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CT Only: Duke of Collace.

No, I hadn't, thanks for sharing.

I find it quite contradictory with the most definitions, though, including the one on CT:S9 Fighting Ships (page 7):

The way station is not a naval installation; it is a link in the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service's Express Boat Network. At intervals along the xboat lanes within any subsector, the Scout Service maintains way stations for the maintenance and repair of express boats.
It's almost as if GDW authors didn't read each others work. Or that they were so busy on so many projects that small details were forgotten. They were not just producing Traveller, GDW were putting out a wargame every couple of months just about.
There were many details in early Traveller works that were later overwritten.
Even those, having a way station where there's no X-boat line is as having a train station where there are no tracks. And if shown in the map, I guess it's active.
Perhaps its an abandoned way station? Or...or...or it's a VARGR way station (even more sinister).

Or "Opening soon in 1107!"
Perhaps its an abandoned way station? Or...or...or it's a VARGR way station (even more sinister).

Or "Opening soon in 1107!"
Everything is posswible, but I guess those facilities shown in the map are active...
(I was going to reply earlier but couldn't get into CotI for a couple of hours.)

The definition did change somewhere between S03 (1979) and S09 (1981).

Looking at the data I complied a year or so ago, of the 22 sectors which have waystations, 13 of them have waystations not on the network - Antares (3/4), Core (5/11), Corridor (2/2), Daibei (2/3), Delphi (3/3), Deneb (2/5), Fornast (1/4), Gushemege (4/5), Ilelish (2/4), Ley (1/6), Lishun (1/3), Massilia (3/5) and Vland (3/4). Sixteen are 1 parsec away from the nearest X-boat stop, seven are 2 parsecs away, seven are 3 parsecs away and one is 5 parsecs away.

In Ley sector, 900-790/Highlord (Ley 0724) has it's nearest X-boat stop 3 parsecs away at Shanape/Matarishan (Ley 1023) which is also a waystation.

In Shiwonee subsector, Mag'Lphr (Massilia 1326) is 2 parsecs away from the nearest X-boat stop at Talow (massilia 1424) which, again, is also a waystation.
It's almost as if GDW authors didn't read each others work. Or that they were so busy on so many projects that small details were forgotten. They were not just producing Traveller, GDW were putting out a wargame every couple of months just about.
There were many details in early Traveller works that were later overwritten.
I have always believed this of any of the vast and complex games. Traveller, D&D etcetera. I think the reason it shows up so much more in Traveller is the fact many of the Traveler people like to bridge the lore from as many editions/versions as they own or have access to. In my experience, the Traveller lore scholar/librarian will have no issue attempting to blend or validate lore between editions. But because editions sometimes disagree with each other, either through error or outright retcons for personal desires, it is sometimes hard. :(
Why did this come up when I'm away from my computer? Lol

Request a naval base, if necessary by requesting lateral support from the IISS facility [Edit: as an interim step].

Implement education and career training to field the personnel to sustain a starport upgrade to Class A. (It's almost there already -- the world is Industrial, and LBB5 says it can build naval ships to local TL.)
It should take about 5 years to get students and trainees through the pipeline.

The starport upgrade is a +2 to TL on the world gen tables. On a timescale under a decade I'd say +1 TL at most, by year 10.

This is outside of the politics of it all. Collacian domesic politics will be "fun". [Edit: as the representative democracy accommodates to Imperial Acession.]

Main thing offworld is that Pavabid's status depends on the outcome of that one Double Adventure... If the PCs who went through it succeded, it may nominally acede to Imperial membership, while still keeping the vast majority of its populace isolated as much as possible (but it won't last).

Trexalon and Quai Quing (sp?) will stay out, and be their own thing as long as they can. Don't know how the Mongoose Sindal campaign canon cramps their expansion to Rimward (which is really where they'd want to go, rather than coreward into D268).

More to come. Tarsus will want to be a big player, and perhaps should be. Inchin is going to be horribly embarrassed and it's going to be glorious!
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Looking at the data I complied a year or so ago, of the 22 sectors which have waystations, 13 of them have waystations not on the network - Antares (3/4), Core (5/11), Corridor (2/2), Daibei (2/3), Delphi (3/3), Deneb (2/5), Fornast (1/4), Gushemege (4/5), Ilelish (2/4), Ley (1/6), Lishun (1/3), Massilia (3/5) and Vland (3/4). Sixteen are 1 parsec away from the nearest X-boat stop, seven are 2 parsecs away, seven are 3 parsecs away and one is 5 parsecs away.

Then another quesion arises to me: how are way stations decided, in game terms?

I mean, we have tables to see if there's a IN or IISS base on a system, but if there's one for way stations I've never seen it, so I always assumed a way station was there if it was a X-boat stop and has no other base, but your analysis rules this out...
Then another quesion arises to me: how are way stations decided, in game terms?

I mean, we have tables to see if there's a IN or IISS base on a system, but if there's one for way stations I've never seen it, so I always assumed a way station was there if it was a X-boat stop and has no other base, but your analysis rules this out...

I can't remember where I read it, but there was something about waystations being sited every 40-50 parsecs along X-boat routes. I haven't (yet!) analysed the network to determine how true that is.
I can't remember where I read it, but there was something about waystations being sited every 40-50 parsecs along X-boat routes.
That would make sense, but would make way stations outside the X-boat routes have less sense yet...
Why did this come up when I'm away from my computer? Lol
Much of what I laid out in my IMTU mods to the Wiki description of Collace (Collace Between The Lines) ought to still apply (you can skip the ongoing terraforming project started by the Darrians, but I think it adds a nice bit of flavor here).

The main things I'd keep from MTU are Trexalon's environmental issue not being that it's air has frozen out into oxygen and nitrogen ices. Instead, while it really does have an Atm-6 (canonical), it has almost no water (Hyd-1, canonical) and orbits a gas giant (canonical) inside the gas giant's radiation belts. Without an artificial geomagnetic field (in the form of a charged plasma ring around the planet), the radiation would be lethal to pretty much anything higher than monocellular life. The Trexalon Technical Consortium (TTC) (canon) uses control of the water supply and the geomagnetic field maintenance to sustain its hegemony.

That and, much of Trexalon's population (IMTU but it seems the only reasonable explanation) originated on Pavabid. Originally, these were overpopulation-driven migrants from Collace to what would become Pavabid, then forced to flee Pavabid in the wake of its theocratic revolution. Collace would not take them back, but did help transport them as well as establishing additional arcologies on Trexalon for them (which the TTC promptly seized). There's great resentment about this among the descendants of these expatriates.

As I mentioned in my preceding post, Trexalon and Kuai Qing are going to be their own thing, and it may not be worth forcing the issue. Trexies will be looking to expand their influence into Egryn and Pax Rulin subsectors (with Motmos and its Naval Base being a significant obstacle to this objective). Their (J-3) trade routes to Rimward/Trailing go through Kaldamar (TR1201) and then Carben (TR 1502) as a "gas-giant refueling stop only" due to the red travel zone. TL-12 Trexalon can build (indigenous naval production, per LBB5) J-3 to reasonably high tonnage, but their cost-efficiency is limited by having only TL9-12 fusion tech. Unfortunately (as noted above), I don't know how Mongoose's "Sindal campaign's" canon affects that potential expansion. Haven't read it, but it appears they developed it coreward from Sindal subsector so perhaps there isn't a lot of overlap yet. Maybe there is, though... [Edit: and apparently they're rolling the 5th Frontier War through here as a bridge between Sindalian Pirates and Fifth Frontier Warriors and/or Refugees, which means they're likely to solidify their take on canon throughout the subsector.]
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