This is a companion piece to my other post on Combat Equipment, written under the same restrictions.....
By Michael A. Cessna, <> 2006
The Ziru Sirka's ground combat forces were, by Terran standards, a study in contrasts, bearing a strong resemblance to both Napolionic-era armies, and to the latest 'commando' units available.
The Zumrarish-ani-k'un
The mainstay of the ZS's combat formations were the Zumrarish-ani-k'un ("ZAK", in Terran parlance), the main-line infantry. A multi-function force, the Zumrarish-ani-k'un was a unit of roughly 1000 sophonts. Although it's primary mission was conventional infantry combat, the ZAK's personnel were trained in many functions; there were no "MOS's" in the Terran sense.
While this made for a more compact force, it meant that few non-infantry functions were performed with true efficiency, as compared to their Terran opponents.
The ZAK's main weapon was the Gush'rham combat rifle. This powerful, well-designed and -made weapon was spread far and wide over the ZS's territory; it was the standard weapon for nearly 3000 years.
The Gush'rham was a 6x50mm slugthrower with a 10-round rotary magazine, fed by 10-round chargers (q.v.: "Combat Equipment of the Ziru Sikra Infantry").
The ZS trooper was also equipped with a variety of and grenades during combat operations, including "less-than-lethal" gas and stun grenades for riot control (a frequent ZAK mission).
Personal armor consisted of a flexible vest of carbon-fibre-reinforced ballistic nylon anchoring 10cm disks of hard ballistic-ceramic; although considerably heavier than comparable Terran armors(10kg vs 5-7kg), it offered up to 300 times the terminal ballistic protection.
A two-piece helmet was employed, similar to a mid-20th Century US/North American helmet, with a ballistic-plastic liner under a steel outer shell. The outer shell was covered in a variety of materials in the field to enhance the soldier's camoflage. Although officially discouraged, the steel shell was also used variously as a stewpot, awshbasin and digging tool.
Attached to the back was a c.4litre-capacity water bladder that could be used with a chemical-protective mask. Personal gear consisted of a 4-cup stainless steel vessel that was a combination mug and stewpot with a vapor-sealed lid, and a hand-cranked generator(based on a simple Faraday principle) whose primary function was to run a UV lamp to sterilze contaminated water; this generator also powered a small LED-analog lamp/flashlight. A large rain cape and hood rounded out the kit.
Direct support weapons consisted of light machine guns (based on the standard rifle[1]), rocket-propelled grenade launchers(similar to the Terran's venerable RPG-7V[2]), and both 50- and 90mm mortars. Mortar ammunition consisted of HE/FRAG, Smoke (in various colors), and Illuminating rounds.
No rifle grenades were deployed within the ZS infantry establishment. The ZS Command saw rifle grenades as a weapon searching for a mission: the enemy would either be close enough to use hand grenades, or would be engaged by mortars or artillery. A mid-range weapon of such a small calibre was deemed superfluous.
The ZAK was organized on a 'base-6' structure. A "hand" (kimrikuk) of six troops ("...five fingers and a palm...") would contain five troops armed with rifles, and one armed with either a light machinegun, an RPG or would collectively carry a light mortar.
There were six kimrikuk-ii in each makashi, or platoon. Carrying the 'base-6' one step further, six makashi-ii formed a liirur-mi, or "Field Company". Typically, there were anywhere between four and ten liirur-mii to a ZAK; the discontinuity inherent in ZAK organization worked both for and against the ZS in their wars with the Terrans: the status of individual ZAKs were known only to their own command staff and the Iishakuu of the world they were stationed on, or to their Fleet Admiral, making intercepted intelligence identifying specific units virtually useless.
Each hand of troops in a makashi was assigned a small handcart for transporting equipment and ammunition. Capable of carrying up to 200kg of gear, the cart was pulled along by four men, allowing two to rest. The most typical load was a manar-shum carrying reloads for the hand/kimrikuk, three hand shovels and three pickax-analogs, along with a kimrikuk-sized tent, a case of combat rations and a bundle of 100 sandbags.
Other than when used in main battle tanks, the ZS did not employ "tube" artillery as the Terrans did. Other than RPGs, the ZS heavy artillery consisted of breech-loading, rocket-assisted 150mm mortars, and 200mm rocket artillery.
The breechloading mortar was essentially a scaled-up version of the muzzle-loading 90mm weapon. Using rocket-assited projectiles, it was capable of striking targets out to 15km.
The 200mm rocket artillery systems were the ZAK's main punch. Each firing unit was completely self-contained, only relying on electrical power from the carrying vehicle. Each firing unit contained 20 rockets in a prepacked shipping container that doubled as a firing unit.
Typically carried on an up-rated cargo truck, the unit was capable of putting all 20 rockets in the air in under 30 seconds, to a range of up to 55km. The warheads were usually packed with 120 grenade-sized sub-munitions, but other type of warheads were occasionally deployed, including chemical, incendiary and small nuclear types.
By Michael A. Cessna, <> 2006
The Ziru Sirka's ground combat forces were, by Terran standards, a study in contrasts, bearing a strong resemblance to both Napolionic-era armies, and to the latest 'commando' units available.
The Zumrarish-ani-k'un
The mainstay of the ZS's combat formations were the Zumrarish-ani-k'un ("ZAK", in Terran parlance), the main-line infantry. A multi-function force, the Zumrarish-ani-k'un was a unit of roughly 1000 sophonts. Although it's primary mission was conventional infantry combat, the ZAK's personnel were trained in many functions; there were no "MOS's" in the Terran sense.
While this made for a more compact force, it meant that few non-infantry functions were performed with true efficiency, as compared to their Terran opponents.
The ZAK's main weapon was the Gush'rham combat rifle. This powerful, well-designed and -made weapon was spread far and wide over the ZS's territory; it was the standard weapon for nearly 3000 years.
The Gush'rham was a 6x50mm slugthrower with a 10-round rotary magazine, fed by 10-round chargers (q.v.: "Combat Equipment of the Ziru Sikra Infantry").
The ZS trooper was also equipped with a variety of and grenades during combat operations, including "less-than-lethal" gas and stun grenades for riot control (a frequent ZAK mission).
Personal armor consisted of a flexible vest of carbon-fibre-reinforced ballistic nylon anchoring 10cm disks of hard ballistic-ceramic; although considerably heavier than comparable Terran armors(10kg vs 5-7kg), it offered up to 300 times the terminal ballistic protection.
A two-piece helmet was employed, similar to a mid-20th Century US/North American helmet, with a ballistic-plastic liner under a steel outer shell. The outer shell was covered in a variety of materials in the field to enhance the soldier's camoflage. Although officially discouraged, the steel shell was also used variously as a stewpot, awshbasin and digging tool.
Attached to the back was a c.4litre-capacity water bladder that could be used with a chemical-protective mask. Personal gear consisted of a 4-cup stainless steel vessel that was a combination mug and stewpot with a vapor-sealed lid, and a hand-cranked generator(based on a simple Faraday principle) whose primary function was to run a UV lamp to sterilze contaminated water; this generator also powered a small LED-analog lamp/flashlight. A large rain cape and hood rounded out the kit.
Direct support weapons consisted of light machine guns (based on the standard rifle[1]), rocket-propelled grenade launchers(similar to the Terran's venerable RPG-7V[2]), and both 50- and 90mm mortars. Mortar ammunition consisted of HE/FRAG, Smoke (in various colors), and Illuminating rounds.
No rifle grenades were deployed within the ZS infantry establishment. The ZS Command saw rifle grenades as a weapon searching for a mission: the enemy would either be close enough to use hand grenades, or would be engaged by mortars or artillery. A mid-range weapon of such a small calibre was deemed superfluous.
The ZAK was organized on a 'base-6' structure. A "hand" (kimrikuk) of six troops ("...five fingers and a palm...") would contain five troops armed with rifles, and one armed with either a light machinegun, an RPG or would collectively carry a light mortar.
There were six kimrikuk-ii in each makashi, or platoon. Carrying the 'base-6' one step further, six makashi-ii formed a liirur-mi, or "Field Company". Typically, there were anywhere between four and ten liirur-mii to a ZAK; the discontinuity inherent in ZAK organization worked both for and against the ZS in their wars with the Terrans: the status of individual ZAKs were known only to their own command staff and the Iishakuu of the world they were stationed on, or to their Fleet Admiral, making intercepted intelligence identifying specific units virtually useless.
Each hand of troops in a makashi was assigned a small handcart for transporting equipment and ammunition. Capable of carrying up to 200kg of gear, the cart was pulled along by four men, allowing two to rest. The most typical load was a manar-shum carrying reloads for the hand/kimrikuk, three hand shovels and three pickax-analogs, along with a kimrikuk-sized tent, a case of combat rations and a bundle of 100 sandbags.
Other than when used in main battle tanks, the ZS did not employ "tube" artillery as the Terrans did. Other than RPGs, the ZS heavy artillery consisted of breech-loading, rocket-assisted 150mm mortars, and 200mm rocket artillery.
The breechloading mortar was essentially a scaled-up version of the muzzle-loading 90mm weapon. Using rocket-assited projectiles, it was capable of striking targets out to 15km.
The 200mm rocket artillery systems were the ZAK's main punch. Each firing unit was completely self-contained, only relying on electrical power from the carrying vehicle. Each firing unit contained 20 rockets in a prepacked shipping container that doubled as a firing unit.
Typically carried on an up-rated cargo truck, the unit was capable of putting all 20 rockets in the air in under 30 seconds, to a range of up to 55km. The warheads were usually packed with 120 grenade-sized sub-munitions, but other type of warheads were occasionally deployed, including chemical, incendiary and small nuclear types.