See that in MgT missiles are no longer the decisive weapons told about in CT:HG (I guess they are the "Dethroned Queen of the Battle").
If you use CB rules, 2d6 damage (I asume nukes) against heavy armor (Let's asume equal to TL) plus nuc damper plus (possibly) sand, usualy means no damage.
As for barrages (those numbers were run for another thread on a TL 10 ship):
to make numbers easy, let's imagine your 20 missile bays against 16 bearing:
Missiles barrage: 384 - nuclear missile - long - 2
Against an armor 10 ship, in all cases crew quality 3 and FC +2 8maximum for TL A):
Missiles modifier: -10 armor, +2 dice/weapon, +3 crew, +2 FC, - (1d6-1
1+1) sandcasters, -(1d6-2
1+1) for lasers= -(2 + (2d6-1)), so, -(2d6+1).
So, assuming average dice, no damage (as the dice for PD will offset barrage roll and still leave a -1 result).
I asume PD is under 90% of missiles in both cases
Of course, a lucky missile barrage can be devastating (both PD rolls being 1, so a total of -3 and boxes on the barrage roll would inflict 150%, so 576 damage points, But
you need a barrage roll 5 over the PD rolls to inflict any damage (I leave the numbers to anyone else). And again, against fighters things go even worse.
As your TL raises, so does Fire Control (up to +5), but so does enemy's armor, for a net effect of 0 until TL 13 (when Fire Control/5 is reached), and negative for the missiles upwards...
More or less the same happens when diffreent Crew Quality is used (after all, +3 is elite crews according to HG: At Crew quality +2, both PDs (sand and lasers) lose a +1 to the roll, but so does the barrage roll (for a total of +1 for the missiles), while Crew Quality +1 evens it again, as the PDs are unaffected while the missiles lose another +1. Crew Quality +4 will again give a +1 to the missiles and won't affect PDs, giving again a +1 more to the missiles. See that in both cases where the missiles receive this additional +1 for Crew Quality they still need to toll on the barrage roll 4 over the PDs rolls to affect the ship (albeit if they do the damage can be devastating).
And all of this is aside form the cost (both in tonnage and Credits) that the ammo represents...
See that the example in MgT LBB2:HG (pages 74-75) is against an armor 2 ship, and even then it only achieves 50% barrage damage on a barrage roll of 7 and PDs rolls of 4 and 2 (so, barrage roll 1 over PDs ones and against very low armor)