First shot at reproducing the Classic Zho Warbot.
This will prolly look like a mess in plain text...
Zhodani War Bot TL14
vl cr ep other
60vl Std Chasis (60) 60
Grav Drive Train 0.8 9200 0.2 0.2DTU 20Thrust
Arms x2 20 40000 4.0 S20 D10
Holovid 1.6 2500 0.15 100m range, includes display
LIIR Capability 1.2 2000 0.04
Audio Sensor 0.2 200 0.01 50m
Voder 0.5 1200 0.03
2-Way Radio 0.5 75 0.02
A9 Robot Brain 8.5 41000 0.57
Hvy Turret 14 140 0.02 Holds 10vl of weapon and ammo
Armour AR6 4.2 3038
Power for Agility 0.96 0.96/(60/250)=4
Adv. Battery 7.2 360 6.0 for 120hrs
Leftovers 1.3
Totals 60 99,773 6.0
Zhodani Warbot Brain Type A9 (700CPU) INT3 PP20/10
Adv Synaptic x70 8.5vl 0.57ep 7000cr (includes TL14 miniturization)
No Xp Storage (Dumbot)
Low Basic Logic 2PP 1000cr +0 INT, +0 DEX
Limited Verbal 2PP 500cr +0 INT
Auto Evade 1PP 5000cr +2AC
Gunner 10 10PP 10Kcr 10 ranks of Gunner skill
Predict 2PP 7500cr +2 to hit
Pilot (Grav) 1PP 1000cr 1 rank of Pilot/Grav (required of all gravbots)
Return Fire 1PP 5000cr +2 to hit target firing energy weapon
Weapon Sys. 1PP 4000cr Required for weapon turret
Stat Block
S20 D10 Cn- I3 W0 Ch0 Ed2 So0
Agility 4, Initiative +4, AR6, SI12, AC22 (Agility +4, Auto Evade +2, AR6)
Attack +7 (Gunnery 10, Wis -5, Predict 2), Pilot(Grav) +1
Damage by Weapon (Typicaly Laser Rifle or FGMP14)
Max Speed 320kph, Accleleration 32kph
Based on the Warbot in Aliens Volume - Zhodani that terrorized PCs for years.
When you consider its treated as a vehicle (like Battle Dress is) you need a big gun to take it out. That -5dice was very discouringing to my players.
Weaknesses: It has limited ammo (as much as a regular laser rifle or fusion gun) and is pretty stupid. Wind it up (or "flick it on" for the Zhos) and let it go. Crush, Kill, Destroy!
This will prolly look like a mess in plain text...

Zhodani War Bot TL14
vl cr ep other
60vl Std Chasis (60) 60
Grav Drive Train 0.8 9200 0.2 0.2DTU 20Thrust
Arms x2 20 40000 4.0 S20 D10
Holovid 1.6 2500 0.15 100m range, includes display
LIIR Capability 1.2 2000 0.04
Audio Sensor 0.2 200 0.01 50m
Voder 0.5 1200 0.03
2-Way Radio 0.5 75 0.02
A9 Robot Brain 8.5 41000 0.57
Hvy Turret 14 140 0.02 Holds 10vl of weapon and ammo
Armour AR6 4.2 3038
Power for Agility 0.96 0.96/(60/250)=4
Adv. Battery 7.2 360 6.0 for 120hrs
Leftovers 1.3
Totals 60 99,773 6.0
Zhodani Warbot Brain Type A9 (700CPU) INT3 PP20/10
Adv Synaptic x70 8.5vl 0.57ep 7000cr (includes TL14 miniturization)
No Xp Storage (Dumbot)
Low Basic Logic 2PP 1000cr +0 INT, +0 DEX
Limited Verbal 2PP 500cr +0 INT
Auto Evade 1PP 5000cr +2AC
Gunner 10 10PP 10Kcr 10 ranks of Gunner skill
Predict 2PP 7500cr +2 to hit
Pilot (Grav) 1PP 1000cr 1 rank of Pilot/Grav (required of all gravbots)
Return Fire 1PP 5000cr +2 to hit target firing energy weapon
Weapon Sys. 1PP 4000cr Required for weapon turret
Stat Block
S20 D10 Cn- I3 W0 Ch0 Ed2 So0
Agility 4, Initiative +4, AR6, SI12, AC22 (Agility +4, Auto Evade +2, AR6)
Attack +7 (Gunnery 10, Wis -5, Predict 2), Pilot(Grav) +1
Damage by Weapon (Typicaly Laser Rifle or FGMP14)
Max Speed 320kph, Accleleration 32kph
Based on the Warbot in Aliens Volume - Zhodani that terrorized PCs for years.

When you consider its treated as a vehicle (like Battle Dress is) you need a big gun to take it out. That -5dice was very discouringing to my players.

Weaknesses: It has limited ammo (as much as a regular laser rifle or fusion gun) and is pretty stupid. Wind it up (or "flick it on" for the Zhos) and let it go. Crush, Kill, Destroy!