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trader jim

SOC-14 1K
Hey heres an idea!!!...why not uplift some apes....and....Wait....nevermind...been done...

If you all would stop Groneing and shaking your heads for a second....Why Not????....it would open a whole new aspect to traveller....5 or 6 movies to use as "Sourse Books"....easy to adjust STATS......could be interesting.

would be a Very Good Striker Campaign!!!!

whats your opinion???? :cool:
so when are they going to uplift vargr
in a traveller game i reffed a long time ago our chief engineer was an uplifted chimp....bad news if you refered to him as a grease monkey....

Originally posted by George Boyett:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Trader (CJ) Scott:
what about uplifted VBs???
<Capaciter whine>

That's for suggesting a horrific abomination of nature!!! :mad:
</font>[/QUOTE]Please tell me he didn't sugest Uplifting VB's?

(Alpha Six Six to Whisky Victor Control, requesting Oscar Bravo Support on following target)
Ortillary, when you have to be absolutely postive it's Dead!
CPT BL sez-"(Alpha Six Six to Whisky Victor Control, requesting Oscar Bravo Support on following target)
Ortillary, when you have to be absolutely postive it's Dead!"

"A-66, this is WV-C, roger, over."
--aboard Winged Victory...
"Mr Harkness, Guns here. Cap'n wants full load discharge this time. Target at 43557-by 34569, locals in the open, one starship. zero meters tolearnce."
"Aye-aye sah! All fish in the tubes, I say again, all tubes loaded."
"Fire when ready in 5..4..3..2..1..Now!"
"All tubes flushes, bearing in at six gee....heat shields discarding... impact in five mikes sah!"

And a roll of thunder from heaven as fire rained from the sky...or so the natives speak of that day, once upon a time.
listen up you Apes!!!....Uncle Jim wants you!!!....for his NEW APE ARMY....good pay...promotions....good Chow...Travel....see exciting exotic places...free training....only requirment is you gotta be able to read, write and understand APE....

Son....see the Shilling sitting on the drum???...
go ahead and take it.....go ahead and pick it up....there there that wasent so hard was it???
Now go over to the FRIENDLY DRILL INSTUCTOR!!!!
:eek: :eek:
Question....I am serious now...is there any reference to UP LIFTING animals in the TRAVELLER CANNON....all joking aside can we use it or not???
I'm not an expert on Canon, but I thought that Dolphins were included in CT.

This would validate that it is possible. The question is, why would you bother. There are a lot of other races out there. Why uplift something paying guzillions of dollars - to duplicate something that is probably already out there.

I can understand that, if the universe were much more sparsly populated you might do so (ie when Grandfather was arround) however this is no longer the case.

So no - I don't have uplifted things IMTU - but then I didn't have dolphins either - all my PC races had similair life support requirements to humans - It just made everything easier
I cannot quote or site canon but I can mention there is any easy way to this under T20 with refeneces in other settings.

Simply create a generic "uplift" template and then slap it on just about any creature you want (minus the afore mentioned ferrous rabits).
wow...you mean all the cracks and jokes...all the B.S.....i was slinging could be TRUE????...that all this stuff about up up lifts could be used and could be correct???....wow...i guess i had better do a littlemore research...... :eek: :eek:
you the man you the man

Originally posted by trader jim:
wow...you mean all the cracks and jokes...all the B.S.....i was slinging could be TRUE????...that all this stuff about up up lifts could be used and could be correct???....wow...i guess i had better do a littlemore research...... :eek: :eek:
well...know that i know this I am going too UP LIFT EVERYTHING!!!!! hahahahahahahhah....sick em boys!!!!! hahahahahahahahahah....go for it!!!!...... :eek: :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by trader jim:
well...know that i know this I am going too UP LIFT EVERYTHING!!!!! hahahahahahahhah....sick em boys!!!!! hahahahahahahahahah....go for it!!!!...... :eek: :eek: :eek:
ATTACK, of the killer tomatos!!!!.....
Originally posted by trader jim:
well...know that i know this I am going too UP LIFT EVERYTHING!!!!! hahahahahahahhah....sick em boys!!!!! hahahahahahahahahah....go for it!!!!...... :eek: :eek: :eek:
Boris Karloff/Vincent Price yer not.

Now, if'n yer interested...there is the Traveller Chronicle issue (TC# 8), which I have (and several others on this board list).pp46-55.
Gives specific examples of uplifting/ geneering certain races, from pets to Humans. "Not set specific for any setting/ maybe used in any era".
Authors Andy Lilly, Jo Grant.

for the thread: Beaker Monkey's are an example.

heretically yours,
Originally posted by George Boyett:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Trader (CJ) Scott:
what about uplifted VBs???
<Capaciter whine>

That's for suggesting a horrific abomination of nature!!! :mad:
</font>[/QUOTE]VBs? I missed something again, didn't I?