Original rules set (CT 1-5, Striker,), one set for me and one set of printouts in a binder for the players to abuse.
Binder with printouts of useful rules and articles from JTAS for reference.
3x5 cards with all the computer programs for ships on them for the player who mans the computer on the ship. He will shuffle them in and out of play as the battle goes on.
Notebook with campaign notes I've written.
Notebook for "blue-booking".
Notebook for my personal notes as game goes on so I don't lose track of changes caused by players, NPC's, or myself in campaign that I will incorporate into the Campaign Notebook later for continuity.
Much battered and taped back together Judges Guild Traveller DM Shield from around 1980-ish. It is barely legible in spots and has odd stains from bong and drink spills over the decades, but by now carries too much symbolic and important continuity to myself for it to not be used. I have a new one I made from a .pdf but when I tried to use it I couldn't get in the groove during the game.
Pile of 6-sided dice, including ones for "lending" to players who don't bring their own. I have about 30+of my own (or at least 16 in case of FGMP use) that are black with red dots, and 12 'lenders' that are red with black dots for easy identification in the heat of battle.
Pens, pencils, markers, colored pencils.
Assorted paper needed for on the fly maps and such.
The Player Handbook: I put together all the charts, tables, maps, deckplans, stellar maps, house rules, and other common info the players need to play in my campaign universe without having to endlessly source info from a pile of rule books or notes. It has the combat tables on two page spreadsheets, detail library info on Janes Ship's Of The Frontier, and a lot of details on my own equipment, drugs, weapons, vehicles, etc.. It is periodically supplemented as the campaign goes on with new deckplans if the players acquired a new ship (in plastic sleeves), and new info on alien races and animals as encountered. By the end of the campaign is gets pretty thick, but is incredibly useful for everyone involved as a common resource.
A few cans of Coke to be supplemented by offerings provided by anxious players seeking better odds during the game.
I have been steadily transferring the info from my decades of notes, written and in my head, to digital format but other than occasionally sending them out to player groups as needed during a campaign for extra background color and useful info, I don't have a laptop I use in-game. I tried, but it got distracting to the flow of things. I like my game to be too organic, I guess.