Ignorance is not an excuse for not voting.Originally posted by Chaos:
Well, I only know the T20 system, so I held off voting in this poll. It´s not bad, overall, but I think it could be improved. My thought on how to do that can be found in some old thread in the T20 forum. I´ll probably resurrect some of those in a couple of weeks, when my current exams are over, and do some more work on that.
[m;]I have added two mongoose options. I should add T5, too.[/m;]
Gareth asked for, and incorporated with my permission, elements of the MegaTraveller & Bk2 variant I had been working on.
Just remember: MT, TNE, and T4 used near identical variants of Merchant Prince.
Actually, Wil, I think I like YOUR variant the best. Or, maybe, Don's. So I'll change my vote to "other".
DO you have that posted on COTI?
I'm more than happy to stick with LBB2 trade for PC scale these days.