The Interstellar Wars milieu is one to which I never paid much attention. However, Sturn’s Terran Dawn thread in this forum sparked me to go back and re-read the history part of AM6. That in turn led me to the Vegan entry in Library Data N-Z. The specifics are detailed below.
Canon References (CT)
Library Data N-Z dates the following elements of Vegan history:
-6000 (roughly 1500BC) Vegans receive the jump drive from Vilani traders
-4400 (about 100AD) The Vegans are absorbed by the First Imperium
- 2096AD Americans encounter Vilani prospectors at Barnard’s Star.
- Shortly thereafter (presumably after 2096 but before the 1st Interstellar War in 2118 although AM6 doesn’t assign a year) Vilani colonies are discovered, and dealt with (whatever that means), on Nusku and Gashidda.
Galuuda (1739 Diaspora) is 22-23 jumps from Terra at jump-2.
Muan Gwi (1717 Solomani Rim) is eleven parsecs from Terra.
Muan Gwi is 25 jumps from Galuuda at jump-1 (with deep space refueling).
Nusku and Gashidda are five and seven parsecs from Terra respectively.
Scouting missions should be able to extend 15 or so parsecs (six months or 25 jumps at a overall rate of advance of 0.5-0.7 parsecs per jump depending of astrography) from the nearest Class B starport to the frontier for a TL9-A society or 25-30 parsecs (six months or 25 jumps at a rate of advance of approximately 1.2 parsecs per jump) for a TL-B society.
The timeline from first contact through the 1st Interstellar war just doesn’t sit right with me. I find myself confounded by the premise the First Imperium would have reached Muan Gwi (eleven parsecs from Terra) 3500 years before the Terrans invented the jump drive, colonized within five parsecs of Terra, and colonized as far rimward as Terra (Gashidda) in the Dingir subsector without having ever stumbled across a certain G2 star in the Sol subsector. Why? Should not long-range exploration missions have located the Solomani (at that time) minor race before, or at least shortly after, the founding of the first Vilani colonies in the Solomani Rim and long before colonization started in the Dingir and Sol subsectors?
So, has anyone tried to explain this before?
- Were the Terrans somehow missed by Vilani scouts?
- Were the Terrans observed, yet for some reason not contacted by the human empire which had already successfully integrated several other human minor races?
- Were they contacted and given the jump drive by the Vilani and Solomani status as a major race in just revisionist history from the time of the Second Imperium?
- Did the First Imperium have a policy of just laying down colonies without exploring the subsector around the colony first?
- Did the Vegans have absolutely no interest in exploring the space around them?
- Is it just an example of poorly written, and broken, canon?
How have those who have done campaign or other work in this milieu dealt with it? Accepted it as written? Changed it? If so, how?
Personally I think it would be intriguing if the Vilani were just making their first forays into the Solomani Rim when the Terrans discovered the jump drive. The Sol and Dingir subsector would then be a patchwork of colonies under the auspices of different Terran nations, or independent, at the outbreak of the first Interstellar war, making the `Terran Confederation’ more closely resemble its’ name. The Vegans might have been given the jump drive after the 1st war by the Vilani in hopes of creating a client state as a buffer against the warlike Terrans. Would this not have made this milieu a more interesting place to adventure?
The Interstellar Wars milieu is one to which I never paid much attention. However, Sturn’s Terran Dawn thread in this forum sparked me to go back and re-read the history part of AM6. That in turn led me to the Vegan entry in Library Data N-Z. The specifics are detailed below.
Canon References (CT)
Library Data N-Z dates the following elements of Vegan history:
-6000 (roughly 1500BC) Vegans receive the jump drive from Vilani traders
-4400 (about 100AD) The Vegans are absorbed by the First Imperium
- 2096AD Americans encounter Vilani prospectors at Barnard’s Star.
- Shortly thereafter (presumably after 2096 but before the 1st Interstellar War in 2118 although AM6 doesn’t assign a year) Vilani colonies are discovered, and dealt with (whatever that means), on Nusku and Gashidda.
Galuuda (1739 Diaspora) is 22-23 jumps from Terra at jump-2.
Muan Gwi (1717 Solomani Rim) is eleven parsecs from Terra.
Muan Gwi is 25 jumps from Galuuda at jump-1 (with deep space refueling).
Nusku and Gashidda are five and seven parsecs from Terra respectively.
Scouting missions should be able to extend 15 or so parsecs (six months or 25 jumps at a overall rate of advance of 0.5-0.7 parsecs per jump depending of astrography) from the nearest Class B starport to the frontier for a TL9-A society or 25-30 parsecs (six months or 25 jumps at a rate of advance of approximately 1.2 parsecs per jump) for a TL-B society.
The timeline from first contact through the 1st Interstellar war just doesn’t sit right with me. I find myself confounded by the premise the First Imperium would have reached Muan Gwi (eleven parsecs from Terra) 3500 years before the Terrans invented the jump drive, colonized within five parsecs of Terra, and colonized as far rimward as Terra (Gashidda) in the Dingir subsector without having ever stumbled across a certain G2 star in the Sol subsector. Why? Should not long-range exploration missions have located the Solomani (at that time) minor race before, or at least shortly after, the founding of the first Vilani colonies in the Solomani Rim and long before colonization started in the Dingir and Sol subsectors?
So, has anyone tried to explain this before?
- Were the Terrans somehow missed by Vilani scouts?
- Were the Terrans observed, yet for some reason not contacted by the human empire which had already successfully integrated several other human minor races?
- Were they contacted and given the jump drive by the Vilani and Solomani status as a major race in just revisionist history from the time of the Second Imperium?
- Did the First Imperium have a policy of just laying down colonies without exploring the subsector around the colony first?
- Did the Vegans have absolutely no interest in exploring the space around them?
- Is it just an example of poorly written, and broken, canon?
How have those who have done campaign or other work in this milieu dealt with it? Accepted it as written? Changed it? If so, how?
Personally I think it would be intriguing if the Vilani were just making their first forays into the Solomani Rim when the Terrans discovered the jump drive. The Sol and Dingir subsector would then be a patchwork of colonies under the auspices of different Terran nations, or independent, at the outbreak of the first Interstellar war, making the `Terran Confederation’ more closely resemble its’ name. The Vegans might have been given the jump drive after the 1st war by the Vilani in hopes of creating a client state as a buffer against the warlike Terrans. Would this not have made this milieu a more interesting place to adventure?
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