The Major Races have mostly been visited several times each. You can't go too wrong with the CT modules on them, though the Vilani and Aslan were, IMO, improved upon by DGP, and the Mongoose version of the Zhodani shows development and unifies prior material.
Thanks for the responses. I ask because of Hans' comments about MgT Sword Worlds [...]
What is Canon?
A manufacturer of cameras.
Also, established doctrine and standardized teachings in a religion.
Take your pick.
Also, the material accepted as part of the story in an individual fictional universe. Pick that.
(Also more than two dozen other things.)
That's true enough, but it's not what is usually meant by the use of the term. 'Canon' without a qualifier usually refers to the overarcing material accepted as part of the story in the universe currently being written about. Not the CT canon or the TNE canon or any other canon but the OTU canon.The way that I view it, Traveller has multiple canons, which in many cases do not agree with each other.
I try to stay focussed on the sum total of all material published for the Third Imperium universe over the last 35 years. To discount anything published since GDW switched to MT seems to me to be a terrible waste. You can do what you like for your own TU, of course, but for practical reasons I'm going to keep my TU as close to the OTU as I can.Each version has its own canon, and that canon should not be used to evaluate another version. It gets more confusing when you have two different possible canon, specifically High Guard 1st Edition and High Guard 2nd Edition, for the Classic Traveller version. I try to stay focused on what is considered canon for Classic Traveller, to include Starter Traveller and The Traveller Book.
They don't have to. If Marc Miller says a publication is canon, someone with access to it can usually be found over the Internet. And if no one can be found, well, MM will just have to tell us what the canon bits are, or we can't know how to stick to them, can we?When it comes to 3rd party publications, in 2014, I cannot consider early materials as canon, as it ranges from extremely difficult to impossible for players to find them.
Me too. I don't know any other reasonable way to treat canon.Lastly, I will go with canon up to a point, and then either ignore it, modify it, or proceed as how I think it should be, within my own universe.
I'm not sure that MM has declared any 3rd party publication to be canon, though. I know he has explicitly decanonized some of them.
"Canon. noun. A body of rules or principles generally accepted as authoritative and fundamental in a field or art or philosophy: for example, "the neoclassical canon"; "canons of polite society."
MegaTraveller books and sourcebooks published by Game Designers’ Workshop are the “official” texts (the canon) for the MegaTraveller science-fiction role-playing game. The canon includes all of the rules, adventures, and sourcebooks published by Game Designers' Workshop, either directly or through Challenge Magazine. Because of the Digest Group Publications’ participation in the design of MegaTraveller, their designers had a deep and abiding understanding of the rules, and DGP focused much of its energy on the publication of MegaTraveller materials under their license. The DGP material is classified as apocryphal: that is, authoritative, but not fully official (and thus not listed here). Apocryphal materials include the entire run of The Travellers’ Digest and The MegaTraveller Journal (four issues).
Marc hasn't publicly stated their canonicity in years. The last public statement by Marc that I've seen predates the first volume for GT... stating that the whole line was to be non-authoritative.Here's something from the Official Guide to MegaTraveller (1989?):
What's the canonicity of the GT books? We've mentioned Hans' edition of Sword Worlds (and thanks for writing that book; it gave the Sword Worlds the in-depth treatment they deserved. I'd like to see a similar book for the Solomani, written from a value judgement neutral perspective. Most of the races in Traveller are ethnocentrics or raging xenophobes but only the Solomani get taken to task for it).