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Your Recommended Adventures!


I’m starting up my third Traveller campaign and am looking for some more pre-written adventure materials. I’d love any recommendations on good sci fi adventure modules. I’m not worried about any specific game system; I’d welcome material from any version of Traveller or any other game for that matter.

Our campaign is set in the Ley sector somewhat near the Khuur League (home base is Shaasimamir ((Frontier Worlds Subsector Ley 1822)) to get specific). I was thinking for this new campaign we will push toward the Khuur League. IMTU the Sydites are trying to regain some lost territory and are pushing their borders toward the Imperium. The campaign is set in year 995 so the Solomani Rim War is pulling Imperial vessels away from the sector, giving Khuur this opportunity.

The players have a paid off ship, and operate it for commerce, fun, and sometimes a touch of combat action. Think of the crew in the Firefly television series.

Besides actual adventures, any one-shots, patrons, or particularly interesting adventure seeds or seed collections are also of interest.

My current list of stories I’m planning to investigate, use, plunder, or file the serial numbers off includes:

Death Station
Murder on Arcturus Station
Cold Dark Grave
Last Flight of the Amuar
Twilight Shadows on the Bright Face
The Evening Star
Golden Age Adventures (from the game DayTrippers)
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (AD&D)
Night of Conquest
For a change of pace, consider Dead Planet. Written for Mothership, biggest conversion work will be coming up with Traveller stats for the opponents. Starts with a catastrophic misjump dropping the party at a dead space for jumps, and potentially deadly, so be aware of that.
Ooh Mothership looks very interesting! Definitely a bit on the dark side for our campaign but I bet I could lighten it up a bit. Thanks!

For a change of pace, consider Dead Planet. Written for Mothership, biggest conversion work will be coming up with Traveller stats for the opponents. Starts with a catastrophic misjump dropping the party at a dead space for jumps, and potentially deadly, so be aware of that.
Death Station
Night of Conquest

For a Trav-D&D crossover, the Blackmoore series. TSR has a long list of adventure modules that I personally think are well crafted.

The Chamax plague is kind of interesting.
Mission on Mithril is okay.

Lots of others. Too many to list. But those are a few.

Expedition to the Barrier Peaks Dungeon Module S3 (AD& D Adventure for Character Levels 8-12)
There's so much great stuff out there! I like the compilation books of adventure seeds and then expanding those out too.
There was a short jtas adventure on a world called sharmun, where the players have to salvage a fleet payroll from a wreck on a balkanized world in the middle of a tense nuclear standoff.
After a bit of research this is "Salvage on Sharmun" by Jeff May which ran in Journal of the Travellers Aid Society issue 4. Looks neat, thanks!

There was a short jtas adventure on a world called sharmun, where the players have to salvage a fleet payroll from a wreck on a balkanized world in the middle of a tense nuclear standoff.
In a later JTAS, “Aces & Eights” has the gang tracking down a lost merc ticket payroll drop with only a few clues to go on. Great for Other/Gambler/Rogue types.

My fave CT adventure is “Nomads of the World Ocean” - Megacorp shenanigans on water world where the PCs get embroiled in an ‘evil company vs natives’ situation with a wonderful alien ecosystem worked out. Written by one of the Keith brothers, who I believe also wrote the Sky Raiders series.
For those who can appreciate it ;)

Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss.

An investigation to determine who is finacially liable when military equipment is lost, damaged or destroyed. Synonyms include Report of Survey, Blame Game, and Witch Hunt.