SOC-14 5K
In line with the thread on what is the favorite food and drink in your universe, what are the favorite eateries? What are the food places that show up on nearly every planet and starport? Sort of like McDonalds on every 4th street corner or mall, Denny's near hotels and mall, White Castles about as common as McDonalds, Waffle Houses, that sort of restaurant. Not the high society restaurant, where the meals cost a week's pay, unless you want to toss a few of them in as well. Just a place where you can grab a quick meal without have to worry about being poisoned.
I will toss out a few ideas for my Piper-Norton Sector. In the Sword Sub-sector, a popular place at all of the Space Viking bases and settlements is the Blue Star Public House, purveyor of high quality victuals for the discerning palate at a reasonable cost. Supplied with food from the Amish/Mennonite planet of Vinland, the restaurants are clearly an order of magnitude over the typical White Star Station place, serving a sit-down menu of excellent food. The menu is not extensive, but you get a lot of food for your money. (see the Menu of the Blue Gate Restaurant in Shipshewana, Indiana for an example. Shameless plug for one of my favorite eating places.)
White Star Station: the classic fast food place, featuring whatever meat is available nearby, be it mammal, reptile, bird, or fish, or maybe something in-between. Think White Castle if you are in the U.S. The standard fare is a small meat burger, normally referred to as sliders (and maybe other words as well), some form of fried root or vegetable, and a non-alcoholic beverage. Buy a lot of the burgers to be filled up. They are cheap eats.
The Terran-Lunar Inn: featuring anything that is eatable in the area, guaranteed not to poison you. Normally present in or just outside any starport, depending on how fastidious the starport is. Alcohol is limited to whatever beer can be made locally.
Robert's Place: A combination bar, restaurant, and gambling hall (think Rick's Cafe in Casablanca) Widely spread through the sector, with only one location, right outside the starport, on each planet. An ancient Terran movie is shown on a regular basis. Food is good, drinks are cheap, beware of loosing your wallet, the tables are not rigged.
I will toss out a few ideas for my Piper-Norton Sector. In the Sword Sub-sector, a popular place at all of the Space Viking bases and settlements is the Blue Star Public House, purveyor of high quality victuals for the discerning palate at a reasonable cost. Supplied with food from the Amish/Mennonite planet of Vinland, the restaurants are clearly an order of magnitude over the typical White Star Station place, serving a sit-down menu of excellent food. The menu is not extensive, but you get a lot of food for your money. (see the Menu of the Blue Gate Restaurant in Shipshewana, Indiana for an example. Shameless plug for one of my favorite eating places.)
White Star Station: the classic fast food place, featuring whatever meat is available nearby, be it mammal, reptile, bird, or fish, or maybe something in-between. Think White Castle if you are in the U.S. The standard fare is a small meat burger, normally referred to as sliders (and maybe other words as well), some form of fried root or vegetable, and a non-alcoholic beverage. Buy a lot of the burgers to be filled up. They are cheap eats.
The Terran-Lunar Inn: featuring anything that is eatable in the area, guaranteed not to poison you. Normally present in or just outside any starport, depending on how fastidious the starport is. Alcohol is limited to whatever beer can be made locally.
Robert's Place: A combination bar, restaurant, and gambling hall (think Rick's Cafe in Casablanca) Widely spread through the sector, with only one location, right outside the starport, on each planet. An ancient Terran movie is shown on a regular basis. Food is good, drinks are cheap, beware of loosing your wallet, the tables are not rigged.