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Some Traveller campaigns I would like to run (or play in!)

And the abortive conspiracy to turn the Duchy of Regina into a "neutral" Zhodani-backed border state between the Imperium and the Consulate, with the conspirators running the new republic. Several high-ranking Duchy leaders are very anxious to bury all evidence and keep it buried.

I used a vaguely similar idea in an old campaign but set in the Sword Worlds. It resulted in a civil war in the SW at the height of the 5FW and led to the formation of the Border Worlds.

In analysing the FFW boardgame counters (not the best source according to some) I figured there were 4 SW fleets but only 2 are accounted for in the game. A third, based at Narsil, fought against the Darrians. A fourth, based at Sacnoth, was supposed to defend the SW rear from the Imperial fleet at Glisten ... but instead the governing houses of Sacnoth opened negotiations with the Imperials which resulted in significantly disrupting the flow of key supplies to Admirals Riksdatter and Eyolfsson during their adventurism in the Lanth and Vilis subsectors. The battle at Sting between elements of the Sacnoth fleet and the Imperial fleet was a set up to purge elements loyal to the old guard.

The PCs were members of the 'odd job squad' in the Glisten fleet until they were shot down over Mithril. So most of the politics was a backdrop to what they were doing until a late-joining PC turned up playing a Major in the SZK (Sacnoth Army) who was also a minor SW noble on a diplomatic mission.

(This campaign was a long time ago when the only source of info on the SW was an old JTAS article.)
Those are the settings I would most like to GM or play in; how about you? What setting would you like your next campaign to be in?

I'd like to play in a really cool Regina subsector campaign similar in structure to The Traveller Adventure. Less corporate and more exploration. Pirates. An artifact. Lots of aliens. A chance to be Knighted at the end.

A campaign at the height of Imperial Psionics just before the Psionic Suppressions.
I'd like to play in a really cool Regina subsector campaign similar in structure to The Traveller Adventure. Less corporate and more exploration. Pirates. An artifact. Lots of aliens. A chance to be Knighted at the end.

A campaign at the height of Imperial Psionics just before the Psionic Suppressions.

That does sound like fun!
I'd like to play in a really cool Regina subsector campaign similar in structure to The Traveller Adventure. Less corporate and more exploration. Pirates. An artifact. Lots of aliens. A chance to be Knighted at the end.

A campaign at the height of Imperial Psionics just before the Psionic Suppressions.

So, what is keeping you from designing it? Or are you hoping someone else will develop it so that you can play in it?
So, what is keeping you from designing it? Or are you hoping someone else will develop it so that you can play in it?

Nothing is keeping anyone from designing it. However, I would rather play! :)
So, what is keeping you from designing it? Or are you hoping someone else will develop it so that you can play in it?

Dunno about Spinny, but I too would like to design such a campaign, and in my case the thing that is preventing me from doing so is the large number of other things I'd like to write too combined with a low attention span.

If someone else would write some of them, that would be really nice. I've tried posting a few outlines here on CotI in precisely the hope that someone else would be inspired to develop them, but so far no luck.

I'd like to play in a really cool Regina subsector campaign similar in structure to The Traveller Adventure. Less corporate and more exploration. Pirates. An artifact. Lots of aliens. A chance to be Knighted at the end.

I've been thinking of primusmotoring another introductory campaign in the same style as Regina Startown, but haven't gotten any further than the preliminary musings. It would be set in Regina subsector and involve the PCs crewing a free trader but with rules provided for plot-oriented trading rather than the ecomomy-oriented basic trade system. I'm sure some of your wishlist could be accomodated.

If no one designs adventures or campaigns, then there is nothing to play.

I'm from the old days when each GM wrote their own adventures. Yes, there were adventures available, but they didn't make sense since each GM had also created their own world or universe.

I still do this.
I'm from the old days when each GM wrote their own adventures. Yes, there were adventures available, but they didn't make sense since each GM had also created their own world or universe.

I still do this.

If I make up an adventure in my universe.
And you make up an adventure in your universe.
Then we have one adventure each.

But if I make up an adventure in a universe that we share.
And you make up an adventure in the universe that we share.
Then we suddenly have two adventures each!

If no one designs adventures or campaigns, then there is nothing to play.

Very true! As I am the usual Referee for games in my group of players, I tend to find that if I do not develop it, we don't play. Getting one of them to step up to the plate is rare these days.

I still would rather play it than develop it.
Very true! As I am the usual Referee for games in my group of players, I tend to find that if I do not develop it, we don't play. Getting one of them to step up to the plate is rare these days.

I still would rather play it than develop it.

I have the same problem with every game system I play. I GM, or at best we get a one-off that runs a session or two for me to get a break.
I'm GM a lot, but I really like being a player also.

Subject Tax:

Bad Life

You are cloned super soldiers from the Lucanic Black Imperium, TED or some other Virus polity, having the best cybernetics, gear, ships, etc. sent to kick some Hiver butt(s).
A campaign at the height of Imperial Psionics just before the Psionic Suppressions.

Ah, you've just reminded me of another campaign idea I've thought about before: not 'just before the Psionic Suppressions', but during. Got this old RPG called PsiWorld ... looks average in and of itself, but had a couple of Earth-based adventures that could be adapted to a 3I setting. The set up allowed you to play either the psi-capable innocents persecuted by the paranoid norms, or be a norm hunting the psi-capable criminal threat.
So, what is keeping you from designing it? Or are you hoping someone else will develop it so that you can play in it?

I was hoping someone else would make it.


But I have put together some ideas. Basically a Detached Duty Scout adventure. Plus I've also gone through and compiled some of the CT adventures that were in the Regina subsector that could also be run alongside the main adventure making an overarching campaign.

I'll see if I can work up something to post.

Ah, you've just reminded me of another campaign idea I've thought about before: not 'just before the Psionic Suppressions', but during.

That sounds great!
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Speaking of "Space Vikings," and the back side of the law, I'm writing and running a campaign in the Sword Worlds subsector where the main PC is attempting to become the preeminent underworld crime boss. Some scenarios are based on events from "The Godfather." Any other organized crime-type sources I can "pull inspiration" from?
H. Beam Piper's Terro-Human Future History, around the time of Space Viking, after the System States War and subsequent fall of the Terran Federation, but before the first Empire. Scale would probably be different, as instead of small potatoes adventurers I think it would be most fun for characters to be emissaries and traders and Navy commanders from civilized worlds, trying to spread civilization and fend off the Space Vikings. Or be somewhat like Lucas Trask, the Viking with a conscience, trading and civilizing where possible, but still raiding where he feels it necessary for his overall plan.

Jerry Pournelle's CoDominium/Empire future history, either around the breakup of the CD or during the formation of the Second Empire. Or during the Secession Wars. Lots of interesting periods to play in, just avoiding the ones where everything is too stable and boring.

Those are the settings I would most like to GM or play in; how about you? What setting would you like your next campaign to be in?

I have a subsector with Space Vikings in it IMTU, and they raid some of the outermost colonies of the Terran Empire. The original Terran Confederation collapsed under the strain of an interstellar war with an alien empire and reformed as the First Terran Empire. As a result of the rollback from the front a lot of former TC worlds were left out in undeclared (for now) space and on their own for a while. A treaty keeps both parties involved (the Terrans and the aliens) from practicing gunboat diplomacy to bring the worlds into their respective folds, so the region is rife with intrigue as each intelligence service tries its best for king and country.

Some of the worlds formed colalitions and are trying to remain independent, some are under the control of megacorps that now act as fiat governments. The argument is that "Earth left us, we didn't leave it." And a lot want to keep it that way.

Some of these worlds were so far away that they are loosing their technological capabilities and are raiding to stay afloat - these are the Space Vikings. Some factions are wanting to bring in megacorp support and rebuild, others just want to stay the way they are now: anarchic and relatively independent. The players once got dragooned into raiding for a while a long time ago: those were fun, what-the-heck games involving roaring down in dropships under fire and thundering down the ramps to grab up anything not nailed down before the local navy showed up. They made good contacts that have grown up and matured into serious political players now in the later years of the campaign and who may change going a-viking to something more legitimate.

These days all the Jerry Pournelle mercenary games have to do with defending colonists who are trying to reclaim a world lost in the last war, help colonists who don't want to be brought back into the Imperial fold, or act as privateers and security troops in megacorp trade wars.
A Game based on John Maddox Robert's Space Angel books

Space Opera at it's finest. All human based game though there is a science created race the Vivor. Two great books Space Angel and Spacer Window of the mind would and will be a great adventure for Traveller. I am working on writing it up as a Traveller Varient system.