The Traveller Wiki editorial team is proud to announce that the articles for all 500 alien races in the wiki have been reviewed and updated. The categorical reviews are conducted periodically to bring all articles up to a layout and content standard. Changes for this review include:
Here is the list(s) of the sophont article. If you are interested in other formats for this data please ask either here or in the wiki.
Now onto the Traveller Wiki equipment guide.
- Updated the template on each article to include more information
- The updated template places the data into Cargo tables. This data can be queried or exported into Excel or json data for further analysis
- Verified the sources for each of these articles and updated them where necessary.
- Added text to some of the articles.
- Added categories to the different articles to make races easier to find by groupings
- Updated the article formatting to be more consistent and easier to read.
Here is the list(s) of the sophont article. If you are interested in other formats for this data please ask either here or in the wiki.
Now onto the Traveller Wiki equipment guide.