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Wiki Discussion: Renaming New Traveller?


SOC-14 1K
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The Mongoose Traveller 2nd edition rules are and were never referred to in those terms by Mongoose publishing. The term "New Traveller" was adopted when Mongoose first started publishing the new edition and was adopted by the Wiki. But Mongoose no longer refers to this edition as "New Traveller". So the term now becomes confusing.

So what do we call the currently being published Mongoose Traveller rules. And distinguish it from all the other editions.

My preference would be "Mongoose 2nd", which flows along with "Traveller 5th". Are there other / better / preferred suggestions?

The Mongoose Traveller 2nd edition rules are and were never referred to in those terms by Mongoose publishing. The term "New Traveller" was adopted when Mongoose first started publishing the new edition and was adopted by the Wiki. But Mongoose no longer refers to this edition as "New Traveller". So the term now becomes confusing.

So what do we call the currently being published Mongoose Traveller rules. And distinguish it from all the other editions.

My preference would be "Mongoose 2nd", which flows along with "Traveller 5th". Are there other / better / preferred suggestions?

I have always called it Mongoose 2nd Ed., and have always thought that New Traveller is both ambiguous and confusing. What happens in the future when it is no longer the "New" Edition?
I have not seen that delineation either. I personally like splitting hairs. It is more precision, less ambiguity. My preference: If you reorganize then split out as MgT1e and MgT2e (abbreviated) or as Mongoose(1ed) Mongoose(2ed). This allows the far less grognardy to understand there is a tie between the two and clarity in differences. BTW :rant: damn you Mongoose Matt :rofl: for taking away Project Phoenix between the 1e and 2e versions of Solomani Rim LOL oh well.

Doctor Who (1963) Doctor Who: The Movie (1996) and Doctor Who (2005). Even though it is the same main character, it is 3 different productions and three different eras. The IP holder makes no distinction in its primary branding until it wants to distinctly refer to "classic Who" or "the movie" in an article. The majority of articles talking in-universe it's all the same Whoniverse (yesa that is the term)
Yeah, same here, never heard it referred to as New Traveller. I’ve always used MgT 1e or 2e.

The Mongoose Traveller 2nd edition rules are and were never referred to in those terms by Mongoose publishing. The term "New Traveller" was adopted when Mongoose first started publishing the new edition and was adopted by the Wiki. But Mongoose no longer refers to this edition as "New Traveller". So the term now becomes confusing.

So what do we call the currently being published Mongoose Traveller rules. And distinguish it from all the other editions.

My preference would be "Mongoose 2nd", which flows along with "Traveller 5th". Are there other / better / preferred suggestions?

Almost every major gaming board references the curved swish as Mongoose Traveller 2nd ed. Any other name is thus grounds for confusion.
So hurray for software.

I started the process of moving the "New Traveller" to "Mongoose 2nd" starting by moving the "New Traveller" page. This page has been translated into Spanish by Sugaar Editorial. But not a big deal? Apparently it was. The process of moving a translated page segfaults the background process. It dies a brutal and untimely death before getting anything done, much like Traveller Characters.

Apparently the upgrade to the latest LTS release (1.35.4) of the mediawiki software will resolve it. So this goes next onto my list of things to do.
New update. Despite the effort of upgrading to the newest version of the wiki (specifically to address this issue), the problem is not fixed. Attempting to move a translated page still results in the system performing a Segmentation Fault and dying at the beginning of the process. This is most disappointing. I have some other (more destructive) approaches that may work. So curses and drat.
For those wondering about the name New Traveller, I recalled seeing this name somewhere other than the wiki here. I went back thru the Mongoose forums and found this post. I find it interesting that he doesn't come right out and say 2nd edition, but uses the term "new Traveller" 5 times.

Mongoose News - A New Edition of Traveller

Post by MongooseMatt » Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:09 pm

Tomorrow afternoon (September 4th, UK time) will see the first appearance of a new Traveller, the product of many years tweaking, adjusting and listening to the thousands of players who have travelled the universe of the Far Future.

So what can you expect?

You will be able to dive into the new Traveller with the Beta Rulebook PDF. It will be a mere $20 on DrivethruRPG and we’ll return that $20 to you in the form of a voucher when the final Core Rulebook is released in early 2016. You will also be getting a veritable host of goodies and a chance to influence other Traveller books including High Guard, the vehicle Handbook and the Central Supply Catalogue throughout the playtest period.

So, what can you expect to see in the new Traveller? These are just a few of the tweaks we have made;

* The last edition rested heavily on the minimalist approach of Classic Traveller – the new edition has all the bells and whistles you expect from a modern RPG. From isometric deck plans to flow charts that walk you throw character creation and ship design, from subsector maps to equipment pages that look as though they come straight from a space-based mail order catalogue, we have spent months striving to make the new Traveller not only look the best it can, but also to use these graphics to help it play better on the table top.

* A fully integrated combat system that seamlessly moves between Travellers, vehicles and ships. You can now fly your Corsair through a system, destroy the orbiting defence stations, then descend into the atmosphere to dogfight the aerospace fighters. A critical hit system for ships and vehicles allows you knock out vital systems in your opponent’s craft, while an expanded action system will give everyone on board something to do in battle.

* Power systems for ships - starship captains will now be worrying about the amount of Power available to them. In most situations, it will not be a factor (and this will not intrude on gameplay) but if you overload a trader with high-powered weaponry or take damage to your power plant, you’ll be screaming down the comms to your engineer to give you more power!

* We have made changes to the way animals are handled, making their creation a thing of simplicity for referees; come up with a concept for your creature, assign Hits and Attacks, then add Traits and you are done. The Traits for animals handle special abilities such as heightened senses or psionic capability and we will be adding to them in future supplements – especially useful as they are also used for alien species, forming another common bond within the mechanics of the game.

Strap yourselves in and start the countdown - the new Traveller makes its first appearance tomorrow!

Matthew Sprange
Kind of a stretch… “new“ is never capitalized and the actual title of the new release is never clarified.
Kind of a stretch… “new“ is never capitalized and the actual title of the new release is never clarified.
I agree it is a bit of a stretch, but I think this (or other similar posts on Mongo's forum) may be where the original CotI wiki page got the name.

This is where we got the "New Traveller" from. If you look at the drop-down menu there is a "New Traveller" and a "Traveller" option. So we borrowed their marketing. The "New Traveller" lasted from 2016 to at least April 2019. I would agree it is past time to update the wiki. Except, of course, the MediaWiki software has decided it likes "New Traveller" and is being difficult about changing it.
Except, of course, the MediaWiki software has decided it likes "New Traveller" and is being difficult about changing it.

Through a process of combining automated updates and manual fixes this has been completed. All of the "New Traveller" article titles and references have been changed to "Mongoose 2nd", or been removed.

There may a few hiding in the dark, caught in the caches, or simply missed. If you find any please point them out.