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What color is your Nob.

I won't recommend specific colours, because my tastes may not be yours. What I would recommend is looking at the livery colours of various nobles during the Wars of the Roses for ideas (those are quite well documented).
Yellow- starburst on chest, and trim around overshirt
Tan- boots and gloves
Purple- overshirt and cape
Black- shirt and pants
White/Grey-hair beard and mustache

something like this work for you?
That would depend if visual identification of allegiance was necessary, or desirable.

Otherwise, whatever is the current fashion trend, or classics, possibly subdued, if conservative.
I just saw a remark that designer clothes are for broke girls.

Essentially, clothing can also be camouflage.

I think a better phrase would be designer brands are for the broke and the new money.

Old money wears designer clothes, just from an individual designer who is making one set of clothes just for them. A traditionally tailored suit or dress is a better indicator of wealth and class than some well known flashy brand.

Of course this is at work or events. Most of the old money I’ve met wear good quality but not vulgar stuff as their everyday wear.
I recall some remark about an aristocratic debutant wearing her grandmother's riding jacket.

Old money do wear tailor made clothing, but subdued, and from less well known designers.

There's a classic scifi story about aliens having a very select human clientele, who they clandestinely supply with cutting edge technology and luxuries, in exchange for our cultural treasures, and I would have assumed, natural resources.
Purple with gold trim. White pants and clothing underneath with gold or red trim. Make him look sort of like a Roman noble.

I recall some remark about an aristocratic debutant wearing her grandmother's riding jacket.

Old money do wear tailor made clothing, but subdued, and from less well known designers.
My cousin Araminta wore our great grandmother’s jewellery to her coming out she doesn’t wear our grandmother’s riding jacket because my grandmother was about half her size. 😂 She spent a year on the deb circuit which is where she met her eventual husband so the system works I guess.

The designs they wear are less well known amongst middle and lower class circles but the people who know will know (which is the point of all fashion at some level.)