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When is it over?

It is amazing what can happen when a party is given the full attention by a gang of talented child pickpockets. Have a few personal artifacts and the ship pass keys disappear from pockets can make things interesting again.
It all ended for me when my high-charisma Vargr got caught up in the water-wars on Alief/Matarishan (in the Linkworlds).

We had gotten a well dug for a refugee camp run by the Church of Stellar Divinity when the local banditos put in an attack.

Our ships sandcaster worked fine, but the baddies had a crew-served plasma-gun hidden a freight truck. Khadzerz ended up with a large smoking plasma gun hole right in the middle of his chest...

But he died leading the charge, SO HE DIDN'T LOSE CHARISMA! :D
Y'know, ya got yer anagathics, yer rejuvenation therapy, yer bionics, yer organ cloning - a traveller can live a hella long time if s/he's smart, careful, and a bit lucky.

The longest I've been able to run a character was about twenty years game-time, but I'd really love to either play in or run a campaign that lasts sixty or seventy years game-time, to follow the transition from low-rent mercenaries or free traders to planetary overlords or merchant princes and beyond...

I'm with the poster who suggested that if the GM is asking this question it is time to retire to PCs. Let me tell a story to explain why...

Three years or so ago I got the chance to attend a Washington DC book club meeting that featured Terry Pratchett as a guest speaker. He was flogging whatever new Discworld book he had out at the time. The talk and the Q&A that followed were very interesting and I enjoyed the evening very much.

One comment he made stuck with me however. People asked him about various charecters in the Discworld mileau and when we'd most likely get to see them in future books. Pratchett remarked that he hadn't written a book featuring the Lancre witches lately (Granny Weatherwax et. al.) because he was having trouble plotting an interesting book for them.

May I suggest that if you're having trouble plotting an interesting adventure for your players charecters it's either time for those charecters to be retired or for a new plotter to step into the GMing harness?

Sit down with your players and lay it all out. Explain that you don't know how to challenge their PCs now that they've gotten so powerful. They can then either:

1 - Begin a new campaign with new charecters, or...

2 - Accept a GM-imposed 'Fickle Finger of Fate' result that 'resets' the same charecters withe less power in another campaign, or...

3 - Let someone else take a crack at trying to plot a campaign for their high powered PCs.

Just my 0.02Cr.

Have fun,
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:

...May I suggest that if you're having trouble plotting an interesting adventure for your players charecters it's either time for those charecters to be retired or for a new plotter to step into the GMing harness?

Sit down with your players and lay it all out. Explain that you don't know how to challenge their PCs now that they've gotten so powerful. They can then either:

1 - Begin a new campaign with new charecters, or...

2 - Accept a GM-imposed 'Fickle Finger of Fate' result that 'resets' the same charecters withe less power in another campaign, or...

3 - Let someone else take a crack at trying to plot a campaign for their high powered PCs.

Just my 0.02Cr...
I don't believe any 'high powered PC' is ever too mighty to take a fall. On the contrary, high profile individuals with power and prestige are fair targets, and the behavior of some just seems to invite it! As we know, even His Imperial Majesty the Emperor is not immune.

Threats may be overt (rarely), but frequently assume more insidious forms, such as scandal, false allegations (or legitimate ones), even a professional or personal betrayal. "It is always a friend who hates you most", so they should watch out for their fellow PCs, too! Paranoid yet?
Well, perhaps they should be.