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Were there any "Official" upgrades to the Book 1 career generation system?

I know the later books gave us Mercenary, High Guard, Scout, Merchant Prince, etc, what I was wondering was if any of that material was retro-fitted to the Book 1 system (also used in the Citizens of the Imperium supplement) to reflect the new skills that had appeared since then.

To give an example of a system I'd use, for a Book 1 Merchant I would automatically give one level of Trader skill and incorporate a new table that had Carousing, Broker, Trader, Leader, Legal and Liason which could only be rolled on if a promotion had been gained that term of service, the "Advanced Service Skills Table".

You could incorporate similar into the other basic career charts, Scouts could have a roll equivalent to promotion, 8+ (with +1 DM per term served) to see if Advanced Service Skills were available to them that term.

The Other career would automatically grant one skill of the player's choice and would allow a roll of 8+ (with a +1 DM if Intelligence OR Education is 8+) per term to again grant a +1 in a skill of the players choice. Skills chosen can be ones on the regular Other skills lists if desired, skills that are not on these lists cannot be taken at more than level 2.

Additionally that blank spot on the Other mustering out table would be a special. Roll once dice, on a 1 or 2 you have a jail term added to your career, four years with any associated aging rolls, +1 Streetwise, -1 Social, on a 3 or 4 you get nothing, on a 5 or 6 you get a Seeker.

Vehicle skill for all classes would be as in "Citizens" and be a choice between wheeled, tracked or grav.

You see I prefer the simpler Book 1 system to the later more complicated versions, but I did want to take account of the new skills. I also wanted to make the Other career a little more attractive. Still in two minds as to whether that roll for the Scout and Other would be an extra skill as opposed to the one skill they would otherwise roll for that term but it seemed a little unfair that they don't get promotion and automatic rank skills as the other services do so this would even up the balance a little.

Sure someone else has done something like this, has it ever been published anywhere?
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I'm fairly certain GDW were satisfied to leave Book 1 and Supplement 4 be, and let people use advanced CharGen if they wanted the fancypants skills.

Thing is, a number of the skills that appeared in later books didn't really work well with the basic rule set. For example, Trader was made to work specifically with Book 7 trade, but IIRC it's useless in standard book 2 trade. (And a lot of the basic Book 1 skills were used in Book 7 trade in an extremely silly fashion...) Ship and fleet tactics work with book 5 combat, but not book 2. And so on.
You might look at the MT Basic Chargen tables. That might give you want you want...
I'm fairly certain GDW were satisfied to leave Book 1 and Supplement 4 be, and let people use advanced CharGen if they wanted the fancypants skills.

Thing is, a number of the skills that appeared in later books didn't really work well with the basic rule set. For example, Trader was made to work specifically with Book 7 trade, but IIRC it's useless in standard book 2 trade. (And a lot of the basic Book 1 skills were used in Book 7 trade in an extremely silly fashion...) Ship and fleet tactics work with book 5 combat, but not book 2. And so on.

Trader works just fine with Bk2... you need level 3+ to predict a full jump ahead, but you come in system, check the first die, and if it's less than a 3, and you don't have enough mods to make a profit, don't sell there.

Broker also works just fine... it replaces the hired broker. No problem.
Trader works just fine with Bk2... you need level 3+ to predict a full jump ahead, but you come in system, check the first die, and if it's less than a 3, and you don't have enough mods to make a profit, don't sell there.

Broker also works just fine... it replaces the hired broker. No problem.

That was my take on the matter, a merchant had lots of skills to enable him to pick up passengers, but very little to do with cargo.

My first go at a scout Advanced Service Skills table went- Carousing, Commo, Survey, Survival, Admin, Streetwise. Represents a range of duties a Scout might get, from frontier posting to base duty. A 2nd term scout would also automatically get +1 survey (seemed an obvious thing to get, that being what scouts are FOR, but it's a fairly peripheral skill so doesn't unbalance the game).
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The Army and Marines got a virtually identical table- FA Gunnery (Army) or Zero-G Combat (Marines), Heavy Weapons, Recon, Survival, Battle Dress, Demolition.

The Navy got- Carousing, Zero-G Combat, Ship Tactics or may choose Fleet Tactics if Social 9+, Liason, Commo, Gambling (gave the navy bods a bit of a social life).

In addition Navy Commanders get +1 Ship Tactics, Navy Admirals get +1 Fleet Tactics.

I know the navy lot already get +1 Social at Captain and Admiral but I'm playing off the fact that it's the most prestigious service and who you know is going to be more important than what you know. This at least gives them a smattering of a useful skill if nothing else. It also allows you to use the High Guard combat system.

If using the basic system a single ship can use it's captain's Ship Tactics skill as a positive DM in Attacking and Return Fire phases. If there is more than one ship in a force the Fleet Commander's Fleet Tactics skill is used as a positive DM in the Attacking phase and the individual ships use their captain's Ship Tactics skill in the Return Fire phase. This reflects the overall strategy of the Fleet Commander in an attack but lets individual captains respond to the changing battlefield as ships maneuver during the turn.
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You might want to look at the "later versions" of Career tables as found in The Traveller Book and Starter Traveller. IIRC there some changes to actual skills in comparison to B1 and S4 books. I don't have my Canon CD at the moment to verify.