• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Wiki Update: Dark Mode


SOC-14 1K
Staff member
Admin Award
From the request of one of our new users, I've added a Dark Mode support. No longer will your eyes be assaulted by the white background of the default wiki setup, it now comes in a soothing black with grey text and purple links.


On your preferences page, select the "Gadgets" tab. There is a "Dark Mode" option, click the checkbox to select and press the "Save" button.

There are still some poor color choices given that the wiki was designed around the black text on a white background. If you find any really bad once, please post a link to the page (and description) and I'll take a look at fixing the problems.
