What we got was not what was promised. Massive dissappointment.
Well, I never trust advertisements and promises ...
What I expected was an updated version of the original Traveller that would
be in print and available in a German translation - and this is exactly what I
got, so I am not disappointed.
Moreover, there are and will be quite a number of adventures (I am looking
forward to Beltstrike), supplements (Civilian Vehicles interests me very much),
sourcebooks (Dynasty could be even more useful than Pocket Empires), and
so on.
And there will be third parties which will produce and publish additional MGT
material (Flynn's Guide to Robots will be on my shopping list), and probably
a number of fascinating non-OTU settings among them.
Besides, the non-OTU settings published by Mongoose will use the MGT core
rules, and so I will have, for example, a fully MGT-compatible version of Baby-
lon 5 to "mine" for ideas in the not so far future.
So, while the core rules doubtless have their shortcomings, I just see them
as a start into at least a decade (I hope) of new Traveller material of various
sorts from Mongoose and others.
For me, this is a good reason to take the core rules problems in stride, and
to be happy about the things to come.