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What were the Fates of Strephon, Margaret, & Lucan

Liam Devlin

SOC-14 5K
What were the Fates of Strephon, Margaret, & Lucan after the events that close 1130 in Survival margin. Give it your best shot, how did you resolve it in your TU? MJD has alluded Craig didn't make it, but his legacy "Save these people" lives on as the 4I's conscience-his legacy to immortality.

Its thinking cap time--let 'er rip! Inquiring heretics wanna know! ;)
George Boyett posted this in previous Topic "Could Imperium Be Saved?", and led to my starting this topic. here's his take on it:
"Strephon - Either he died of natural causes as a private and broken man or he committed suicide when Virus was released.

Margaret - I would either have her dying in office while trying to rebuild, or she goes into a low berth and wakes up every decade for couple of monthes to determine if the time is right to rebuild large scale interstellar economy and commerce.

(With all the stories of people low berthing it until the TNE period, why not one of the faction leaders)

Lucan - I go with him being assimilated by the Virus faction that takes over Capital.

Descarte: "I think..."
"Zhodani Thought Police. Please come with us. Everything will be all
right, Citizen."
© 2002 GAB
Strephon knew about all the secret research projects. He knew about Omicron, knew what the Cymbelline Superweapon Project could do.

He could not have predicted the exact situation of its release, but he knew it might be coming in some form.

Not saying any more right now.
Thanks MJD! (congrats on #400, you honor us well!)

Not saying anything about maggie or "Lucky" Lucan?
(cannae blame me fer trying!). ;)

MJD's just confirmed a suspicion of mine: I wondered if Strephon knew about the computer virus or if it was just a secret project (frankly, with Strephon doing so many other stupid things I wouldn't have been surprised if he DIDN'T know). That being the case, it's possible the Emperor and his staff managed to successfully combat the virus or use command overide protocols on it. Perhaps by the time the situation was saved Strephon's Safe was still in shambles and the Emperor decided to freeze himself and some followers in a Jumpstart cache or similar location. Perhaps he's awakened in the new era by timer or one of the remote reactivation criteria set on the Jumpstart (e.g. atmosphere clears, population starts using meson communications again, proper codes, etc.) Perhaps this has something to do with why the Fourth Imperium is the LEGITIMATE successor of the Third...!
Okay, time I took my own stab at this:
I too agree with you up there, Arsulon (see above post) about Strephon's knowledge of computers, codes, etc. all that High speed stuff. I did not see a Polity arising in Gushmege like my friend Micheal Koehne does (Wherein Mankind & Sane AI-Viruses (Parent Strains mostly, SOme Hobbyists, and Mother Types) in Rurerayvyn subsector founds a PE based on Trade. But then, as I said, I'm not the only heretic out there).
IMTU, Strephon died of old age on Usdiki, out on his Baronial estate.

Lucan's fate: It was my perception being at ground zero of the Infestation, one of three things could have happened to him.
(A) somebody finally said "enough is enough", and killed him. (Maybe even an Awakened robot, not tied down by fear or emotions), or better still, he choked on food in his quarters, and the robots did not summon aide.(Shades of 5th element!)
(B) The robots of Capital turned on their masters, and are now in charge. Lucan was enslaved, and died in misery, insane, with no one obeying any of his commands any longer.
(C)Lucan was captured by the AI's and is deified in some sort of Unholy Cyborg-Human union.(Welcome to eternal suffering, Lucan!)--a hell on earth.

Margaret's fate.
here I've been torn between two schools of thought, based on what we do KNOW of her.
A) Duchess Margaret Tukera was smart, business wise economic wise, and had a good diplomatic long range plan. I posed this to my 4 sharpest gamers and let em speculate:
They came back with SHe'd have a bolt hole, back in the Delphi Reft to hole up, and defend from.
B) Judging from her latter day performances 1126-onward) when opposed by human rights violations, accused of doing nothing towards those responsible, and confrontation, Maraget's modus operandi was to run/ put out henchmen to "spin" the Duchess' side of things.
The other thought that came of my gamers and me knockin heads on this was, she ran for it. The masses might have done the Marie Antoinette thing,
"Off with her head!" and stormed the Tukera estate/ Bastille. In which case it becomes problematic did she make it offworld or not.
If she did, where would she run to? Towards the Hivers? or the "Bolthole" out in Delphi's Reft (there's places where scarce J-5 & J-6 ships are needed, and some astrographically by J-4, where one could "block off further vampire attacks).
The reason being for this, was She'd let her Navy Commanders have a free hand policing the borders, and according to Hard Times data, had a fair number of her original Domain High Technology Fleet still intact (like the Sector Batron of Tigress Dreadnaughts!!!), as well as elements from the 1021st & 22nd Fleets from Diaspora Sector that had deserted for her cause from Lucan's Navy in the Sol Rim.

IMTU, I decided she made a run for the Hiver Federation, and never made it. She and her children. They might've made it into Lowberths, might not have.
I know the last TNS transmissions we have from Delphi feature ships falling out of the sky but I just can't get over thinking Margaret pulled through somehow. Anaxias' location is a strategic dream come true: once they'd recovered the ground lost to the initial virus onslaught I think Margaret's (and her advisors) strong organizational capacity would have gone far in the recovery phase. Likewise, in addition to whatever Jumpstart caches she had access to, she gave patronage to the Beedlling Society caches as well, and could reasonably count on their resources. Vampire Fleets would get their asses kicked trying to force an entry into the Rift bottleneck to Anaxias, allowing a less demanding defense on fewer fronts than that dictated by the astrography of survivor states like the Hubworlds or Oasis.
I agree her position astrographically was better than most of the other Faction leaders. But the ability to recover is hampered by a huge die-off. Anaxias has Pop A. Size 2 (-2), Atmos 5 (thin)(-1).
Survivors will be in the tens of millions (pop 7) down from the tens of billions. If she stayed, I venture the "off with her head" scenario. I'd forgotten the Beedling caches., and other "jumpstart" materials (She'd be aware of the locations in Massilia/Delphi, perhaps some in OE, no more.).
As for Lucan I like the idea of him being infected by virus (did he have a TL15+ Computer implant?) If so it could take a full blown virus infection. This would give a situation like the one in Babylon 5 and the Centauri emperors little problem.

By the dawn of the new era Lucan would be basically a borg, with that second presence constantly making him do things and pointing to the good job Lucan has done on the imperium.

On this take Lucan ends up a victim as well.
Here's another scenario that could happen to either Strephon and Margaret. One subroutine that was installed told Virus to specifically hunt out the leaders of an insurrection or invastion. Through it's infestations, it will learn the locations of the leaders.

So it's possible that Strephon and/or Margaret wil be killed.

Oh Lucan. Virus was informed Lucan was the Emperor, and would try to "protect" him. Unfortunately the limits were not in place so everyone suffered because almost everyone except Lucan was considered an enemy of the Imperium.
And the acolyte of the most High, the heretic in the wilderness here, turns his head towards the Fortress of Evil and asks,...MJD? Your thoughts on this? Or is this too "wait for the next book?"
I'm not telling about Lucan and the Black Imperium. Suffice to say that Lucan (or his shadow/legacy/whatever) has a part to play in the future of humaniti as well as in the fall of the 3I, and that in the future there will be those who light sad candles to the memory of Lucan the Great.

You'll have to wait and see on that one.
Lucan the Great? I'm all a-tingle with the story possibilities implied by that phrase. Thanks, MJD, for not just consigning important elements of TNE like Lucan to the trashbin: it would have been easy to just write him off as dead.
Originally posted by MJD:
I'm not telling about Lucan and the Black Imperium. Suffice to say that Lucan (or his shadow/legacy/whatever) has a part to play in the future of humaniti as well as in the fall of the 3I, and that in the future there will be those who light sad candles to the memory of Lucan the Great.

You'll have to wait and see on that one.
"Curiouser and curiouser," said Alice...
The acolyte of the fortress of evil, here in the wilderness is relieved to hear that Lucan's legacy ends not with the outbreak of Virus. Like fellow TNE heathen, we await the tablets from the mount. ;)
Which leads the faithful of TNe to the remaining question in this triad...Did Maggie run for it, or make a stand? Or are you taking volunteers on that write up? (if so, I volunteer!)
Without Lucan The Great, Humaniti's future would have effectively ended around 1245. Actual extermination might have taken a little longer, but the last chance to avert utter destruction was gone by then.

Was it redemption or destiny? Both, in a way.
Originally posted by MJD:
Without Lucan The Great, Humaniti's future would have effectively ended around 1245. Actual extermination might have taken a little longer, but the last chance to avert utter destruction was gone by then.

Was it redemption or destiny? Both, in a way.
Oh Wow!!! :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by MJD:
Without Lucan The Great, Humaniti's future would have effectively ended around 1245. Actual extermination might have taken a little longer, but the last chance to avert utter destruction was gone by then.

Was it redemption or destiny? Both, in a way.
That'll stick in Kuligaan's craw.YUS! (And does the happy heretic dance!)
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
BUT............Where's the Grand lady herself? Duchess Maggie-Mae vanishes in 1130. I s she so nobly remembered as Craig, Strephon, Lucan (the redeemed). Or does she join Dulinor's fate in history or less- a faceless victim of the collapse (What profiteth a woman to gain an Imperium but lose her own soul?)...We await the answer (even a wait n see) or reply from the Most High & the Fortress of Evil. ;)