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Web-based Automatic Sector Data / Map pdf Generator

There's nothing wrong with sticking to the simplicity of the original Traveller look. I prefer it myself.

Just one minor feedback, mickazoid:

You used the spelling Balcanization rather than Balkanization.

Balcanization is correct maybe if your language is Spanish. Otherwise, it would be spelled with a K. Your script looks like it can be professional-level work
So good spelling will help maintain a professional look to your script!

I used to edit technical manuals, and that means I nitpick for obvious spelling errors. =)
Oh! That's from the 'full-upp' program. I'll correct the source code and re-compile
Great catch!

Yes, I love the simplicity of it as well.
Yeah, Hexmapper is great! I am using those icons for now, until the City Sihoulettes are done. I may do them as a set of fonts or icons. I think ones that have a "Hiver" Look, "Aslan" etc. Only down to a Small City/Town Level.

I think the Arcology ones should look like the ones on Azun.

Also, What about Orbit paths for Orbital Cities? How to do those? I have been using a dotted line approach. Also floating or underwater cities? Beanstalks?
Hmmm, just peeked at that Hexmapper.

It looks good, except that the city icons are not very SciFi or modern. The city icons still look like medieval fantasy castles. Hmmm

Are beanstalks part of Traveller canon? Where? I've never seen it mentioned except in Traveller2300AD, which is a completely different game.
Originally posted by Maladominus:
It looks good, except that the city icons are not very SciFi or modern. The city icons still look like medieval fantasy castles. Hmmm
You can edit the individual hex tiles and make a sci-fi set... a project, Hmmm ;)
Originally posted by mickazoid:

After you install the required components (see script), merely pass the sectorname and the desired % of systems via a URL...

And presto, in less than :30, you've got a pdf with UPP listings and a hexmap for each subsector - a brand new sector, full of gaming possibilities!
Sweet! Since you're running it on a server already you should set up a web form that lets people copy/paste a .SEC file and spits out the book for 'em.

(I give plenty of advice I hardly ever follow myself, so just ignore me.)

Originally posted by mickazoid:

Yes, the details of formatting and 'tone' make a huge difference in these things. There are tons of mapping programs, etc., but I love paper, printed output, and using computers for what they're good at... consistency and drudgery!
Indeed - that's what motivated my map page: seeing the drudgery involved in creating all of the other map sites, and wanting to match the classic tone as closely as possible.
Joshua - your map is delicious!

By the way, for everyone's benefit you can find it here .

And you can find Berka's delectable subsector generator and space atlas here .
Joshua - your map is delicious!

By the way, for everyone's benefit you can find it here .

And you can find Berka's delectable subsector generator and space atlas here .
Originally posted by Joshua Bell:
Sweet! Since you're running it on a server already you should set up a web form that lets people copy/paste a .SEC file and spits out the book for 'em.
Thanks Josh! Yeah, that's absolutely the plan - and I'm one line of code away from incorporating a random name generator, so you'll be able to choose a few different 'flavors' of languages, mix n'match em, and get your random or pre-existing sector with names exported as a pdf. Also thinking you get the randomly generated sector's text file re-exported, so you can tweak it however you like and come back to re-import and re-generate the maps again, without the randomizer.
I've finished my name randomization modification. Here's a sample of the outputted pdf - completely automated, triggered with one command. You can also add names to an existing sector file with blank spaces in the name area. Woo hoo - I learned 3 new bash shell scripting techniques for this one, and I did it in 6 lines of code that I could easily refactor into 3.

Here's a snapshot of a random sector with random names:



Best of all - a 33% system-filled sector is down to a 800k pdf or so. I'll update the prior post and the posted archive of scripts for folks wanting to install it on their own before it 'goes live' as a web application.
Jeff: most of the stuff has sources. install GCC (from GNU.org) and compile the stuff....

Oh, wait... luddite... find a buddy who's a guru.....

Speaking of problems: I can't open any of the .sit.hqx's from the archive site... they choke my stuffit expander into crashing. (At least it crashed gracefully...) (Mac OS X 10.4.6 PPC)

I was easily able to edit and make full-upp...
Good news. I updated the script and images on the first page of the post.

Better news. I have updated the zip archive to include the mac osx binaries of the SW4 software, as well as the SW4 and full-upp source code for folks on other platforms.

That URL again is http://micki001.cnc.net/trav/SectorMakerScripts.zip

Jeff: If you're a luddite, that kind of unix -> windows conversion may be a bit advanced for you. But hopefully, with the source code 'out there', it could indeed happen!

Note: I've updated the images and the posts in this thread with the new snapshots - now including gorgeous headers on the subsector pages. Enjoy!
Since you're on a roll, might you consider providing an option to just render the subsector listing and map, without the rundown on each system? I think Berka suggested this also.

Otherwise, great work! Contact Downport.com for hosting immediately.

I am digging the clarity and elegance of this... the look is great. The feel is 100% CT. The names of the worlds already suggest it to me as being a place.

How hard to do is:

Color? Preferably simple color (Red) Like they do in Solomani Rim map book for CT.

Expansion. I'm a Ref, and I need to sometimes get a complete rundown of the Star System. What is your recommended way to incorporate that?

Also, Operationally, what is the intended bridge between the Mac/PC format? The PDF? What is a good common graphic language/format that both can "speak" effectively? IE, do .gif images merge better, or jpegs? Which fromat of image is best as far as a good compromise between quality and file size?

If you could, how would you do astroploitical and astrophysical map effects? Is a hex-face political border workable to you, or do you prefera more fluid representation of Borders?

Astrophysical: How would you represent Rift borders like what is seen in "The Claw" or some such?