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Workers of this World Unite...

Braindeath is incurable.
Ignorance is not.

Vegascat: I have never seen the things you describe. I have visted two coasts of my own country but even in military service have visited no other country except our noisy neibhour down south. In the late 70's my brother travelled Europe with only backpack and an ability to do odd jobs. I have Swiss relatives who live on the coast of france, whom my parents and older sister have frequently visited.
I read a lot of history. (though I won't pretend to be an historian.)

Not to put your description of East Berlin down. I respect your experience and do not believe I have ever posted anything that implies that the Soviet Union was anything other than a brutal frightening regime. My point in all of my posts is that there is an entire spectrum of beliefs and practices in between the extremes, and that a concern for comunity and social justice does not automatically equal totalitarianism.

Trader Jim: Vindicated with or by what? So far the message I've received from your posts is that anything other than an exact aping of the way things are done in the USA is Communist, and Communism is evil because you fought their illegimate sons in a war. And that talk of Socialism has you very angry. You don't appear to have read anything I've posted, or at least you've not chosen to respond with rational or even relevant argument to it.

Don't anyone get me wrong. I'm a child of the cold war too. I never had face armed fire, but I was (willing sounds like the wrong word, I 've read to much about the horors of war to be eager to put my head in the lion's mouth) hmmm... more than ready to submit to my patriotic duty?. And have indeed worn my nation's uniform and been trained to weild my Army's weapons. I think Comunism is unworkable. I think Marx & those who epanded on his ideas were totally out to lunch when they articulated the communist dialetic. I haven't read or heard of a real world communist regime that wasn't as brutal and harsh with it's citizens as any theocracy (wherein Dissent becomes -blasphemy-).

However, I think a distinction needs to be made between what would be labeled as 'socialist ideals' and Communism. I think it's a mistake to rant and rave using slogans instead of rational thought.

And while not to disagree with Vegascat on his interpretation of fear he saw in that child's eyes... You don't have to be communist or indoctrinated to be suspicious, fearful or even hateful when viewing a proudly displayed US flag in the middle of your own nation. (note: Ever since 9/11 i've hung an American Flag next to my Canadian one in the window of my apartment. Just because I feel concern and sympathy for the citizens of an allied nation, doesn't mean I agree with EVERY policy descision it's government makes nor that I am unaware of how others may feel about said nation.)

Again: should things get too hot here, and should you wish to discuss things further with me.
