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Diasporan Star Empire & Kide


I have recently started re-reading PoT after a 20 year break. It has inspired me to run a new TNE campaign, but most certainly not RC or Regency. The Covenant of Suffren has been inspiring me (see the separate thread), as has a 1130 Collapse campaign based in the Unity of Promise.

But today, as I was reading PoT, another idea came to me.

Kide and the DSE!

Although Arturo I is a TED, he is a clever and cunning leader who is planning to build his own interstellar empire. His description only shows moderate levels of cruelty and paranoia, and so I guess that he is more Mussolini than Hitler or Stalin. And, anyway, the only info is from the RC's perspective, so he could be the victim of a little RC demonizing?

The space force has two J-1 ships and Kide is on a 19 star system J-1 mains, so there is plenty to explore. Maybe push the timeline back a couple of years, before the RC, and in the early years of Kide's exploration of the mains?

The setting would be a lower tech, smaller forces, no Hivers version of the RC, but without the moralizing and jingoism. More original Star Trek than the Next Generation?

As always all comments appreciated, especially if anyone has tried to play Kide before?
I don't know if it's bad form to reply to your own OP - but if so apologies to all ................................!

Had some rare spare time this weekend and investigated both a vastly amended Coalition concept, and also Kide.

So, purely from PoT, and a bit of rationalizing............

- Prior to the Collapse Kide was TLA, Rich and Agricultural, with a Pop of 9 million. In TNE it is Agricultural, with a sustainable TL8. But, presumably in such a short time, the knowledge of TLA is preserved and can be rebuilt with appropriate materials and tools. One surprise is that its Pop has more than doubled to 20 million. Then there are a number of Cemetery worlds nearby, so maybe, as a Rich world, it was inundated with refugees during the Collapse? Maybe some of the knowledge from their previous home worlds survives?

- Making the assumption that TLA is still possible (see above), then TLB should be within the realms of research? Given that, then there are three ex-TLA and three ex-TLB on the Mains that Kide is on. Obvious targets, I would assume? As is the ex-Scout base on Lefiguura (no wonder Arturo is interested!) and, maybe, the ex-Naval bases on Keipes and Gorky. (And, just maybe, the ex-Research station on Sittahr?)

- The civil war is written hinting that Arturo started it - but what if he didn't? His domain could have included the Starport remains, and enabled him to salvage his two J1 ships. Maybe the Guild saw him becoming too powerful and becoming starfaring(they prefer the open market of balkanised worlds), and so stirred up the other TED's against him, and sold them some helpful "tools" also! Only his strategic savvy saved him, and enabled him to win, and remove any further threat!

And so he hates the Guild and is wary of any other attempts by them to sway his new district governors against him. He can't afford to cut-off the Free Traders, or annoy them. But how to tell Free Trader from Guild?? No wonder he's a little paranoid?

Anyway, just a few more ideas, that need some more thought if I am to make it a solid, playable campaign.
I've honestly never really thought Kide was too interesting.

I've actually considered running a campaign set in Solee a few times, though.
I've honestly never really thought Kide was too interesting.

I've actually considered running a campaign set in Solee a few times, though.

Yeah, I was tempted by Solee too - but I guess that I found it's list of naval combatants too overwhelming. Great if you want to play the already powerful expanding, but not if you want to play out the rise of a new Pocket Empire. Which I do.

Kide (compared to both Solee and the RC) has lower tech (TL8-A), much smaller forces, only two jump capable ships, (but only J1).

But (and tellingly for me) Kide's starship crews are rated as Experienced, while Solee's are Green. Maybe Solee has too much power to know what to do with it, or to be bothered to train crews fully? Whilst Kide, with so much less, values and aims to get the best from what it has? Solee, to me, is the epitome of people who "know the price of everything, but the value of nothing!" Maybe?
- Prior to the Collapse Kide was TLA, Rich and Agricultural, with a Pop of 9 million. In TNE it is Agricultural, with a sustainable TL8. But, presumably in such a short time, the knowledge of TLA is preserved and can be rebuilt with appropriate materials and tools. One surprise is that its Pop has more than doubled to 20 million. Then there are a number of Cemetery worlds nearby, so maybe, as a Rich world, it was inundated with refugees during the Collapse? Maybe some of the knowledge from their previous home worlds survives?
A doubling of population in 70 years is perfectly feasible. It corresponds to a growth rate of 1% p.a., and 3% p.a. is not unheard of. IIRC there's a population growth table in Hard Times that runs from ½% to 3% p.a..

Moving people by interstellar transport, OTOH, is expensive. It's quite unlikely that more than a few thousands, possibly tens of thousands, immigrated during the Hard Times.

- Making the assumption that TL10 is still possible (see above), then TL11 should be within the realms of research?
Unless all knowledge is stored on volatile electronic media, they're going to have full TL15 knowledge. TL isn't about knowledge, except at the cutting edge, it's about capability. TL8 means they can't build jump drives (unless they're advanced in space TL). They should be able to repair TL9-10 drives, maybe even TL11.

A doubling of population in 70 years is perfectly feasible. It corresponds to a growth rate of 1% p.a., and 3% p.a. is not unheard of. IIRC there's a population growth table in Hard Times that runs from ½% to 3% p.a..

Moving people by interstellar transport, OTOH, is expensive. It's quite unlikely that more than a few thousands, possibly tens of thousands, immigrated during the Hard Times.

Unless all knowledge is stored on volatile electronic media, they're going to have full TL15 knowledge. TL isn't about knowledge, except at the cutting edge, it's about capability. TL8 means they can't build jump drives (unless they're advanced in space TL). They should be able to repair TL9-10 drives, maybe even TL11.


Fair comments, and I certainly hadn't thought that population growth through. I guess substantial immigration is a little out of the ball park, but I can imagine some being able to afford to escape to the Rich world, in the Collapse. And it would help my campaign setting if there are still some immigrants whi can provide info on their ex-home worlds.

Yeah, I guess knowledge of TL15 would be available. But I was thinking more of the ability to actually build and design at a given TL. I assume that this is what is meant by the UPP TL's? Kide could (pre-Collapse) build at TLA, and now that this down to TL8, with some TLA artifacts surviving. I imagine that any TLA artifacts that they recover from other worlds can be salvaged by them, repaired, maintained and used. But TLB gear would need to be investigated abit more before it could be correctly salvaged, or repaired.
Yeah, I was tempted by Solee too - but I guess that I found it's list of naval combatants too overwhelming. Great if you want to play the already powerful expanding, but not if you want to play out the rise of a new Pocket Empire. Which I do.

If I did Solee, the idea wouldn't be about Smash and Grab or exploration. It'd be about spying, internal Solee politics, and possible outright war.

Solee, even from the short blurb, is fascinating. High Corruption, High Talent, Cruelty Moderation, Aggression High, Paranoia/Xenophobia High.

On the surface, Solee is tremendously powerful. It's likely that the Empress is riding high on a wave of nationalism and general optimism. Military industries are likely gearing up and there's probably an alliance of government and industry to provide for the expansion of the Empire.

What's interesting to me is the idea of characters being officers in the Solee military.

Army characters rotated back from Hindahl or Marcena are seeing that military efforts are not the easy conquests they'd expected. While the fighting on Marcena with its TL7 vs. Solee's main force TL of 9 might be "interesting", Hindahl should have been a roll-over with its TL4 (black powder) vs. Solee's TL9. But the fighting is tough on both worlds, like the RC the Solee army officers are seeing the effects of Guild-smuggled weaponry (given Solee's TL9, Guild supplied weaponry will be much more effective). They might have begun to feel disillusioned and feel the road ahead is much harder than people think.

Similarly, Solee Naval officers (for the purposes of this campaign) would assume that there'd be some contact with the RC before any kind of outright war (as is shown in Brilliant Lances). Naval officers from Solee's military might be invited to the RC and given tours. Alternatively, they might inspect wreckage and speak with RC prisoners. Either way, the most rabid nationalist Solee Naval Officers would only see the tiny size and low tonnage of the RC navy and dismiss them, cooler head (the characters) might notice that RC crews are very well-trained and experienced, their ships properly maintained ("Did you notice that the emergency vacc suit closets are well-maintained and stocked, not rusting, empty, or painted shut unlike our ships? It means they've been in combat and know the importance of such things"). The RC ships would have advanced and practical drills and procedure for combat coordination and damage control that Solee is struggling to even set-up. Their officers would be combat experienced and used to working together, unlike the Solee. It might not take much to realize that the RC has a vast advantage in experience that'd give them tactical and strategic maneuver superiority over the Solee Navy. Perhaps the two militaries put aside their differences to try and tackle a particularly powerful Vampire ship somewhere, something that'd probably very starkly illustrate the differences between the two navies.

Now as they begin to see their military start frothing at the mouth about crushing the RC, even while their fellows are talking about how they'll burn the RC to the ground, these officers might shake their heads thinking, "This isn't going to be nearly as easy as people think" or "We could lose this pretty easily." Perhaps the Empress hasn't made her mind about what to do yet.

What comes into play here is the high corruption value of Solee. The Solee military would probably have cliques of officers and so on, perhaps with various political beliefs. It might be possible to engineer things to try and convince the Empress not to attack the RC. Of course, other cabals of military officers might just take it upon themselves to engineer events to start a war with the RC regardless of how the Empress feels. With the different cliques of military officers, industrial magnates, and so on, such internal politics could get very interesting and dangerous, with rival cliques assassinating each other's members and so on. Remember, Solee is high talent, which means that there's a meritocracy at some level - people who are good at what they do get found (and given high corruption they probably get wooed up by some cabal or another and it's like gangs in the inner-city - you have no choice but to join one if you don't want to get assassinated, remember high corruption) so there's all kinds of brilliant and talented men and women in the Solee military, but each have their own idea on how to do things ... and they don't agree on it. They might make very strange bedfellows like cooperating with the Guild or the RC. Meanwhile if the Empress decides that going to war is a good idea, the players might be forced to remove the Empress from power before the Solee are dragged into a war with the RC they can't win. Again, given the high corruption of Solee, this might be possible - if they set things up correctly they might even get away with it.
A nemesis for RC is a great option for DSE. If you have problems with the leader, replace them. Also, a TED regime has the financial ability to do as they will. They could be setting up colonies on other worlds (sleeper ships) without much trouble for a decade. I'm not certain that TL15 is appropriate, but certainly a lower TL empire makes sense.

A couple options for making them more threatening; they find a larger ship to exploit (Virus, pre-collapse, or Star Vikings), a cache with pre-collapse weaponry.

I was very tempted to put a new interstellar pocket empire in Diaspora sector. There are a number of good options. Eventually, i choose a different direction.

Have fun.
A couple options for making them more threatening; they find a larger ship to exploit (Virus, pre-collapse, or Star Vikings), a cache with pre-collapse weaponry.
Say, what happened to the mothballed ships at Diaspora Depot? Being mothballed they wouldn't be vulnerable to Virus. Or would they? They'd still have their transponders active, I suppose. But if they were mothballed prior to the development of the Deyo chip, they might not have been refitted with new transponders. And if they were really obsolete (TL13 combat vessels), they might not have been reactivated yet by the time the Virus struck.

Side issue: What would happen to a mothballed ship that was infected by Virus? It wouldn't be able to do anything, would it?

Say, what happened to the mothballed ships at Diaspora Depot? Being mothballed they wouldn't be vulnerable to Virus. Or would they? They'd still have their transponders active, I suppose. But if they were mothballed prior to the development of the Deyo chip, they might not have been refitted with new transponders. And if they were really obsolete (TL13 combat vessels), they might not have been reactivated yet by the time the Virus struck.

Side issue: What would happen to a mothballed ship that was infected by Virus? It wouldn't be able to do anything, would it?


Correct. Mothballed ships (no fuel, sealed, etc) would not be effective (or even noticed) targets for Virus. The mothballed fleet was taken prior to the fall of the Imperium. That region was captured by the Solomani. Also, this accounts as a scorched, highly contested depot. The fleet would've had to been moved prior to the fall. Probably by Lucan or Margaret I assumed.

Not everything in depot mothballs is dreadfully old TL. Sometimes its a budget decision or a damaged vessel being used for spare parts. This happened to one of US carriers. It was so stripped that it would've made a poor museum ship.

This is why i did not choose Diaspora for MTU. I had no justifications to keep it on the map with a mothball fleet. However, as i mentioned, a ship discovered could be a significant improvement for a fledgling DSE. An Imperial cruiser that floated out of the system during the havoc would be adequate. A 19 world 1J DSE is both interesting and a challenge, if it's opposed by Virus, the Guild, Suffren and the RC. A cruiser could make the difference.
Not everything in depot mothballs is dreadfully old TL. Sometimes its a budget decision or a damaged vessel being used for spare parts. This happened to one of US carriers. It was so stripped that it would've made a poor museum ship.
Exactly my point. After six years of frantic preparations for war with the Zhodani, some of the AHLs stored in the Inactive Ships Facilty at Trin had still not been reactivated, despite the fact that reactivation is the most cost-effective way of using shipyard facilities (as long as you have anything left to reactivate, that is). A captured war-ravaged depot might have a greatly reduced capacity to reactivate ships. And the ships that get reactivated first are the recently mothballed TL15 ships, then the old TL14 ships, and so on. And battleships reactivated before cruisers before escorts. There could still be a few mothballed ships left when Virus makes its appearence. And still there 70 years later.

This is why i did not choose Diaspora for MTU. I had no justifications to keep it on the map with a mothball fleet. However, as i mentioned, a ship discovered could be a significant improvement for a fledgling DSE. An Imperial cruiser that floated out of the system during the havoc would be adequate. A 19 world 1J DSE is both interesting and a challenge, if it's opposed by Virus, the Guild, Suffren and the RC. A cruiser could make the difference.
Agreed. I didn't mean to suggest the existence of fleets worth of battleships or even squadrons worth of cruisers. But as you say, just one cruiser could make a big difference. Or half a dozen of the bigger escorts.

A nemesis for RC is a great option for DSE. If you have problems with the leader, replace them. Also, a TED regime has the financial ability to do as they will. They could be setting up colonies on other worlds (sleeper ships) without much trouble for a decade. I'm not certain that TL15 is appropriate, but certainly a lower TL empire makes sense.

A couple options for making them more threatening; they find a larger ship to exploit (Virus, pre-collapse, or Star Vikings), a cache with pre-collapse weaponry.

I was very tempted to put a new interstellar pocket empire in Diaspora sector. There are a number of good options. Eventually, i choose a different direction.

Have fun.

The write up in PoT certainly suggests that Arturo the TED of Kide has the ambition to create a new pocket empire, and, apart from the RC (one subsectors away) and Solee (two away) has the jump capable ships to start to expand.

If I were to run Kide, I would probably run it in alternate universe where theRC either didn't exist, or was a lot slower leaving the Old Expanses. Solee, too is both some distance away, and not really ambitious until the empress took over.

I think that the Guild, Keipes, Montezuma (oh, and Virus) should enough of a challenge, certainly at first!
Correct. Mothballed ships (no fuel, sealed, etc) would not be effective (or even noticed) targets for Virus. The mothballed fleet was taken prior to the fall of the Imperium. That region was captured by the Solomani. Also, this accounts as a scorched, highly contested depot. The fleet would've had to been moved prior to the fall. Probably by Lucan or Margaret I assumed.

Not everything in depot mothballs is dreadfully old TL. Sometimes its a budget decision or a damaged vessel being used for spare parts. This happened to one of US carriers. It was so stripped that it would've made a poor museum ship.

This is why i did not choose Diaspora for MTU. I had no justifications to keep it on the map with a mothball fleet. However, as i mentioned, a ship discovered could be a significant improvement for a fledgling DSE. An Imperial cruiser that floated out of the system during the havoc would be adequate. A 19 world 1J DSE is both interesting and a challenge, if it's opposed by Virus, the Guild, Suffren and the RC. A cruiser could make the difference.

There are two ex naval bases and axe scout base quite near to Kide (3 or 4 j-1's). I would certainly see those as major targets, quite early on. Building a pocket empire on the 19 worlds of this mains is certainly what inspired me with Kide early on.
Exactly my point. After six years of frantic preparations for war with the Zhodani, some of the AHLs stored in the Inactive Ships Facilty at Trin had still not been reactivated, despite the fact that reactivation is the most cost-effective way of using shipyard facilities (as long as you have anything left to reactivate, that is). A captured war-ravaged depot might have a greatly reduced capacity to reactivate ships. And the ships that get reactivated first are the recently mothballed TL15 ships, then the old TL14 ships, and so on. And battleships reactivated before cruisers before escorts. There could still be a few mothballed ships left when Virus makes its appearence. And still there 70 years later.

Agreed. I didn't mean to suggest the existence of fleets worth of battleships or even squadrons worth of cruisers. But as you say, just one cruiser could make a big difference. Or half a dozen of the bigger escorts.


So, IMTU Corridor Depot survived at partial capacity because the only record of its complete demise was the Vargr and a couple questionable surveys. We don't trust the Vargr. By having a small fraction of the engineers and staff save the fleet before the invasion (as a precaution). I also tossed in a large supply of refugees to make things more difficult. Vargr cut a deal and had their supply of repaired and 3I ships flowing out of the Depot they supposedly crushed. I only saw the opportunity to save 4 Depots. Out of those, Deneb (Regency) and Core (Virus) have some sort of functionality.
Lishun is a perfect example of what not to do with a mothball fleet in a war. Leave it floating around to be stolen. I assume Lucan learned his lesson there.
In other cases, a 3I fraction would report the loss of a Depot. That is far more reliable data.
Diaspora Depot is gone. However, I think a ship found floating through a neighboring system is not far fetched. Also it would have an enormous amount of space wreckage. A squadron of AHLs is probably pressing it. But one monitor could be terrifying. Wouldn't want to risk it against Sufren or RC.
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There are two ex naval bases and axe scout base quite near to Kide (3 or 4 j-1's). I would certainly see those as major targets, quite early on. Building a pocket empire on the 19 worlds of this mains is certainly what inspired me with Kide early on.

Ok you got me to open Travellermap. :coffeesip:
I would not do Kide. TNE without RC wouldn't be much in Diaspora. Might as well just change RC. Have you considered the Guild? A Guild captain could throw in with a TED if the TED had something cool. An instant naval command job. Arturo is a wind bag with guns.

EBasha 0223. Formerly an A starport, with a non-primary world navy base at Flehemu (0425). Nippa had a scout base. A J2 (jump twice) to raid the navy base at Pesuuzu. The J1 is 42 worlds including CUMBER! 4 former A starports, 7 former Bs. This is Guild territory, from memory. 9 worlds in the primary J1. Then a red interdiction. Sweet.

Remember when your on the Mains you have Virus problems. Virus travel this route. Cutting off their flow is very fun. It's your game but I don't think Kide is the world.

Anyone else have suggested capitals? I like the idea of making Sufren bigger and tougher. But only a handful of J1s.
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If it helps. My original idea was to do it at Depot with Princess 3117 and Kandom as close allies. Depot doesn't work but Princess would. 48 worlds, 2 scout bases in-between Sufren and RC. Not Guild territory but heavy Virus traffic. 4 former naval bases. However, I would make Sufren tougher. Give them a broken capital ship in orbit. A few SDBs, and their 400dt merged ships.

One of the flaws of TNE was not producing a proper RC map. It's painful looking at subsector maps. RC was mostly in Old Expanse.
Ok you got me to open Travellermap. :coffeesip:
I would not do Kide. TNE without RC wouldn't be much in Diaspora. Might as well just change RC. Have you considered the Guild? A Guild captain could throw in with a TED if the TED had something cool. An instant naval command job. Arturo is a wind bag with guns.

Thanks for the feedback. I have looked at changing RC (thread in this forum), but a number of things still niggle me. Kide is the only world in Promise or Khulam with jump capable ships, and an ambitious leader who plans to use them.

Given the write up in PoT, though I do have to disagree with you over Arturo. I don't have PoT with me at the minute,but I am sure his talent is high. Also from PoT he survived an attempt by all the other TED's on Kide to displace him. They had Guild sold higher tech weapons and he didn't.

And he was christened the Fox for his craftiness and strategic insight. Doesn't sound like just windbag to me!

But yeah I hear your point about Suffren and that certainly was in my focus for a while too (also a thread here). But something just didn't gel for me.
It's not hard to significantly reduce the presence of the RC without changing them much or eliminating them (easier for you as the GM to work with), especially if you're not actually planning to play in the RC and just need them as a power in the region.

Just slow their pace of naval shipbuilding and you'll pretty much pull the fangs from the RC. If you drop the RC's highest level Starport from an (unrealistically IMO) bustling A-class Starport to perhaps a barely A-class or maybe even some starport in a nebulous region between A and B, it'll change everything about the RC as a threat.

You can eliminate all of the modular clippers (and their variants) and the Leviathan Assault transports. Then the RC navy starts looking a lot like the "navies" of other "powers" in that region of space; lots and lots of small combatants with the Mercenary Cruiser probably being the most powerful ship in their navy. They can't do their SAG operations and so on with the shrug of the shoulders that some ships will be lost ... because there's not going to be those new TL12 Victrix cutters and the modular clippers coming online to replace them. None of this claptrap about "oh the Scout ship isn't good enough so we're phasing them out" stuff either.

I think this would have follow-on consequences; the RC couldn't be as aggressive about their expansion and exploration plans because their ships become less easy (or nearly impossible) to replace; the same issue as everyone else in the region. The Mercenary Cruiser becomes basically the most capable combatant in the RC navy.

You can always add teeth to the Guild by simply having them manage to reactivate a standard design Patrol Cruiser. Seriously, in the small ship universe of the post-Collapse TNEverse, the Patrol Cruiser is a deadly opponent and becomes something like a battlecruiser in real naval history - heavy enough to outfight pretty much anything it'd typically encounter and nimble enough to simply evade what little it can't.

Given the write up in PoT, though I do have to disagree with you over Arturo. I don't have PoT with me at the minute,but I am sure his talent is high. Also from PoT he survived an attempt by all the other TED's on Kide to displace him. They had Guild sold higher tech weapons and he didn't.

And he was christened the Fox for his craftiness and strategic insight. Doesn't sound like just windbag to me!

It's noted that Arturo isn't totally sane - he has a psychosis-level paranoia that is growing worse (as such conditions do). While he's brilliant, this is going to hamper him more and more as time goes on as he replaces the talented people around him because he imagines them plotting against him. It's likely that eventually they really will start plotting against him, if just to save their own skins.
It's not hard to significantly reduce the presence of the RC without changing them much or eliminating them (easier for you as the GM to work with), especially if you're not actually planning to play in the RC and just need them as a power in the region.

Just slow their pace of naval shipbuilding and you'll pretty much pull the fangs from the RC. If you drop the RC's highest level Starport from an (unrealistically IMO) bustling A-class Starport to perhaps a barely A-class or maybe even some starport in a nebulous region between A and B, it'll change everything about the RC as a threat.

You can eliminate all of the modular clippers (and their variants) and the Leviathan Assault transports. Then the RC navy starts looking a lot like the "navies" of other "powers" in that region of space; lots and lots of small combatants with the Mercenary Cruiser probably being the most powerful ship in their navy. They can't do their SAG operations and so on with the shrug of the shoulders that some ships will be lost ... because there's not going to be those new TL12 Victrix cutters and the modular clippers coming online to replace them. None of this claptrap about "oh the Scout ship isn't good enough so we're phasing them out" stuff either.

I think this would have follow-on consequences; the RC couldn't be as aggressive about their expansion and exploration plans because their ships become less easy (or nearly impossible) to replace; the same issue as everyone else in the region. The Mercenary Cruiser becomes basically the most capable combatant in the RC navy.

You can always add teeth to the Guild by simply having them manage to reactivate a standard design Patrol Cruiser. Seriously, in the small ship universe of the post-Collapse TNEverse, the Patrol Cruiser is a deadly opponent and becomes something like a battlecruiser in real naval history - heavy enough to outfight pretty much anything it'd typically encounter and nimble enough to simply evade what little it can't.

It's noted that Arturo isn't totally sane - he has a psychosis-level paranoia that is growing worse (as such conditions do). While he's brilliant, this is going to hamper him more and more as time goes on as he replaces the talented people around him because he imagines them plotting against him. It's likely that eventually they really will start plotting against him, if just to save their own skins.

Like your ideas about the RC, reduce their power and tech until they become just another pocket empire. Especially slowing down the shipbuilding program in PoT which has always seemed a bit ambitious to me! I was considering having them encounter the Solee sooner than in canon, so having both sides too tied up with dueling the other to expand into Diaspora. So giving the DSE a clear run, for the forseeable future.

Love your observation around the Patrol cruiser, being a capital ship equivilant in a more rationalised campaign. Disapora would be truly a small ship Traveller campaign. And so a Close escort, or Patrol cruiser salvaged from an ex-naval base would be an amazing find for any pocket empire.

I agree that ther PoT write up for Arturo does stress his paranoia and provides some reasons for that. And that level of (unjustified) paranoia would seriously hamper his leadership and ambitions. However since we only have RC "documents", my answer would be to pass that off as exagerated RC propoganda. Or an (again exagerated) view given to the undercover RC intelligence gatherers by the rebel TED's who are hiding out.

He has only recently won a planet wide civil war where the other TED's joined forces against him, armed with higher tech weapons sold by the Guild.He has had to reunite the planet by force, so who's to say how unstable the political/millitary situation is? And maybe those officers he executed were actually secret allies of the defeated/rebel TED's and actually plotting against him?

I guess if I am going to change the whole RC, then I might as well reduce his paranoia by a couple of steps?
If it helps. My original idea was to do it at Depot with Princess 3117 and Kandom as close allies. Depot doesn't work but Princess would. 48 worlds, 2 scout bases in-between Sufren and RC. Not Guild territory but heavy Virus traffic. 4 former naval bases. However, I would make Sufren tougher. Give them a broken capital ship in orbit. A few SDBs, and their 400dt merged ships.

One of the flaws of TNE was not producing a proper RC map. It's painful looking at subsector maps. RC was mostly in Old Expanse.

That sounds like a major pocket empire in the making! Why diod you abandon the concept?