What is Whipsnade's wounded colossus?
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It's an alternate timeline. People seem to be taken by the ideas in
WoCo and, as the writer, I tend to agree that those ideas are interesting. The implementation of those ideas leaves a lot to be desired, however, and, as the writer, I can most certainly say that too!
Wounded Colossus began as a several ideas jotting down on a few notes and it shows. I was looking for something to rekindled my players' interest. I never got around to really fleshing it out.
My RPG group was slowly drifting apart. Changes in the players' lives were the biggest reason; finishing college, careers, marriage, all the usual things people in their mid-20s experience. A minor reason - most likely an excuse rather than real reason - was the course of the
OTU. They'd grown increasingly turned off by the endless Rebellion, Hard Times, and all the rest. They even spoke about that when we'd talk about what sort of adventures and campaigns they'd be interested in. When
GDW released sneak peeks of
TNE and Virus, the disinterest turned to disgust.
As I noted, their complaints were more of an excuse than a real reason. It was changes in our lives that was pulling the group apart and not what was happening to
Traveller, but they wouldn't have used that as an excuse if there wasn't a kernel of truth to it.
I thought an exciting new setting would be the answer. Not a return to the past, but not a seemingly static golden era either. I'd always been intrigued by Strephon's mental collapse on receiving the news of the Assassination. It was almost a suspender snapper for me
(1). I decided to change that event and then mull over what followed.
Canon has Strephon receiving the news at Depot/Lishun on 181-1116. He dithers for a while and eventually collapses mentally. His various aides and advisors decide to withdraw to the Usdiki. By the time Strephon recovers, it's too late. Events are out of control and, more importantly, Strephon had run away rather than do his duty.
Wounded Colossus sometime after receiving the news of the Assassination but before the decision is made to withdraw to Usdiki,
Windhook arrives at the Depot
(2). He's the naval lieutenant who was in Varian's and Lucan's quarters when all that nastiness went down. When Strephon hears Windhook's story
Things Change.
Wounded Colossus is my not best guess as to how things would have changed. Instead, it's my best guess as to how things could have changed to create the setting I wanted.
One final comment. Years ago I announced that anything I post about
Traveller is in the public domain for anyone to do anything they want with it. I've even sent emails restating that in response to various inquiries. I can't stop you from shoveling
WoCo into the Wiki along with all the other fanon it resembles, but I would ask as a favor that you not do so. The Wiki deserves better.
1 - It remained a suspender snapper until
GT:Nobles explained Strephon's upbringing and thus gave a better glimpse of his psyche.
2 - Using the best maps I had at the time, I figured it would take Windhook 8 jumps aboard jump6 IN couriers to reach the Depot in Lishun from Capital. I thought that would allow Windhook to reach Strephon and his entourage within a week or so of their receiving the news of the Assassination.