M3,c1,Biter,The party meets the Commodore of the 154th Battle Squadron and is invited to travel with him to Regina.
M3,c2,Garda-Vilis,The party finds a pirated vessel near the gas giant. Dirtside, they discover a cache of military hardware in the wilderness. The party may also return here to deal with an Al Morai installation manager.
M3,c3,Frenzie,Al Morai places a crew member aboard the ship who searches the party's quarters and plants evidence before the ship makes jump. The party may also return here to deal with an Al Morai installation manager.
M3,c4,Denotam,The party is now suspected of being Zhodani spies and commandeers an Al Morai Close Escort.
M3,c5,Mora,The party must travel to Mora to invesitgate the source of the false message that has implicated them.
M3,c6,Shirene,The party can confront the Al Morai supervising manager at Shirene that is responsible for the plot.
D1,nt,Heya,Annic Nova first sighted 1103.
D1,nt,Kinorb,Annic Nova stood off for five weeks without contact.
D1,nt,Dentus,Annic Nova scanned by the local scout base.
D1,av,Keng,The party encounters the derelict space craft Annic Nova near a small gas giant.
D1,av,Yorbund,Tremors uncover some unusual pyramids-- the party explores them.
D2,av,Mithril,The party's scout ship exits jump three days late. They agree to explore three locations of the mostly unpopulated world in return for repairs.
D2,av,Dinom,The party's patron has been suddenly killed in a sudden uprising-- they must trek "across the bright face" in order to flee the world.
D6,pa,Collace,A stranger waiting in the party's room wishes to hire them for a mission on Pavabid.
D6,av,Pavabid,The party attempts to create a "message from god" for a theocrat.
KK,av,Feneteman,While working as starport security consultants, the party must rescue a K'kree merchant held hostage by Vargr corsairs.
KK,av,Fornice,The party is hired to break into a K'kree enclave to covertly replace broken components on an important piece of artwork.
AS,av,Glisten,The party is hired to crew the ship of an Aslan seeking a lost expedition far beyond the Imperiums borders.
A1,pa,Regina,A middle-aged profressional wishes to hire the party to break into a scrapped Kinunir class vessel to retrieve some technical information.
A1,pa,Regina,A foppish noble wishes to hire the party to accompany him on a hunting expedition to Knorbes.
A1,nt,Knorbes,The restricted imperial game preserve contains an ancient site that is secured by a Kinunir class ship that will gladly transport the party to "the Gash".
A1,pa,Pixie,A young lady wishes to hire the party to rescue her father from his illegal imprisonment in "the Gash".
A1,rm,Shionthy,Rumors lead the party to discover a derelict Kinunir class vessle in the asteroid belt of the system.
A6,av,Utoland,While the flat-broke party seeks funds via the local classifieds, they stumble upon an asteroid vessel and travel to the Zhodani Consulate.
AR,nt,Lysen,This world's cities were mostly leveled during Zhodani/Imperial battles in the Fifth Frontier War.
AR,nt,Jewel,At the close of the Fifth Frontier World, party musters out of the Imperial military at Jewell starport.
AR,av,Emerald,In the aftermath of the Fifth Frontier War, barbarians, Zhodani commandos, diamond mines, and ancient temples await the party in the outback of this agricultuaral world.