Hehehe. I was checking the Dailies, saw veltyen's comment, and thought he was talking about me. I couldn't remember saying anything that might be misconstrued as an Alaskan Malamute, so I had to drop in and check it out.

I then realized TheEngineer and veltyen were speaking about Ganidiirsi, not myself.
I love the thread. There are some excellent ones, some of which I've actually done.
Okay, my contributions:
- You love the old fanzines so much that you learn how to publish your own when no one else steps up to the plate.
- Your wife, who has never played the game, recognizes the names of the major races and several of the sectors simply by living with you, and occasionally makes jokes appropriate to the setting.
- Your friends introduce you as the Traveller Guy to new people they've met at parties.
- People think you have a degree in astrophysics because you can hold your own in discussions about the possibilities of interstellar flight.
- People drop your name when trying to join other Traveller games, in the hopes that it will get them a seat in the game.
- You wonder where the local chapter of the Psionics Institute is lcoated, because you're sure that it is not in Egypt like DGP says it is, at least not now.
- You mentally convert the sci-fi movies and TV shows you watch into Traveller stats and lay them out in either the Adventure Nugget or EPIC format.
- You watch science shows on the various cable channels solely to gain ideas for background flavor for the worlds you're developing.
- You keep track of the major Traveller authors you've met, and cherish your collection of autographed gaming supplements.
- You paid more than $50 on eBay for a Traveller supplement you will likely never use, simply because you needed it for your collection.
- You've had longer and more frequent conversations about Traveller gaming with people on the other side of the planet than you typically spend chatting about office politics with your co-workers around the water cooler.
- Your first two thoughts when seeing Firefly for the first time were: "I didn't know Joss Whedon played..." and "How'd Joss get the rights to make a Traveller TV series from Marc?"
- You've seriously considered learning how to produce an audio drama online for the sole purpose of creating a Traveller series.
- The only reason you stopped your plans for creating a Traveller audio drama series is because it would interfere with your fanzine production and your Traveller gaming.
Okay, I'll stop here.