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Shifted from another thread where I decided it was not appropriate:
Some Traveller campaigns I would like to GM (or play in!):
I think I already posted in another subforum about my current IMTU project, current working title 2700AD although the setting will probably end up closer to 2500AD to reduce the amount of technological change. I'm starting from the 2300AD setting and looking into the future from that colonization pattern, improving stutterwarp to allow more widespread exploration and colonization, leading to contact with more of the OTU races such as Vargr, Aslan, Hivers, and K'Kree (but in a considerably smaller area and with far fewer colonized planets than in the OTU). The total "feel" I am going for in this one is "Firefly without grav tech" as that is what my boys want to play, but I'm also stirring in elements that I think I will enjoy GMing.
Some other inspirations for Traveller Universes that I would like to campaign in as either GM or player would be:
Spinward Marches immediately after the Fifth Frontier War (although I have already done that before, it was a lot of fun).
Spinward Marches set back in time to when it really was a fairly raw frontier with Scouts exploring from bases in Deneb sector, and contact not yet made w the Zhodani, Darrians, or Sword Worlds.
Hard Times campaign, after the Rebellion is winding down, but before the Virus and TNE stuff; not sure what sector I'd set the main action in.
H. Beam Piper's Terro-Human Future History, around the time of Space Viking, after the System States War and subsequent fall of the Terran Federation, but before the first Empire. Scale would probably be different, as instead of small potatoes adventurers I think it would be most fun for characters to be emissaries and traders and Navy commanders from civilized worlds, trying to spread civilization and fend off the Space Vikings. Or be somewhat like Lucas Trask, the Viking with a conscience, trading and civilizing where possible, but still raiding where he feels it necessary for his overall plan.
Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium/Empire future history, either around the breakup of the CD or during the formation of the Second Empire. Or during the Secession Wars. Lots of interesting periods to play in, just avoiding the ones where everything is too stable and boring.
Those are the settings I would most like to GM or play in; how about you? What setting would you like your next campaign to be in?
Some Traveller campaigns I would like to GM (or play in!):
I think I already posted in another subforum about my current IMTU project, current working title 2700AD although the setting will probably end up closer to 2500AD to reduce the amount of technological change. I'm starting from the 2300AD setting and looking into the future from that colonization pattern, improving stutterwarp to allow more widespread exploration and colonization, leading to contact with more of the OTU races such as Vargr, Aslan, Hivers, and K'Kree (but in a considerably smaller area and with far fewer colonized planets than in the OTU). The total "feel" I am going for in this one is "Firefly without grav tech" as that is what my boys want to play, but I'm also stirring in elements that I think I will enjoy GMing.
Some other inspirations for Traveller Universes that I would like to campaign in as either GM or player would be:
Spinward Marches immediately after the Fifth Frontier War (although I have already done that before, it was a lot of fun).
Spinward Marches set back in time to when it really was a fairly raw frontier with Scouts exploring from bases in Deneb sector, and contact not yet made w the Zhodani, Darrians, or Sword Worlds.
Hard Times campaign, after the Rebellion is winding down, but before the Virus and TNE stuff; not sure what sector I'd set the main action in.
H. Beam Piper's Terro-Human Future History, around the time of Space Viking, after the System States War and subsequent fall of the Terran Federation, but before the first Empire. Scale would probably be different, as instead of small potatoes adventurers I think it would be most fun for characters to be emissaries and traders and Navy commanders from civilized worlds, trying to spread civilization and fend off the Space Vikings. Or be somewhat like Lucas Trask, the Viking with a conscience, trading and civilizing where possible, but still raiding where he feels it necessary for his overall plan.
Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium/Empire future history, either around the breakup of the CD or during the formation of the Second Empire. Or during the Secession Wars. Lots of interesting periods to play in, just avoiding the ones where everything is too stable and boring.
Those are the settings I would most like to GM or play in; how about you? What setting would you like your next campaign to be in?
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