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  • We, the systems administration staff, apologize for this unexpected outage of the boards. We have resolved the root cause of the problem and there should be no further disruptions.

What OS for Traveller software?

Some interesting posts ...

To far-trader:
A gross over generalisation but I've noticed that businessy-types like Windows, arty-types like Macs, and uber-geeks like Linux. And given the higher than normal ratios of geeks and uber-geeks and arty people into Taveller I had expected the ratios of OS to differ from the general population. But maybe I was wrong.

I have 2 Unix boxes(Solaris), 3 Mac Boxes(various Finder versions), three laptops, two desktops and one network sever that I use as a rendering box....

So I guess that makes me a Arty UberGeek with a penchant for buisiness on the side.
(I wonder if that comes with spam?)