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What do you use for visual aids and minis?


(I'm not sure where to post this, so if anyone has a better idea of where it should go feel free to move it.)

I've started my campaign at the local game store and while it has been a slow go due to the players being new to Traveller and me being very, very rusty, we are having fun. One of the things I want to do is use miniatures to aid with combat and such, but this isn't a question about the actual minis (though I wouldn't mind suggestions there!) but more about the maps you use with them.

I have searched and searched and so far the only things I have found that seem appropriate and I liked are these Quick Decks from DSL Ironworks which I purchased last week (and will share my thoughts on those soon as a review of sorts, but so far I like them a lot!) So while those will work for combat on ships, I haven't found anything that I like for general locations. There are tons of things for fantasy settings, so if my group ever decides to go into a cave I am all set, but not for say, a star port.

I purchased a roll of this grey gaming paper with 1" hexes at the store, and that can work, but I still need to either draw on it (which means it would be a one time use) or use things to represent buildings, walls, etc. I don't mind using things to represent the obstacle, but then I need those things....

So the questions I have for the amazing people here are as follows:

  1. Are there any Quick Decks like products for general rooms, buildings, etc that you know of? \
  2. What do you use for this?
  3. Does anyone know of good and easy paper craft sources for buidlings etc?
  4. Or a not too expensive source for wood/plastic etc buildings?

I have seen the stuff the people who play miniature wargaming games use (and it is damn impressive!!!) but getting those things can get quite expensive *and* take up a lot of space. As it is I have a portable file-box type thing and a backpack I use for all my Traveller stuff, I don't want to need a giant rolling suitcase or toolbox!

And I have thought of getting that hex paper laminated, but that could get very expensive. The stuff is basically just wrapping paper, so it is very thin and 36" wide. I know if I got to Staples where they charge per square foot getting just a 3'x4' section will cost around 5-10x the cost of the 12' roll. And I am not even sure they can laminate 36" wide stuff.

As for the actual miniatures we are going to use, I have ordered some of the Reaper Bones Chronoscope minis and will try my hand at painting them. The Nova Corp and IMEF minis are probably the closest I have been able to find to what I imagine Travellers to look like. I am curious as to what, if anything, other use for both the characters and ships as well.

battle mats are one of the quickest and easiest options to get started with


How on earth did I not find those when I was searching for stuff? Those do seem like a great way to get started and for when the party goes someplace you didn't plan for. And while more expensive than the hex paper I bought, they are cheaper (and probably longer lasting) than laminated hex paper.

if you pull out anything pre-planned, your players will be suspicious.

if you need something on the fly, just use a 2x3 whiteboard laid flat, and draw on it what you need.
Have you considered something as simple as Legos for quick buildings? For that matter, you also have the entire range of Lego figures to work with, and there is another company that I discovered today that is doing combat troops that are compatible with Legos.

Also, the miniature tubes from Safari, Limited come in quite handy for animals and additional figures. Just depends on what you are doing.
if you pull out anything pre-planned, your players will be suspicious.

if you need something on the fly, just use a 2x3 whiteboard laid flat, and draw on it what you need.

A healthy does of suspicion in the players is a good thing, isn't it? We play at the local gaming store so a whiteboard would be tough. I think the mat will be perfect for the on-the-fly stuff.

timerover51 said:
Have you considered something as simple as Legos for quick buildings? For that matter, you also have the entire range of Lego figures to work with, and there is another company that I discovered today that is doing combat troops that are compatible with Legos.

I have thought of that, and my son has plenty of them that he doesn't really use anymore. The only problem there is the time it will take me to sort them and build stuff. But it is a definite possibility.
I seem to remember Star Frontiers had a city map in it. Also look at Infinity and see if there are any city maps for it. I also remember some star towns and hotel maps from Judges guild. Biggest question is are you using 25 or 15 mm figs...
I really wish someone would recreate and enlarge the common locations maps from the D20 Star Wars Campaign Guide. Those would work great for a Traveller game, but they are so small.

There are a bunch of papercraft buildings out there:

- has a section just for Science Fiction


Just do a Google search for "Sci-Fi Paper Terrain" and you'll find a ton.

EDIT: This Kickstarter looks awesome, too.


EDIT 2: Sorry, the Kickstarter is over, but here's their webpage:

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That's some awesome stuff!

Especially the Dave's Games stuff. I grabbed some from DriveThruRPG and will be checking it out this weekend.

Back in the day I ran across a bunch of old maps that had cities, terrain, and landing strips indicated on them. My father (who was a USAF Pilot) referred to them as "Pilot's Maps." I'm sure there was a more technical term, and I wish I could tell you what that was. Anyway, they were perfect for me to use, each one for a different world. The landing strips became starports and/or spaceports (depending upon how many there were and how close together they were).


Baron Ovka
A real gem of overlooked treasury of free paper model is the site Space Station 42 (www.ss42.com), literally hundreds of great models on all subjects.

Another great place to visit is the Incompetech free graph paper site, there you can create PDFs for graph and hex paper of various sizes. Myself, I create over-size sheets to use as 'battle-mats' of either terrain, deckplans or sector maps. (http://incompetech.com/graphpaper/)

Most office supply stores will have a quick-print counter equipped with a large-format printer, usually 36" maximum output which is perfect for 24"x36" 25mm deckplans or 36"x60" terrain or sector maps.

I suggest having large-format maps printed as blank double-sided items and having such laminated for long-life and ease of use with dry or water-based markers.

One other bit, visit your local 'dollar' merchandise stores, I frequently find various assortments of bagged small-scale army men suitable for 25mm use.
Back in the day I ran across a bunch of old maps that had cities, terrain, and landing strips indicated on them. My father (who was a USAF Pilot) referred to them as "Pilot's Maps." I'm sure there was a more technical term, and I wish I could tell you what that was. Anyway, they were perfect for me to use, each one for a different world. The landing strips became starports and/or spaceports (depending upon how many there were and how close together they were).


Baron Ovka

Oooh, I like that. Looks like I have to crank up my Google-Fu some more. :)
Most office supply stores will have a quick-print counter equipped with a large-format printer, usually 36" maximum output which is perfect for 24"x36" 25mm deckplans or 36"x60" terrain or sector maps.

I suggest having large-format maps printed as blank double-sided items and having such laminated for long-life and ease of use with dry or water-based markers.

I used to work at Staples as a tech and know all about their printers. Heck, they usually asked me to look at them before calling for service. As long as it didn't need a part I usually was able to get them back up and running. :)

I had the sector map for the Trojan Reach printed there. They have a "blueprint" printer (B&W) that goes up to 36" wide and a massive HP color printer that I think can handle at least 48" in full color. I think it actaully can do wider, but I don't think they have the larger paper. Though neither can do double sided.

This is all awesome stuff guys! Thanks!
As for the actual miniatures we are going to use, I have ordered some of the Reaper Bones Chronoscope minis and will try my hand at painting them. The Nova Corp and IMEF minis are probably the closest I have been able to find to what I imagine Travellers to look like. I am curious as to what, if anything, other use for both the characters and ships as well.


Proper SF (vs all that Gothic stuff) is not terribly common in 28mm, though it is better than it was a few years ago.

There are things to salvage from 40k, but the models that don't stink of the brand are getting rarer.

Infinity has a slick, often anime-inspired look, and the minis are expensive. Great bots, though.

em-4 has some of the old Grenadier SF stuff.

CMoN/Soda Pop has some decent SF in the Relic Knights line, but most of it is a bit silly.

Hasslefree is always worth a look.

The Void/Urban War/Metropolis lines, carried by Scotia-Grendel and Urban Mammoth. Specifically, the Viridian, Syntha, and VASA factions. Scotia-Grendel also has the old Kryomek line, which also absorbed the old Shatterzone line and a few other odd bits.

Iron Wind Metals and Ral Partha Europe still make the VOR line.

Foundry may still have some of the old Street Violence line, but they've been transitioning in odd ways for a couple years.

Aberrant Games does a cyberpunkish skirmish game called Rezolution. While the space vampires may not be useful, the cops, mercs, and gangers might be.

I suspect the new (and old) lines for Mutant Chronicles are a bit too odd for Traveller, but keep an eye on them.

You've already found the Reaper Chronoscape stuff.

In the pre-painted category, there are still a lot of the WotC Star Wars minis floating around secondary markets.


If you wanted to look at 15mm SF instead, that makes the above list look anemic...


Ships are a matter of taste.

Ad Astra has the license, but only a couple Adventure class hulls.

Ken Whitman has been doing some very large scale adventure class ships in resin. Not cheap, but very pretty.

Otherwise, go to star-ranger.com and just wander around. I would start with Ground Zero Games and Brigade Models, but that's just me.
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Thanks GypsyComet. I've come across many of those in my searches, but there are a few you mentioned that are new to me.

I've ordered a few of the Chronoscope minis from my local store and hopefully they will be in by Wed. so I can go to the weekly mini-painting class they have and try my hand at it.

The Infinity ones are very nice, but they can be expensive and I can't even imagine trying to paint the details on them. The Star Wars ones I've seen, but they are pretty much only available via eBay. And I've been through the stuff at CMoN, didn't really find anything I liked.

I'll try the others as well, once I get done playing with all the amazing papercraft things I found thanks to Spinward Scout. I hope I have enough card stock....
There used to be a site that did SJ Games like knockoffs of their GURPS Miniatures. To me those are better than all the pewter or lead minis ever cast for Traveller.

Ral Partha and a few other miniature companies did some very rocking minis for D&D and other fantasy RPGs.

How come we don't see the equivalent amount of art work done for sci-fi RPGs?
Was going to get a load of this companies floorplans but didn't need them.

Modern Floorplans Volume 1: Office Spaces
Fabled Environments

Load of buildings from Drive Thru RPG by Fabled Environments
If you can find them the Cardboardheroes included with the Gurp's Traveller Deckplans where great, the deckplan not so...

Also Note the 15mm Cardboardheroes Done by SJG are on the CT Apocrypha-2 disk from Far Future.
If you can find them the Cardboardheroes included with the Gurp's Traveller Deckplans where great, the deckplan not so...

Also Note the 15mm Cardboardheroes Done by SJG are on the CT Apocrypha-2 disk from Far Future.

What didn't you like about the deckplans?