Originally posted by TheEngineer:
Hey, hasnt anybody already done a spreadsheet for this stuff ?
Please give me just 10 MEuro
I will retire and try very hard to get along...
Ah, there's the rub, Mert...
You have to have three things to capitalize upon such a situation:
enough cash to buy the load in the first place
the cargo space to carry it to the...
Place what's paying more than 3:1 on your investment...
With careful media manipulation that is exactly what people HAVE been doing on both the stocks and futures markets.
I'd be happy to try to leverage your Euro0.1M into more, but *I* am *NOT* a good day trader.
As a system of rules, if you don't have the mandate of a monthly payment, a J2 can function quite nicely under the Bk2 and T20 rules. Recapitalization is a nicety, not a requirement, if you assume that many (not even most) tramp merchantment are more Homes than Buisinesses... Much like the frieghters in Enterprise are treated.
In fact, during the T20 playtest, the party took MCr0.1, rolled it on a Type R Subbie (Party sunk all their cash into making a patron proovided derilict functional) into MCr15. working the Aramis trace, using Bk2 T&C. Then the T20 tables hit us, and they proceeded to roll that MCr15 into a nestegg of MCr60 and a used Type A2, then roll on and BUY a used Type T, put the NPC's in charge of both the R and A2, both on "Subsidy Contracts" for the new skippers, and roll the remaining few MCr into MCr180, using the Type T, and it's measly cargo space. Broker beign maxed out is exactly what made the difference.. and NOT being tied to a route.
Being tied to a route would have denied them several important oportunities:
1) to go where the cargo had the best mods
2) to pick cargoes based upon successful trader rolls (to get 1st die for both ends)
3) to wait an extra week (in one case, because of a misjump, they lost their prediction die (which had been a six). So they did a prediction on the following week, replaceing the 3 rolled upon arrival (2 days past prediction expiry) with a 5; which on the major lot (90 tons) made the difference between possible loss and breakeven guaranteed.)
Anyone who doesn't use Broker 4's when they are available is either using a Broker 3+ PC or not firing on all cylinders... The profit differential is TOO great. (T20 actually narrowed the margins by broker level by using a 3d6 table rather than the traditional 2d6 Actual Value Table.)
Trader (as used in Bk7) does not exist in T20; the trader skill there is a different function. In part because of the power it provided during playtest. (But oh, my players loved it!) Predicting the 1st of two dice was (and IS) way too powerful. Predicting 1 of 3 dice is useful...
By doing away with this, T20 leveled the odds only slightly; the 3d6 table did far more.
But, as for prices: ops cost per ton for PURE CARGO designs with Mortagess should be the baseline for CARGO SHIPMENT COSTS. Passengers should be 4x this rate, HP 5x if the baggage allowance is actual displacement tons. (Which, BTW, has never actualy been answered in "Hard canon" rulesets; T20 made several changes (Reduced DO costs for both MP and HP, MCr6.5 and MCr8 respectively, per person.) T20 also reduces the costs of LS for MP and crew.
Sooo...by saving KCr0.25 per MP & crewman per week, a 10+ passenger load J2 begins to cross into profit without spec.
Here is a T20 J2 with a profit, making a payment AND needing no spec cargo. It needs to fill all of the HP and LP berths double occupancy:
200Td Flattend Sphere Hull. 1J2 PP2 for 2 weeks, with a model 1/bis computer. Fuel Tankage of 42 tons supports 1 jump and 2 Weeks. There are 22 Large Staterooms, providing for 5 crew, with the remainder for passengers. There are 26 tons of cargo space. Total Cost is MCr74.6. Payments per month are KCr310.833, Salaries per month are KCr22.3, and Fuel costs are KCr21 per Jump.
Crew consists of 1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer, 2 Stewards, 0 Medic, and 0 Gunners.
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr246.025 and expected revenue of KCr250 for an expected profit of KCr3.975per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
An Air/Raft is carried. 5 tons are reserved for mail service.
Single occupancy, same SR:
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr217.025 and expected revenue of KCr169.5 for an expected profit of KCr-47.525per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
Again, this only works for high-pop routes, where one can expect 10 passengers of so of each class, before skill adds.
All my figures assume 12 working/paying months of the 13 month year, plus one month down for maintenance, for a 48 week work year, plus a week travel to and from annual maintenance, and two weeks maintenance.
and the J1 versions:
200Td Flattend Sphere Hull. 1J1 PP1 for 2 weeks, with a model 1/bis computer
Fuel Tankage of 21 tons supports 1 jump and 2 Weeks.
There are 22 Large Staterooms, providing for 5 crew, with the remainder for passengers.
There are 51 tons of cargo space. Total Cost is MCr60.6. Payments per month are KCr252.5, Salaries per month are KCr21, and Fuel costs are KCr10.5 per Jump.
Crew consists of 1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer,
1 Steward, 1 Medic, and 0 Gunners.
Passengers (SO/DO): HP 7/0 MP10/0 LP 0
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr176.775 and expected revenue of KCr194.5 for an expected profit of KCr17.725per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
An Air/Raft is carried. 5 tons are reserved for mail service
and the DO results:
Passengers (SO/DO): HP 0/14 MP0/20 LP 0
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr205.775 and expected revenue of KCr275 for an expected profit of KCr69.225per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
An Air/Raft is carried. 5 tons are reserved for mail service
Now the pure cargo variants:
200Td Flattend Sphere Hull. 1J1 PP1 for 2 weeks, with a model 1/bis computer
Fuel Tankage of 21 tons supports 1 jump and 2 Weeks.
There are 3 Large Staterooms, providing for 3 crew, with the remainder for passengers.
There are 136 tons of cargo space. Total Cost is MCr50.5. Payments per month are KCr210.417, Salaries per month are KCr16, and Fuel costs are KCr10.5 per Jump.
Crew consists of 1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer,
0 Stewards, 0 Medic, and 0 Gunners.
Passengers (SO/DO): HP 0/0 MP0/0 LP 0
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr123.3125 and expected revenue of KCr136 for an expected profit of KCr12.6875per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
Cost per cargo ton, including mortage, is Cr906.70955882 per Ton Displacement reservered for cargo
200Td Flattend Sphere Hull. 1J2 PP2 for 2 weeks, with a model 1/bis computer
Fuel Tankage of 42 tons supports 1 jump and 2 Weeks.
There are 3 Large Staterooms, providing for 3 crew, with the remainder for passengers.
There are 111 tons of cargo space. Total Cost is MCr64.5. Payments per month are KCr268.75, Salaries per month are KCr16, and Fuel costs are KCr21 per Jump.
Crew consists of 1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer,
0 Stewards, 0 Medic, and 0 Gunners.
Passengers (SO/DO): HP 0/0 MP0/0 LP 0
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr163.5625 and expected revenue of KCr111 for an expected profit of KCr-52.5625per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
Cost per cargo ton, including mortage, is Cr1473.536036 per Ton Displacement reservered for cargo
200Td Flattend Sphere Hull. 1J3 PP3 for 2 weeks, with a model 2/bis computer
Fuel Tankage of 63 tons supports 1 jump and 2 Weeks.
There are 3 Large Staterooms, providing for 3 crew, with the remainder for passengers.
There are 85 tons of cargo space. Total Cost is MCr92.5. Payments per month are KCr385.417, Salaries per month are KCr16, and Fuel costs are KCr31.5 per Jump.
Crew consists of 1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer,
0 Stewards, 0 Medic, and 0 Gunners.
Passengers (SO/DO): HP 0/0 MP0/0 LP 0
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr233.5625 and expected revenue of KCr85 for an expected profit of KCr-148.5625per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
Cost per cargo ton, including mortage, is Cr2747.7941176 per Ton Displacement reservered for cargo
200Td Flattend Sphere Hull. 1J4 PP4 for 2 weeks, with a model 4 computer
Fuel Tankage of 84 tons supports 1 jump and 2 Weeks.
There are 3 Large Staterooms, providing for 3 crew, with the remainder for passengers.
There are 58 tons of cargo space. Total Cost is MCr118.5. Payments per month are KCr493.75, Salaries per month are KCr16, and Fuel costs are KCr42 per Jump.
Crew consists of 1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer,
0 Stewards, 0 Medic, and 0 Gunners.
Passengers (SO/DO): HP 0/0 MP0/0 LP 0
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr299.3125 and expected revenue of KCr58 for an expected profit of KCr-241.3125per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
Cost per cargo ton, including mortage, is Cr5160.5603448 per Ton Displacement reservered for cargo
200Td Flattend Sphere Hull. 1J5 PP5 for 2 weeks, with a model 5 computer
Fuel Tankage of 105 tons supports 1 jump and 2 Weeks.
There are 3 Large Staterooms, providing for 3 crew, with the remainder for passengers.
There are 32 tons of cargo space. Total Cost is MCr147.5. Payments per month are KCr614.583, Salaries per month are KCr16, and Fuel costs are KCr52.5 per Jump.
Crew consists of 1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer,
0 Stewards, 0 Medic, and 0 Gunners.
Passengers (SO/DO): HP 0/0 MP0/0 LP 0
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr371.4375 and expected revenue of KCr32 for an expected profit of KCr-339.4375per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
Cost per cargo ton, including mortage, is Cr11607.421875 per Ton Displacement reservered for cargo
200Td Flattend Sphere Hull. 1J6 PP6 for 2 weeks, with a model 6 computer
Fuel Tankage of 126 tons supports 1 jump and 2 Weeks.
There are 3 Large Staterooms, providing for 3 crew, with the remainder for passengers.
There are 5 tons of cargo space. Total Cost is MCr171.5. Payments per month are KCr714.583, Salaries per month are KCr16, and Fuel costs are KCr63 per Jump.
Crew consists of 1 Pilot, 1 Navigator, 1 Engineer,
0 Stewards, 0 Medic, and 0 Gunners.
Passengers (SO/DO): HP 0/0 MP0/0 LP 0
Operational Cycle is 2 Weeks, with a costs total of KCr432.9375 and expected revenue of KCr5 for an expected profit of KCr-427.9375per cycle, using refined fuel, and alloting for annual maintenance.
Cost per cargo ton, including mortage, is Cr86587.5 per Ton Displacement reservered for cargo
To recapitulate the data of relevance (the ship descriptions are to show I'm NOT fudging, and should be sufficient to recreate. Note also, I used standard Bk7 computers, as I haven't updated the SS to full compliance... just econ. Computers and air-frames are about the only real differences, and these are NOT airframes.)
Nummbers are rounded up to next Cr:
For thhe above 200 Td hulls
J1: Cr907
J2: Cr1474
J3: Cr2748
J4: Cr5161
J5: Cr11608
J6: Cr86588
For some 1000 Td hulls, otherwise identical patterns
J1: Cr681
J2: Cr1109
J3: Cr1796
J4: Cr2980
J5: Cr5123
J6: Cr10980
Economy of scale (if one could routinely fill same) is clear: a Td1K ship can out profit any 200 Td design; by the same token, however, what makes it possible for them to fill the holds also ties them to routes.
I think I've shown J2 designs, under T20, can make a profit... on certain, limited, passenger driven routes, assuming Bk2/7 or T20 pricing. Not much of one, but they can.