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Yet more robots (CT/MT)


Eslyptok Dyrnol - 209
"Designed by Eslyptok Kryloss, produced by Eslyptok Kryloss."
Droyne Armed Personal Walker
348 kg
Fuel=10, Duration= 2.1,
16/40 (cloth w/reflec)
2 med arms

1 visual sensor ( +LI )
"1 basic sensor package, 1 voder, 1 touch sensor"
"1 spotlight, 1 speaker, 1 power interface"
1 slave unit
1 radio (50km)
1 video recorder (2D)

electronic circuit protection
"2 body/snub pistols, 1 auto rifle"
1 laser carbine

Name Troll v7.35.05
Designed by Panstellar, produced by Panstellar.
Description A heavy, bronze coloured cargo handling bot with a hunchbacked, metal-ape appearance. Headless, the bot has a sensor cluster under a heavily armoured brow-ridge
820 kg
Fuel 12 litres, Duration 30 hours.
30/75 (combat)

2 hvy arms
1 visual sensor (+LI)
1 basic sensor package
1 voder
1 spotlight
1 power interface
1 radio (5km)
1 extensive ECM
electronic circuit protection

Close Combat-1, Security-1, Rescue-1, Cargo Handling-3, Emotion Simulation

NOTES: Primarily designed for standard cargo handling in almost any environment, the Troll has hidden security protocols to enable the parent system to protect itself, although the parameters are primarily of the 'restraint' variety.
Strength 100, Dexterity 6, Intelligence 4, Education 4.

Name: Goblin v8.33.15
Designed by Panstellar, produced by Panstellar.
Description Small and more nimble than many utility bots, the Goblin is a dark, steel coloured bot with short bowed legs and longish arms. Its segmented casing is robust and versatile, lacking a head it holds it's red visual sensors under a heavy brow-ridge.
236 kg
Fuel=6 litres, Duration= 20.4 hours fuel cell,0.8 hours on batteries. TL=14
16/40 (cloth)

2 light arms
2 visual sensors (+AdvIR)
1 audio sensor
1 voder
1 touch sensor
1 power interface
1 radio (5km)

Steward-2, Grav Vehicle-2, Electronic-1, Mechanical-1, Communications-1
Valet-1, Close Combat-1, Weapon Handling-1
Security-1, Rescue-1, Cargo Handling-1, Emotion Simulation

NOTES: A general duties bot, it is small enough to easily negotiate access shafts and capable of simple engineering help. Like many Panstellar bots, it has buried combat abilities that may be invoked by the parent system, it's human sized arms are capable of handling human weapons.
Strength 50, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 4, Education 6 (11).