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What's Your Favorite Alien?

What's Your Favorite Alien Race as a PC in the OTU?

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Anybody know if cat nip succombs a bunch of Aslan mercenaries...maybe a ball of yarn?
You know, I once had the pleasure of taking a tour of a 400 dTon Vargr Corsair. Noticed one thing...the main fresher on the ship consisted of the following. A) One fire hydrant, non-functional, but with signs of some sort of fluid stains all around the base and B) A milk bone dispenser. Too bad the ship was captured from a battle, and the surviving crew already executed, I would have loved to asked them the specifics of how such worked.

Training aid for new recruits, they use the hydrant, out pops a milkbone. Only way we can get them to learn without shooting them. Pinkies seem to have so much trouble with it though....

every time i visit a Vargr ship....damn Puppys keep pissing on my boots....runs away laughing....hehehe...woofa...woofa....think their
tryimg to tell me somthing!!!... :mad: :mad: :eek: :eek:

and thats a lot of PEE on the deck!!!
There's a drain under the hydrant and as soon as the computer sees you leave the room, the hydrant's hosed off.


Least we don't pee in our drinking water like you pinkies.... :D
my truly favorite alien is from the TV show....and his name is ALF....yayayayaya Alfie!!!
kinda looks like a Vargr puppy with stripes!! :D
Originally posted by RabidVargr:
There's a drain under the hydrant and as soon as the computer sees you leave the room, the hydrant's hosed off.


Least we don't pee in our drinking water like you pinkies.... :D
Perhaps so, but I suspect the Vargrs copied the air freshner system from a 100 dton Sulemain class scout ship...let's just say that bathroom, hosing off or no hosing off, was a wee bit ripe.

:eek: :eek:
Well my favorite is the Vargr especially the sub races. ie Roth Thokken, etc.

My next favorite is the Zhodani, Thought Police sub division "Choir Boys"

Or even better a DM who says you can play anything you want as long as it is in the rules/books, even though the DM is not real familar with the rules/book. He can deal with any character.!!

SNAP! sound of it being broken off....
The Zhodani are excellent both as PCs (Psionic powers, tall & calm) and villains (same reasons). The K'kree are useful only as villains - no redeming qualities except quisine and transportation! :D
I chose Vargr as my favourite PC race - I like the idea of constantly trying to assert my authority over the other players, and encouraging do-or-die tactics - it's such a change from my real world persona.

When DMing, as baddies, I use the Sword Worlders (stuffy, anachronistic, easy-to-offend, militaristic racists) and I'd like to use the K'Kree (hmmm - for the same reasons!) except they're too far away.

The Zho are the 'big' baddies, as my campaign is set in 1100-1107. The players know that war is brewing, but not if I intend to follow canon, while the Characters have NO idea (well, they're starting to get an inkling) so all they know is that Imperium - Good, Zho = Bad.
I intend to cause them problems with that attitude 'real soon now'...

For real ultra-baddies though, you can't beat the Imperial Navy!
For villains, I like the Zhodani, but for showing an "alien" universe to my players, I like Vargr first and Aslan second.


Baron Ovka
For villains, I like the Zhodani, but for showing an "alien" universe to my players, I like Vargr first and Aslan second.


Baron Ovka

I myself like the Zho as adversaries... but for real alienness, it's hard to beat the K'kree...
As PCs I've only ever had Aslan or Vargr.

K'Kree as PC's lasted two sessions. Session 1 was Char Gen. Session 2 was a basic patron shipping run. Consider yourself lucky. K'Kree PC doesn't fit on one sheet, after you add the bodyguards and wives and aides.
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