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Lieutenant Windhoek history

I'm also adding Gavery (I have a Vilanicized name for him, but it slips my mind at the mo).

That's a very good idea. It will help with the "This is the 57th Century..." immersion any good session needs.

I may just tack on that Patron Encounter/Amber Zone mashup you wrote.

Well... I wrote it and, for various reasons, I don't much care for it. I like the idea and not the application, if that makes any sense. I threw in everything I could think of in the hopes that folks could rummage useful bits out the heap. It's what? Seven pages? Take a good machete to it and there could be a good page or two under everything. Grab whatever paragraphs strike your fancy, Rob, but don't saddle your supplement with the entire mess.

If I do, I'm likely to add one of those short-paragraph starship descriptions of a typical Type A for quick use. And then I just may gen up a sample crew of 4.

That's another great idea.

TODAY I thought that the supplement could be re-cast as an Imperial Bulletin, like an All-Points Bulletin -- in other words, THE order to capture Windhoek dead or alive, and a data feed to aid his would-be hunters.

And that's a genius idea. It would really make the supplement standout.
xmail bound:----------------------------------------
status: BULLETIN
mode: FLASH

Person of interest Windhoek, Trace, Lieutenant, Imperial Navy Intelligence, 
wanted in connection to the assassinations of the Emperor Strephon and 
Crown Prince Varian. Subject was last seen fleeing the Palace, booking 
passage via forged papers to Fornol. Subject is likely armed and considered 
extremely dangerous. Officials are hereby ordered to apprehend and detain
by any means necessary, [I]ishiganziri[/I]**.

** dead or alive.  [we need a Vilani slang for "dead or alive"]

Then comes the official Navy Bulletin, incorporating background and known timeline details. In-game data is retained in the flow but separated from the storyline-text, to keep the relevant data together without breaking the immersion.

Or alternate method?

Then comes the additional data.
I did find a nugget that supports him running for Coreward or Deneb. His account was transcribed by a info-company out of Corridor...
I did find a nugget that supports him running for Coreward or Deneb. His account was transcribed by a info-company out of Corridor...

You can read all about that in the thread's earlier posts.

Inarli is in the Corridor Sector, but it's that "appendix" of Corridor which is across the Rift to rimward from the rest of the sector. There were also questions about whether someone running for their life would upload such a story to a new agency on a planet where they currently are or whether they'd arrange to have it uploaded to create a false trail.

I'd first thought a "long" escape plan on Windhoek's part would provide more opportunities for referees to have their "intercept" Windhoek. Inarli suggested he may have been fleeing spinward - just not through Inarli proper - which in turn suggested he was fleeing "west" out of the Imperium. Having him flee "west" would also place him in the Marches where referees could use 40+ years of materials.

Following that line of thought, I came up with various rationales - Note to the Usual Suspects, rationales and not reasons - why Windhoek was fleeing "west". The actual reason Windhoek was fleeing "west" is a metagame reason and not an in-game one: Fleeing "west" provides more opportunities for referees to use Windhoek. For the same metagame reason, I also suggested his attempt to pass through Vland-Corridor in Plan A could be rebuffed and he'd then try to cross the Rift as Plan B. Again, the escape plan would be "long".

What I've come to realize that a "long" escape plan could also be a "Schrodinger" escape plan. "West" isn't the only direction. He could potentially flee in any direction and that direction would only be known when a referee decided to use Windhoek. An escape to coreward and trailing wouldn't last as long, for example, but it would give referees using those parts of the OTU a better chance to use Windhoek. An escape to rimward or Ilelish might be more dangerous as would hiding with patrons or growing a beard and living in a broom cupboard in the Palace, but those possibilities would also give referees more options.

Limiting Windhoek to one plan makes the supplement easier to plot. Limiting Windhoek to one plan, however, doesn't make the supplement easier for more referees to use.
Thinking about the format of the Navy Communique/Bulletin/thing.

1. Initial order with similar terseness of Xmail message, perhaps worded more formally rather than telegram-style.

2. Current status of Windhoek and likely location + routes.

3. Brief profile of Windhoek.

4. Recounting, in official tone, of Varian's assassination, perhaps incorporating Lucan's story and tone rather than Windhoek's (duh).

5. Retracing his steps, from hindsight and eyewitnesses, where he must have gone and in what order, including taking the TJ to Fornal. But there's no additional HARD information after that.

6. BOX TEXT containing Windhoek's predicament and strategy (because we're breaking the fourth wall there and talking directly to the referee).

7. Personal testimony tacked in a sidebar explaining how Capital and the Palace was in chaos for the first few days.


8. Encouragement to find and turn over Windhoek to Imperial authorities, and a warning that Imperial concerns will be compromised if ANY other authority gets ahold of him, for use as a bargaining chip, or a PR coup for Dulinor raising money against the Imperium, etc etc.

9. Possible escape routes as the Navy sees it. Analysis of Corridor and the likelihood that he escaped via THAT route.


11. Op-Ed Piece musing about the Brothers of Varian


(the scenarios go here of course)


(the NPCs go here, even if they're working AGAINST Windhoek)
About Vilani slang for "dead or alive", would a euphemism be more appropriate than a "straight" translation?

I'm thinking about how languages get slippery, especially at the hands of bureaucracies. "Suspect" is now "person of interest", "downsizing" means "layoffs", and "interesting times" means "everything is going to Hades".

I'm wondering if the Vilani term could be something like "Wanted as an object or idea". "Object" would refer in a backhanded way that the person doesn't matter as a person, meaning you can hand over a corpse for the reward. "Idea" would refer to the concept that an idea should be examined, meaning the person needs to be able to answer questions.

Just spit balling...
About Vilani slang for "dead or alive", would a euphemism be more appropriate than a "straight" translation?

YES! THAT is the word I was groping for. Euphemism. Thank you.

ishiganziri [<ishim, shadow, hidden + ganzir, A.V. term for world surface] 1. Seeking a hidden object or concept. 2. Euphemistically applied in a law enforcement context for a criminal who is wanted simply for confirmation of capture and containment, regardless of whether or not he is still living.
ishiganziri [<ishim, shadow, hidden + ganzir, A.V. term for world surface] 1. Seeking a hidden object or concept. 2. Euphemistically applied in a law enforcement context for a criminal who is wanted simply for confirmation of capture and containment, regardless of whether or not he is still living.

Hehehehe... love it!

A completely innocuous phrase which means exactly what it says to the uninformed and which tells those in the know that they can show up with someone's head in a bowling ball bag and still get the reward!
I've been twisting another scenario idea around and around. I think it's good, but I can't quite figure out how to implement it. The idea is stolen from one of my favorite O. Henry stories: A Retrieved Reformation. The story goes like this:

A gifted safe cracker is pardoned very early in a lengthy prison sentence thanks to his criminal connections calling in a few favors from politicians. He collects his tools from where he'd hidden them, commits a few quick robberies for travel money, and vanishes. The detective who caught him the last time realizes the new burglaries followed the pardoned man's M.O. and starts tracking him.

Jump forward a few months and the safe cracker shows up in a small southwestern town planning on robbing the town's sole bank. He scouts the bank by depositing some money and lying about looking into business opportunities. After that, he walks into the hotel and immediately falls in love with a young woman he sees. That young woman just happens to be the bank president's daughter! His life then changes almost as fast as he fell in love.

Several months later, he's running a prosperous shoe business thanks to having been trained as a cobbler in prison. He's also engaged to the bank president's daughter. He's still got his specialized safe cracking tools on hand though, decides to sell them to an old friend who is still in that line of work, and sends him a letter making the offer.

Thanks to the letter, the detective learns the whereabouts of the ex-safe cracker. He travels to the small town, noses around, learns the ex-safe cracker is living openly, is running a business, is engaged, and is considered to be a leading citizen.

The day the detective arrives, the ex-safe cracker's future father-in-law is showing off the banks new time vault to friends and family. A little girl slips away and shuts herself in the vault. The vault's tumblers haven't been set and it's clock hasn't been wound, so there's no way to open the vault before the little girl suffocates.

No way that "straight" people know about that is.

After his fiance unwittingly begs him to do something, the ex-safe cracker goes to his rooms, collects his tools, and returns to the bank. When he's walking back, he meets the detective who knows about the little girl. Neither man says anything to the other.

The ex-safe cracker walks into the bank, unpacks his collection of specialized tools, and goes to work. The vault is cracked, the little girl is saved, and everyone stands staring at him. He walks out of the bank to where the detective is waiting and starts to give himself up. The detective stops him, pretends he doesn't know who the safe cracker is, and walks away.

Windhoek is the ex-safe cracker, obviously. The soon-to-have-a-Vilani-name Gavery is the police detective. In the scenario, Windhoek would drop his disguise in order to perform a heroic act and do so in a manner which would guarantee his capture only to have Gavery choose not to arrest him at that time.

It would be a great scenario if I could only figure out the details!
Document is in a state of chaos, with the beginnings of the reformat started.

Once I started reformatting it, I realized it works better as a series of communiques, at least for now.

Tell me what you think about the direction it's taking. Don't worry about the color scheme, I can't do layouts to save my life, the final product will look good.
Once I started reformatting it, I realized it works better as a series of communiques, at least for now.

That should work very well. Because what Windhoek is trying to do and where he's trying to do it will change over time, communiques will a quick way to show what those changes are.

The communiques will also give the supplement a unique look and can be easily used as handouts.
The various communiques are a great touch. They not only tell the story from different points of view, but also show how the "spin" changes over time. They also can do "double duty" as session handouts.
Finished one pass through a complete reformat. Current revision is up on the first post as always.

Now I have to make sure it ties together well enough, says what it needs to say, doesn't get wordy where it doesn't need to be, and that each voice is distinctive enough (Lee might have to get a tad more tetchy, for example, and the "Op-Ed" needs to feel like a conspiracy op-ed).
The Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are perfect in both tone and form.

If you want to punch up the conspiracy angle, one communique mentions Windhoek suffers from "violent delusions". It's only a sort step from there to (gasp) psionic mind control. Hinting at that lets you then hint at shadowy alien involvement along with the usual "treasonous lackey of traitors" stuff.
The Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are perfect in both tone and form.

GREAT! Thanks!

If you want to punch up the conspiracy angle, one communique mentions Windhoek suffers from "violent delusions". It's only a sort step from there to (gasp) psionic mind control.

*Shudder* Oh, very nice. Yes. Must do that thing there. O yes.
Injected some cray-cray into the op-ed and even the subsequent public service announcement (maybe I went too far there).

Also peppered Aramais just a little bit, and added some signs of life in the naval commander's testimony.

Updating the doc right after I post this update.