ranke wrote:
I just wish someone with authority would establish, once and for all, how the Imperial uniforms look and make sure the illustrators know. I can see planetary miltaries runnning the gamut of different uniforms. I can see some duchy militaries going for a unique look (though I think most of them would mimic their Imperial counterpart). But Imperial uniforms should be the same form one end of the Imperium to the other.
(And, no, this is one place where I can't just suit myself in my own TU. I can't draw for toffee, so I'm dependent on on official illustrations to show my players how an NPC looks, and having to tell them "He looks like this except that his uniform looks like the one that guy I showed you last adventure wore" is damaging to the mood).
I'm with you on this one, Hans.
There is some precedent - Rob Caswell did a great job on Scout Service uniforms in
Grand Census (CT) and
World Builder's Handbook (MT), as well as Imperial Guard Uniforms in
Travellers' Digest #9. The later also included a nice version of an Imperial Marine Dress Uniform. Bryan Gibson also did some nice Marine uniforms for
Travellers' Digest #14. Of course these are from DGP, so they are 'authoritative but not canon' according to FFE. But 'authoritative' works for me, especially when it is quality work like these.
Unfortunately there are no such illustrations for the Imperial Navy, which is strange considering its importance in the Imperium. I have been wondering if it would be feasible to set up a contest for artists to design a set of uniforms, much as we have had/are having contests here for starship and vehicle designs?
Anyway, as I see it, Imperial Navy uniforms would be heavily influenced by the feudal nature of Imperial society, where the senior levels of the naval hierarchy are intertwined with the Imperial nobility – at least in the CT Imperium. The formal dress uniforms for officers should be showpieces, with lots of gold brocade, cords and tassels, fringed epaulets, even short capes (though I’m not big on them myself). William H. Keith Jr. did many illustrations that were suggestive of this, though unfortunately none of them were definitively naval uniforms. Regular duty uniforms would necessarily be less ornate, but would still have some ‘flash’ to them.
On the other hand the uniforms of enlisted personnel would be much simpler affairs, helping to highlight and perpetuate the class differences between the officers and crew.
Of course once the Rebellion began, the pomp and ceremony of Imperial naval life gave way to they systematic exercise of war and destruction. Lucan shut down the Imperial Moot and the important bonds of feudal fealty gave way to factional loyalties. In such an atmosphere, I expect that the uniforms of naval personnel (as they were redesigned by various factions) would become much simpler and more functional. But that is another story.
As for the color of Imperial Naval Uniforms (getting back on topic for this thread), why should they be limited to one color? Modern wet navies tend to have different uniforms and colors for different occasions: Dress Blues, Summer/Tropical Whites, Service Khakis, flight suit grey, etc. I would expect that the Imperial Navy would show at least as much diversity as our modern militaries. Again, this is a way of showing off class/rank status.
So as I envision them, Imperial Naval uniforms would be:
- Formal Dress: Black (or dark navy blue) with lots of gold dressing
- Dirt-side: Red or White (depending on the environment of the planet)
- Service: Blue-Grey
- Flight suit: Dark Grey
That's my two credits worth anyway.