Over on the SJG boards a mention of the Congress of Vienna gave me the notion that it, or a Fantasy or SF version thereof, would make a wonderful multi-player scenario for a convention.
So for the last couple of days I've been sketching out an outline for a major convention event based on a Traveller version of the Congress of Vienna.
As usual when I post these ideas here on CotI anyone is welcome to use them in part or in whole for any legitimate Traveller purpose, including work for pay. Though I'd appreciate an acknowledgement and a comp.
So with that out of the way, let's get to the main event:
So for the last couple of days I've been sketching out an outline for a major convention event based on a Traveller version of the Congress of Vienna.
As usual when I post these ideas here on CotI anyone is welcome to use them in part or in whole for any legitimate Traveller purpose, including work for pay. Though I'd appreciate an acknowledgement and a comp.

So with that out of the way, let's get to the main event:
In a universe not so very far from the OTU, but still with some significant differences, the Fifth Frontier War is coming to an end. The Zhodani managed to capture Rhylanor before Imperial reinforcements stopped any chance of further gains. An armistice is in place and from every corner of the Marches and beyond, diplomats and statesmen are converging on Arden, the host of the upcoming peace negotiations. The Congress of Arden is about to begin!
Major Players
The Imperial Peace Delegation headed by the Duke of Lunion (appointed by Sector Duchess Delphine, who is too frail to go herself). The other members are the Duke of Rhylanor, anxious to regain Rhylanor, the jewel in his crown, and Sector Admiral Lord Frederick Santanocheev (played by an assistant referee as a major doofus?).
The Zhodani Peace Delegation, also three man strong, headed by a fairly neutral person supported by a Hawk and a Dove.
Medium Players
(Mostly two-man delegations)
The Sword Worlders
The Darrians
The Federation of Arden
The 40th Squadron (Note: Unlike in the OTU, one or two 40Sq worlds are of significant population and tech level -- enough to actually be a thorn in the Imperium's side).
The Thoengling Empire
The Commonality of Kedzudh (Also revised to make a modicum of sense).
The Worlds of Leader Rukh.
The Avalar Consulate
Minor Players
(Mostly single delegates)
The Weltbund Government in Exile
12 year old Seldrian Countess Aledon representing her missing father, Duke Norris.
Braan Dilgadin, Seneschal to the missing Duke Norris, anxious to secure a regency for Seldrian Aledon (rather than the duchy going to someone else, which is a very real possibility).
Countess Josephine of Efate, ranking noble of the Duchy of Regina in the absence of her missing cousin Duke Norris. Possible successor to the duchy. Will she back her half cousin or work for her own advantage?
22 year old Dame Birgitte Aledon, representing her grandmother Countess Rachel Aledon, Duke Norris' 76 year old aunt and closest eligible adult relative.
Audine Aledon Garhik, recently appointed Marquis of of Vincennes and Count of Perez and Eriris [sic]. He would be Rachel Aledon's heir to the duchy if he didn't have his current title already. As it is, he has a lot of clout and no major interest in the outcome. Unless he decides that trading a county for a duchy some time in the future is an attractive possibility.
Several other Imperial nobles from the Duchy of Regina (All the high counts -- Salak of Jewell, Fernando of Vilis, Ursula of Rethe, Evan of Roup, Enoch of Heya, [Count of Dinomn], [Count of Enope]).
Representatives of a dozen worlds whose future depends on what the major players decide: Regina, Efate, Roup, Jewell, Vilis, Rhylanor, Sacnoth, Gram, Narsil, Mire, Darrian, Entrope (one from each side of the neverending civil war),
As many secretaries and guards as the referees can handle. None of them are spies or secret agents, of course.
The Duke of Regina has been missing for three years. Both Seldrian Countess Aledon and Countess Josephine of Efate claims to speak for the Duchy of Regina. Who will the other delegates listen to? Both? Neither? And is one of all those minions a disguised duke with an Imperial Warrant in his pocket? Is another of the minions a Special Envoy of the Emperor with another warrant in HIS pocket?
The Senate of the Duchy of Regina is a purely advisory body that just gives the duchy's notables a voice in duchy affair. With the duke missing and a lot the notables assembled on Arden, the Senate is going to take the opportunity to decide on a reccomendation for the Emperor on how to handle the situation. Such a resolution has absolutely no legal effect, but it's not inconceivable that the Emperor will base his decision on it. Each notable from the DoR has a number of proxy votes in the Senate and will have a senate session late in the event where a vote will be taken. Before that one or more resolutions must be discussed and drafted and support for them gathered.
Before and during the war some of the Duchy of Regina's notable became involved in a Zhodani-inspired conspiracy to turn the duchy into a neutral buffer state between the Consulate and the Imperium. The Zhodani plan was to capture Rhylanor and as many other worlds as they could and trade them back to the Imperium in return for Imperial acceptance of such a development. The conspirators are supposed to gather enough support to turn the duchy into a republic (run by a select group of notables, of course). During the Congress the conspirators must get their ducks in a row and send off the signal for the Revolution to begin.
Formerly Neutral-on-the-side-of-the-Zhodani Arden is hovering on the brink of a pro-Imperial revolution. The government is desperately trying to keep the lid on. What are the odds that the revolution will begin while the Congress is on Arden?
Game mechanic: Each character has a certain amount of unspecified political influence (Expressed as a number). They also have private, equally unspecified, political goals for which they want to line up support. Some just want as much as they can get, others want a specific amount. Players can pledge their support to other players as payment for support with issues before the Congress.
Comments, criticisms, ideas?Major Players
The Imperial Peace Delegation headed by the Duke of Lunion (appointed by Sector Duchess Delphine, who is too frail to go herself). The other members are the Duke of Rhylanor, anxious to regain Rhylanor, the jewel in his crown, and Sector Admiral Lord Frederick Santanocheev (played by an assistant referee as a major doofus?).
The Zhodani Peace Delegation, also three man strong, headed by a fairly neutral person supported by a Hawk and a Dove.
Medium Players
(Mostly two-man delegations)
The Sword Worlders
The Darrians
The Federation of Arden
The 40th Squadron (Note: Unlike in the OTU, one or two 40Sq worlds are of significant population and tech level -- enough to actually be a thorn in the Imperium's side).
The Thoengling Empire
The Commonality of Kedzudh (Also revised to make a modicum of sense).
The Worlds of Leader Rukh.
The Avalar Consulate
Minor Players
(Mostly single delegates)
The Weltbund Government in Exile
12 year old Seldrian Countess Aledon representing her missing father, Duke Norris.
Braan Dilgadin, Seneschal to the missing Duke Norris, anxious to secure a regency for Seldrian Aledon (rather than the duchy going to someone else, which is a very real possibility).
Countess Josephine of Efate, ranking noble of the Duchy of Regina in the absence of her missing cousin Duke Norris. Possible successor to the duchy. Will she back her half cousin or work for her own advantage?
22 year old Dame Birgitte Aledon, representing her grandmother Countess Rachel Aledon, Duke Norris' 76 year old aunt and closest eligible adult relative.
Audine Aledon Garhik, recently appointed Marquis of of Vincennes and Count of Perez and Eriris [sic]. He would be Rachel Aledon's heir to the duchy if he didn't have his current title already. As it is, he has a lot of clout and no major interest in the outcome. Unless he decides that trading a county for a duchy some time in the future is an attractive possibility.
Several other Imperial nobles from the Duchy of Regina (All the high counts -- Salak of Jewell, Fernando of Vilis, Ursula of Rethe, Evan of Roup, Enoch of Heya, [Count of Dinomn], [Count of Enope]).
Representatives of a dozen worlds whose future depends on what the major players decide: Regina, Efate, Roup, Jewell, Vilis, Rhylanor, Sacnoth, Gram, Narsil, Mire, Darrian, Entrope (one from each side of the neverending civil war),
As many secretaries and guards as the referees can handle. None of them are spies or secret agents, of course.
The Duke of Regina has been missing for three years. Both Seldrian Countess Aledon and Countess Josephine of Efate claims to speak for the Duchy of Regina. Who will the other delegates listen to? Both? Neither? And is one of all those minions a disguised duke with an Imperial Warrant in his pocket? Is another of the minions a Special Envoy of the Emperor with another warrant in HIS pocket?
The Senate of the Duchy of Regina is a purely advisory body that just gives the duchy's notables a voice in duchy affair. With the duke missing and a lot the notables assembled on Arden, the Senate is going to take the opportunity to decide on a reccomendation for the Emperor on how to handle the situation. Such a resolution has absolutely no legal effect, but it's not inconceivable that the Emperor will base his decision on it. Each notable from the DoR has a number of proxy votes in the Senate and will have a senate session late in the event where a vote will be taken. Before that one or more resolutions must be discussed and drafted and support for them gathered.
Before and during the war some of the Duchy of Regina's notable became involved in a Zhodani-inspired conspiracy to turn the duchy into a neutral buffer state between the Consulate and the Imperium. The Zhodani plan was to capture Rhylanor and as many other worlds as they could and trade them back to the Imperium in return for Imperial acceptance of such a development. The conspirators are supposed to gather enough support to turn the duchy into a republic (run by a select group of notables, of course). During the Congress the conspirators must get their ducks in a row and send off the signal for the Revolution to begin.
Formerly Neutral-on-the-side-of-the-Zhodani Arden is hovering on the brink of a pro-Imperial revolution. The government is desperately trying to keep the lid on. What are the odds that the revolution will begin while the Congress is on Arden?
Game mechanic: Each character has a certain amount of unspecified political influence (Expressed as a number). They also have private, equally unspecified, political goals for which they want to line up support. Some just want as much as they can get, others want a specific amount. Players can pledge their support to other players as payment for support with issues before the Congress.
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