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What about explosives?

I have one outstanding rules issues for my con module: What about granates? How does a hand granate work? Other explosive?

Can you give me a short course?

Assuming you mean the typical fragmentation grenade (they don't make huge explosions like in the movies), modern grenades work like this:

You remove a pin (NOT with your teeth!), which allows a spring-loaded "spoon" to be released, thus arming the grenade. However, the spoon is normally held in place with the hand until the grenade is deployed (ie, the spoon springs off when you throw the grenade), arming the device. Up to this point you can put the pin back in, retaining the spoon and rendering the device safe (in theory - accidents happen).

Once the spoon ejects, after a delay of a few seconds (depends on the fuse), a bursting charge scatters fragments of casing andf notches with over a few meters range (more for defenive type grenades, less for offensive ones intended to be thrown while advancing)

That's basically it. High-tech grenades may have electrenic fuses (though mechanical probably remains popular for confiodence reasons).
Come on. You are teasing me and that is not nice :(

That was not what meant with my question. I was looking for T20 rules for hand granates and rifle granates.

What to roll for hitting with both? What is the damage? What special rules apply? I could not find anything in T20 lite and the rulebook will not hit the store until after the con.
Originally posted by Sven2300:
That was not what meant with my question. I was looking for T20 rules for hand granates and rifle granates.

What to roll for hitting with both? What is the damage? What special rules apply? I could not find anything in T20 lite and the rulebook will not hit the store until after the con.
See the rules in the D&D Players Handbook (p138 Grenadelike weapon attacks). Assume for T20 lite, hand grenades can be thrown like flasks of oil, do 6d6 damage, -1 die per 2 meters from impact point. The rifle grenades have a range increment of 50 meters but otherwise work exactly like the hand grenades.
A flask of oil does as much damage as a grenade??


Originally posted by tjoneslo:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sven2300:
That was not what meant with my question. I was looking for T20 rules for hand granates and rifle granates.

What to roll for hitting with both? What is the damage? What special rules apply? I could not find anything in T20 lite and the rulebook will not hit the store until after the con.
See the rules in the D&D Players Handbook (p138 Grenadelike weapon attacks). Assume for T20 lite, hand grenades can be thrown like flasks of oil, do 6d6 damage, -1 die per 2 meters from impact point. The rifle grenades have a range increment of 50 meters but otherwise work exactly like the hand grenades.</font>[/QUOTE]
As an example....a Flechette/Fragmentation grenade does 6d6 damage. blast radius 6 meters

This will of course all be in the main rule book...

With other such wonderful explosives...

just a little sample to tide you over till the book is out. Which is soon.

The Man behind the Curtain
How about that wonderful TL-15 stuff, TDX, that works like detcord, but can shear off explosively in a flat plane. One of my favorite things...that go BOOM!

Is that too "in the book" (marking off calendar days)?
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
How about that wonderful TL-15 stuff, TDX, that works like detcord, but can shear off explosively in a flat plane. One of my favorite things...that go BOOM!

Is that too "in the book" (marking off calendar days)?

Many's the time a PC of mine has "evened the playing field" with some of that. (In the caves of Fulacin with Zho troops in Battledress chasing us poor wee Scout types in our CES get up...the cave in was spectacular. Took em a while to dig me, Steve and Chip's Pc's out of there.
Excuse my ignorance for never having played T20 rules yet, (never even seen any yet, I'm old school) but I thought that the purpose of those rules was to eliminate every other die type but D20, doesn't work that way huh? Still uses all other die types?
no the purpose of the d20 system is not to eliminate all of the other dice types. The d20 base system was developed for the new D&D edition and what's D&D without all the funky dice?

What the "d20" refers to is the central task mechanic: the roll "to hit" in combat, and all the skill rolls and saving throws. Basically any roll to acheive success that might have modifiers attached. A high roll is always good, a low roll is always bad.

Percentage Dice are still used, but only for effects that never have a modifier attached, like the 50% chance that an attack will miss against a concealed target, no modifers ever affect this roll so it is expressed as a %.

The other dice are used for damage effects, numbers of targets in a spell effect (for D&D d20) and so forth.