In the stuff I'm writing there's the Sangrean Games; five pseudo-Olympic events that replicate military skills. I'd like to make sure I don't have any gaping holes in the system, though we don't yet have actual RPG level rules for running the events.
What problems need to be fixed in this basic layout? What seems missing?
Sangrean Games.
Junior, ages 12-13, Middler ages 14-15, Senior ages 16-17. Each age group competes against it's own age group but the teams only get the best "win" of each age group. A Junior placing 1st beats a Senior on the same team who placed 2nd, in the same event.
Each team must field five competitors for each event and the top three are used for deciding winners. Each team normally has six members, to include a team captain who can fill in if a team member is injured or ill.
Sangrean Events
20 Meter diameter circle, two 1 meter lines 1 meter apart in center, for start.
3 rounds of twelve minutes each.
Highest points.
Submission allowed in mid and high age groups.
3 rounds of twelve minutes each.
Juniors can use upper body contact. Middlers and Seniors can use full body contact.
No locks or submission. Mask, armor.
Highest points.
1600/1200/800 (Senior/Middler/Junior) meters,
Various styles. Free, Butterfly, Dolphin, Weight carry. Swimmer chooses the sequence.
Weight is swimmer's weight.
Must use same rifle and ammo.
Iron sights, Chemically propelled rounds, No electronics anywhere
Standing 75 meters, Kneeling, Sitting 125 meters, Prone at 200 meters.
Ten shots at each range. Individual targets.
Shortfire, 2mm for Juniors.
7mm for Seniors. Middlers and Juniors can opt for it but Juniors seldom do.
7mm has better ballistics.
20 Km to mix rough, hills, and flat.
All for one race.
What problems need to be fixed in this basic layout? What seems missing?
Sangrean Games.
Junior, ages 12-13, Middler ages 14-15, Senior ages 16-17. Each age group competes against it's own age group but the teams only get the best "win" of each age group. A Junior placing 1st beats a Senior on the same team who placed 2nd, in the same event.
Each team must field five competitors for each event and the top three are used for deciding winners. Each team normally has six members, to include a team captain who can fill in if a team member is injured or ill.
Sangrean Events
20 Meter diameter circle, two 1 meter lines 1 meter apart in center, for start.
3 rounds of twelve minutes each.
Highest points.
Submission allowed in mid and high age groups.
3 rounds of twelve minutes each.
Juniors can use upper body contact. Middlers and Seniors can use full body contact.
No locks or submission. Mask, armor.
Highest points.
1600/1200/800 (Senior/Middler/Junior) meters,
Various styles. Free, Butterfly, Dolphin, Weight carry. Swimmer chooses the sequence.
Weight is swimmer's weight.
Must use same rifle and ammo.
Iron sights, Chemically propelled rounds, No electronics anywhere
Standing 75 meters, Kneeling, Sitting 125 meters, Prone at 200 meters.
Ten shots at each range. Individual targets.
Shortfire, 2mm for Juniors.
7mm for Seniors. Middlers and Juniors can opt for it but Juniors seldom do.
7mm has better ballistics.
20 Km to mix rough, hills, and flat.
All for one race.