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Your favorite sector in the OTU


SOC-14 1K
For me is has to be Reaver's Deep, followed by Far Frontiers. Both are just almost perfect sectors to have an adventuring party create chaos, confusion, and alarm. Lots of things that you can do, and lots of interesting worlds to harrass.
I like the feel of Far Frontiers, but I've never played in it (I'd like to).

My favorite sector, next to the Spinward Marches, is whatever sector I have hand-generated myself.
I'm beginning to love the frontier sectors where anything goes.

  1. Far Frontiers
  2. Gateway
  3. Reavers' Deep
  4. Vanguard Reaches
  5. Vargr Extents
  6. etc.

Crossroads leave more apt to happen and I like the richness of diversity.

I'm beginning to love the frontier sectors where anything goes.

I also like the Frontier Sectors more just more room for adventure. So I guess my List looks something like this.

1) Spinward Marches-Its where I started so it does have a special place in my heart but so much diversity just depending on where you are.

2) Trojan Reach-Fell in love with this when you could go to the Outrim Void. Was really fun to see what was just rimward of the Marches. Plus many of my games now bounce between the two.

3) Mendan-I have always liked Julian Space and it can be a lot of fun with all the Vargr nearby.

4) Solomani Sphere not really a sector but I like the area but none of it has really stood out yet. Want to deal with the Aslan go hit Dark Nebula, Hivers go to Spica or LaGrange. Or if you want less of a Frontier area there is MagYar, Alpha Crucis, which are near the two above areas or do the intrigue type stuff in the Solomani Rim and Alderbaran. I would put some of these Higher but since its not a "Sector" it doesn't count.

5)Chtierabl-Did the old Zhodani AM with a twist where we are Zho's and went there with the Member of the High Council and stuck around for more Adventure.
Spinward Marches. The place a lot of us got our start, a lot of printed data to help flesh out the details.
Obviously, I am gotta say Corridor, Lemish subsector, I never played with the OTU until the nobility cards came out. And have been having a blast working on a potential novel as well. Or a series of novels because there is a LOT of history for a boring backwater sector.
To be honest, I really like the Solomani Rim, especially as it's show in the excellent Rim of Fire.

There's political adventures, trade possibilities, and locations that can take a player home.
I started with my own Varan sector, but eventually started using the Marches and Deneb as more info came out.

I tied my campaign to the Domain of Deneb, and my military buddies and I spent many happy real-time years running around the regions.

We had one batch of gamers running two groups of characters - one group from Varan, and one group from the DoD (bad US military pun lol) who eventually met up with each other. At that point, the fun REALLY started.

Dang good memories there!
I started with my own Varan sector, but eventually started using the Marches and Deneb as more info came out.

I tied my campaign to the Domain of Deneb, and my military buddies and I spent many happy real-time years running around the regions.

We had one batch of gamers running two groups of characters - one group from Varan, and one group from the DoD (bad US military pun lol) who eventually met up with each other. At that point, the fun REALLY started.

Dang good memories there!

Your Varan sector is pretty nifty.

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Gvurrdon Sector

From deep inside the Extents, this is Net-7 News.

Your Anchor-rat's favorite Sector is Gvurrdon for its crossroads, frontier, wild and newsworthy variety of polities. While Net-7 News draws details from Traveller Universes such as Classic, MegaTraveller, Mongoose and fan-made interpretations of the Sector and Wiki-submitted details; your field correspondent continues coverage of the Vargr Extents including this tumultuous corner of Charted Space.

Gvurrdon Sector is rife with Vargr, Zhodani, Imperium, a tiny smattering of Aslan (see Dentus post 5FW) and a scale of civilization to shattered frontier as one travels Coreward.

The various polities and their individual flavors provides any Referee with a wide-angle shot of a Sector in constant change from 1105 to 1200. Whether one is plying one's starship in any of the eras in that range of years or merely taking a back seat to all of the eras, a member of Humaniti, Vargr or Aslan can find something to dip their toes into.

Make Gvurrdon part of your Traveller Universe.

Live via satellite from Serue (Knoellighz 1221), this is the Pakkrat.