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Which is your favorite OTU Milieu?

Which is your favorite OTU Milieu?

  • Total voters

I prefer TNE in the alternate timeline scenario (sans Virus).
I am looking at perhaps an 1110 campaign in the Spinward Marches or Old Expanses.
I've increasingly been thinking about the Rule of Man for novelty and partly because of the nice little article on it in the GURPS Best of JTAS. It would be a much darker take on the classic/1105 era - lots more governmental infighting, corporate wars, Vargr invasions - with slightly downshifted technology. But higher tech / more cosmopolitan than Milieu Zero, and not as dark at TNE. And more of a blank sheet of paper than any of those 3.
I have a book of notes for a Rule of Man campaign I will get around to running someday.

It introduces a lot more transhumanist elements into the setting, dealing with the rise of AIs, genengineering humans to be better suited to colonising marginal worlds and coping with xenodiseases and the like. It even explains how the Solomani rediscover their psionic potential.

The Long Night will be next on the list after that.
I'm now working on a variant OTU sub-setting set in the Dark Nebula area (based on the Dark Nebula boardgame map, which is non-canonical) and set, vaguely, during a variant rebellion (Dulinor grabbed the throne, but several nobles dissented, and both Solomani and Aslan have used the chaos to take back space they considered to be theirs, with great success (the Eight-Month War which saw Terra back in Solomani hands). Now, drunk with success against the distant Imperium, both polities have developed an appetite for conquest from each other in the Dark Nebula...

You didn't buy the large bag of popcorn that had the 3-D glasses?

Just like I hate humans putting human style clothes on the lower animals, I just don't go for my food wearing 3D glasses. :devil:

And me, I am a Golden Era kid, followed by Milleu 0 and of course my own ATU.
I like 1248 best because it allows for the flexibility being in "Empires" as it were, but with sufficient flexibility get to a frontier area where you "make the law as you go along". I appreciate the Golden Era, but for the players I have it is not suitable. Not sufficient frontiers for their tastes.
I am working on what I call the Norton/Piper alternate Traveller universe, which is a blend of Classic Traveller, with some fairly drastic modifications and my own ideas based on the books by Andre Norton and H. Beam Piper.
I am working on what I call the Norton/Piper alternate Traveller universe, which is a blend of Classic Traveller, with some fairly drastic modifications and my own ideas based on the books by Andre Norton and H. Beam Piper.

What sorts of modifications?
I'm partial to a non-OTU setting myself. Clement Sector from Gypsy Knights Games is really cool. As to the OTU, I prefer Rebellion.

I think the poll in this thread is broken somehow - the numbers of votes in the poll graph do not nearly match the amounts of user names listed.
I think the poll in this thread is broken somehow - the numbers of votes in the poll graph do not nearly match the amounts of user names listed.

Several older polls have that issue. The only solution is to close it and start a new one.
Several older polls have that issue. The only solution is to close it and start a new one.

Actually, it looks like all the vote numbers have been shifted one option down from where they are supposed to be, creating an "empty" option at the bottom and leaving one vote at the very top.
Actually, it looks like all the vote numbers have been shifted one option down from where they are supposed to be, creating an "empty" option at the bottom and leaving one vote at the very top.

I unvoted and revoted for "other OTU" but that's so I could post here to say that I like CT, Proto-Traveller and TNE for the OTU and then wanting to see all the ATUs there are.
Now having read what it means, Proto-Traveller sounds about right to me. (I had to look it up.) That's pretty much how we assumed the universe was when we started playing Traveller.

After that, I prefer using the CT-era OTU, then the GURPS alternate timeline, then Milieu 0.

I look forward to getting the Gateway-era T20 book some day.

I have no interest in the post-CT-era OTU (rebellion, etc.) as it has been developed thus far.