pdf /tmp/$1subsecH.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataI.pdf /tmp/$1subsecI.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataJ.pdf /tmp/$1subsecJ.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataK.pdf /tmp/$1subsecK.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataL.pdf /tmp/$1subsecL.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataM.pdf /tmp/$1subsecM.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataN.pdf /tmp/$1subsecN.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataO.pdf /tmp/$1subsecO.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataP.pdf /tmp/$1subsecP.pdf
cat output /tmp/$1pre.pdf

# Combine the subsector pages into the final pdf and compress
pdftk /tmp/$1pre.pdf /tmp/$1Back.pdf cat output /tmp/$1.pdf compress

# Back up the relevant files in the survey archives
cp /tmp/$1.pdf /sectors/autogen/$1.pdf
cp /tmp/$1secdata /sectors/autogen/$1_secdata


# Cut and recombine the ID, UPP and NAME fields into a new list
cut -b20-24 /tmp/$1secdata > /tmp/$1secdatadescreformID
cut -b25-34 /tmp/$1secdata > /tmp/$1secdatadescreformSpaceUPP
cut -b1-18 /tmp/$1secdata > /tmp/$1secdatadescreformName
paste -d '\0' /tmp/$1secdatadescreformID /tmp/$1secdatadescreformSpaceUPP
/tmp/$1secdatadescreformName > /tmp/$1secdatareform
#sed -e 's/ /\+/' /tmp/$1secdatareform > /tmp/$1secdatareform2
#sed -e 's/-//' /tmp/$1secdatareform2 > /tmp/$1secdatareform3
sed -e 's/-//' /tmp/$1secdatareform > /tmp/$1secdatareform4
#sed -e 's/ /\+/' /tmp/$1secdatareform3 > /tmp/$1secdataform4
#sed '1d' /tmp/$1secdataform4 > /tmp/$1secdatadesc
sed '1d' /tmp/$1secdatareform4 > /tmp/$1secdatadesc

# Run the parser
get_SectorDescriptions $1secdatadesc $1


# Bring it together with the right TOC (w/ 'world descriptions' line)
pdftk /tmp/$1Cover.pdf /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/trav/SectorData_IntDesc.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataA.pdf /tmp/$1subsecA.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataB.pdf /tmp/$1subsecB.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataC.pdf /tmp/$1subsecC.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataD.pdf /tmp/$1subsecD.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataE.pdf /tmp/$1subsecE.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataF.pdf /tmp/$1subsecF.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataG.pdf /tmp/$1subsecG.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataH.pdf /tmp/$1subsecH.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataI.pdf /tmp/$1subsecI.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataJ.pdf /tmp/$1subsecJ.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataK.pdf /tmp/$1subsecK.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataL.pdf /tmp/$1subsecL.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataM.pdf /tmp/$1subsecM.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataN.pdf /tmp/$1subsecN.pdf
/tmp/$1subsecdataO.pdf /tmp/$1subsecO.pdf /tmp/$1subsecdataP.pdf /tmp/$1subsecP.pdf
cat output /tmp/$1pre.pdf

# Combine the subsector pages and descriptions pages, plus covers into the final pdf and compress
pdftk /tmp/$1pre.pdf /tmp/$1secdatadescpiece.pdf /tmp/$1Back.pdf cat output /tmp/$1.pdf compress

#back up the relevant files in the survey archives
cp /tmp/$1.pdf /sectors/autogen/$1.pdf
cp /tmp/$1secdata /sectors/autogen/$1_secdata
sed '1,1998d' /tmp/$1secdatadescfinaldet.txt > /tmp/$1secdatadescfinaldet1.txt
cp /tmp/$1secdatadescfinaldet1.txt /sectors/autogen/$1_desc.txt

### And Serve (temporarily disabled till I fix the web server perms)

# CGI for presenting a pdf
#echo "Content-Type: application/pdf"
#echo " Filename: "$1.pdf
#echo ""
#cat < /tmp/$1.pdf

# And For the cgi's debug, verbose option
#echo " o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."
#echo " ."

#Shell script
echo " . $1 Sector containing" $NUM_WORLDS" worlds ("$2"%) took" $SECONDS "seconds to generate. "
#echo " ."

#Clean up
rm -rf /tmp/$1*</pre>[/QUOTE]In any case, you can download all the text files you'll need right here.

Still to come - trying to get the subsector data pages' font to the correct Univers (while maintaining the monospacing), background art and headers, consistent page numbers, and maybe trade routes (although I liked creating those in the course of past campaigns).

If anyone would like help using it, please let me know!

Thanks, Micki
I think it's 2.2 mb because it's got a buncha fonts and images in it, and it's not compressed. I'll see about compressing it, etc. to reduce the size to the max (or rather, the min)
Thanks guys! I started playing Traveller in the late 70's, when I was around 10 years old (my cousin is a game writer) and I've had my LBB's and the new Collector's Reprints in a place of honor ever since!

Soon this will be hosted on a persistent server, so you can generate a pdf on demand when you need one

I must admit, I've been looking for something like this.

I can hardly wait for the posted version and the sample to get 'cleared'.
Oh, all right!

Here's a direct link to my website, where I've posted it (along with the sector data and description files:

And a special bonus: here's a URL to a pdf that I generated from the existing Spinward Marches datafile, on my own web site: http://micki001.cnc.net/trav/SpinwardMarchespre.pdf

And the Foreven sector, just for BeRKA


I can generate maps of any sector with data in standard format ). So - if you've got a data file and you'd like a Survey Guidebook generated, let me know.
Hi micki

that is a fantastic piece of software!

Any way you can write similar software script that can use existing sector data (like the sec files), which can then convert them to the same PDF output that you got now?
Thanks for your warm welcome and kind words.

Actually, Baron - it's 'miss', not 'sir' - I'm an original gamer chick. And yep - I live in the beautiful Big Apple

Mala - I already have a variant that does exactly that... if you have a standard data file like

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">0101 Zeycude C330698-9 Na Ni Po De Zh GP
0102 Reno C1207B9-A Na Po De Zh G
0103 Errere B263664-B Z C0 Ni Ri Zh P
0104 Cantrel C366243-9 Lo Ni Zh P</pre>[/QUOTE]It'll generate a pdf, INCLUDING the UPP descriptions! The pdf of the Spinward Marches is a whopping 216 pages

I'm looking into turning it into a simple-to-install application. Right now, you can generate an entire pdf with a single line of code or by using the URL.

I always loved the LBB 'look', and the Classic Traveller feel... so now that I'm an ok programmer, those original logic puzzles from Traveller make great software projects
I'll keep you posted on the next round of innovations (first among them is a name randomizer).

Hats off to you Lady. In my book this should push your SS to at least as high the baron's if not higher. Good job!
I am most grateful for your praise and your genuine expressions of welcome!

Yes, the details of formatting and 'tone' make a huge difference in these things. There are tons of mapping programs, etc., but I love paper, printed output, and using computers for what they're good at... consistency and drudgery!

I guess some of us always favored a career in the Scouts... this is just my way of helping the everlasting Great Survey! I guess I was made to dream of worlds.

Note: I'll be posting a few of my own homemade books in the coming weeks, here's some snippets from my 'Sector CJ078' book:




For the latter, I used a world terrain generator and mapped it to a mercator dodecahedron. The worlds book will have 32-48 worlds or so.

Here are the books I've gotten started on, or finished with. Many are based on canon or near-canon web material and rules for Classic Traveller:

* Traveller News Service Dispatches: 1105 - 1125 (including Journalist char creation rules)
* Traveller Library Data Upgrade (all the approved Library Data from online in one handy book)
* Starports! (canon or near-canon starport and trade rules in Classic Traveller)
* Sector CJ078 (a sector where intrigue is the only guarantee), including:
- Worlds of Sector CJ078 (hex maps, etc. of planets, moons and asteroids) and
- Metropoli of Sector CJ078 (Cities and other 'points-of-interest')

And I expect to make all of them available absolutely free, as a service of the Survey Scouts!
Nothing to complain about.

It would be cool if You could tweek the output a bit, just like in my random subsector generator.

In the additional planetary data, it would be cool to include "cargo" a la LBB-7.

Maybe an option to not generate additional data, since this makes the pdf so big would be nice.

I am really looking forward to see this as a working cgi. :cool:

I am working on several techniques, in development of a standardized Graphic appearance to some things, The map above is a Barony holding, part of the "Patent Office" Service I am developing.

Making a "Hex Legend" of Cities, Starports, Localized Phenomena, etc. I used Cites from AKS Hexmap for now. The language is Vilani.

I think Barons should get to control planets, but that's just me.

I am speechless truly at how cool your work is, Mick! It gives me the chills in a good way!
Baron - and BeRKA - both of your work is awesome. I'm on a Mac, so I have trouble with most PC software, so I kinda have to rethink things. Sometimes it pays off

And I've always been a student of typography and layout, so my own Traveller and RPG design 'thing' is to always use the existing Classic Traveller look as directly as possible for inspiration - just as you have done with your World viewer, Baron! If the Scouts can ever assist in the survey, please send us an X-Boat message and we'll get back to you when someone gets back from the field

And of course, BeRKA's subsector generator has created millions upon millions of worlds by now... an absolute staple of Traveller. I'm so grateful for your interest and input. BeRKA sent me the Foreven Sector info offline, which has a slightly more rich format:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">1240 Bophani C493520-7 Ni 212 Av F2 V
1335 Elloni D548405-6 Ni 700 Av F3 V M5 D
1432 Goku D150441-9 De Ni Po 524 Av A G1 V
1534 Huaras D344556-8 Ag Ni 102 Av K2 V</pre>[/QUOTE]The one the script is currently using is the barebones, austere format:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">0307 Atsa B4337CA-A Z Na Po Zh P
0503 Whenge D648500-8 Ag Ni Na P
0601 Enlas-du E975776-6 Ag Na GP
0605 Algebaster C665658-9 Ag Ni Ri Na P</pre>[/QUOTE]I'll get right to work writing a parser for the 'richer' system listing you sent me.