upper deck
lower deck
The Imperial Jewell is one of the March-class liners, all named after major worlds or major world cities. They originally were intended to carry high-ranking passengers long distances but many have been reconfigured for general passenger and cargo work.
Book 2 rules ( ... mostly). Standard displacement is one thousand dtons and the ship is fully streamlined.
The March-class is modular. A two-deck primary hull provides motive power, crew accomodations, and an initial high and lowberth passenger capacity. A fuel tank deck between the primary hull decks (except in engineering which fills the entire space) extends wings out from the primary hull to provide a form-matching support frame for up to four standardized attached modules. It is 1 meter deep throughout and holds one hundred forty dtons of fuel, enough for one jump 1 and concurrently four weeks of normal operations, or 14 weeks of normal operations. The primary hull with fuel deck extensions is six hundred dtons while the four standard attached modules are one hundred dtons each. Modules may carry fuel (each such module allowing extension of the ship's jump range by 1 parsec up to Jump Drive capacity), or cargo/lowberth containers, or middle passengers. In addition some wealthy individuals and corporations who have need of frequent travel have their own private modules. Modules may be selected to take advantage of changing economic and trade conditions, allowing the ship to be tailored to existing circumstances and routes. Swapping a module and conducting subsequent hull integrity checks requires only a few hours in any competent shipyard, or a single day by the unassisted engineering crew.
Several engineering configurations exist. The original is shown here - Jump Drive V, Power Plant V, and Maneuver Drive E, giving J4/M1, with power available for up to four triple turret laser weapons. The second is the Q package - Jump, Power Plant, and Maneuver Q - giving J3/M3 or J3/M2 with full VTOL, with no power available for laser weapons. A common configuration is Jump Drive Q, Maneuver Drive Q, Power Plant V, allowing the ship to be refitted between J4/M1 and J3/M3 as needed without disturbing the power plant and allowing sufficient power available for up to two triple turret laser weapons. Switching between these engineering configurations is classified as a major refit but in fact is fairly simple, requiring only two weeks in a class A shipyard. The deckplan illustrated here is J4/M1 but may be treated as J3/M3 if necessary without alteration. If actual depiction of a Q/Q or Q/V configuration is desired then simply swap the maneuver drive and jump drive graphics - those deckplan depictions are posted here.
A model 4 computer/sensor suite is located directly on the bridge in its own containment room.
The March-class has four hard points, two on the bow and two on the fantail. Two gunnery stations are located directly on the bridge and two are in engineering upper level, and each station may control any of the turrets. Given their typical passenger status most of these ships have four turrets installed, but some that run exclusively in civilized areas do not.
Crew facilities consist of 11 standard cabins and 4 double-occupancy cabins, a crew lounge, a robot-staffed meal-service section, a robot-staffed hotel services section, and a day room for the captain. Standard crew consists of 17 - captain, two pilots, navigator, chief engineer and four engineers, purser and four stewards, two gunner/deckhands, and the ship's physician. The two gunner/deckhands and two of the engineers share a double-occupancy cabin, and two other crewmen may be added into the remaining double-occupancy cabins.
Main hull passenger facilities consist of 8 full cabins with computer, 8 full double-occupancy cabins, a conference room, a robot-staffed meal-service section, two robot-staffed hotel services section, and and a steward-staffed lounge, all rated at high-passage level.
Crew and passengers are provided with several hologravitic entertainment booths. These generate holographic images and gravitic fields to simulate an interactive virtual environment to provide individual entertainment, training, and/or exercise. Booths may be linked to allow interaction with other booth users.
There are no lifeboats, rather the class has two Damage Control Stations, one forward starboard off the bridge and one aft port adjacent to the medical sub-station, each outfitted with a large damage control equipment locker, vacc suit and damage control locker, life support module, tanks with reserve air and water, and a large battery.
A medical-substation provides standard triage level 1 and level 2A medical care, an intensive care station, and low berths for passengers and crew.
A small-scale repair shop facility provides level 1 maintenance, repair, and fabrication response. The engineering atrium has two emergency-entry damage control lockers.
"e" marks the location of an emergency escape panel, which is nothing more than a plate, removable to the interior, bolted to the hull. A wrench to remove the bolt nuts is attached to each panel. Instructions are printed on the plate and wrench in glow-in-the-dark lettering. These are intended for emergency escape only.
Engineering operations are controlled from EOS (Engineering Operating Station). The EOS may override bridge engineering commands, and may itself be overridden by local engineering control panels.
The electrical load centers provided centralized distribution and control of ship's power.
If desired these deckplans may be altered using Microsoft Paintbrush (MSPaint or Paint). Each graphic will fit onto a standard sheet of paper 8.5 by 11 inches with 0.5 inch margins. Anyone may copy any of my deckplans for use in their games, feel free to do so. I would very much like to hear of any in-game use of these.

lower deck

The Imperial Jewell is one of the March-class liners, all named after major worlds or major world cities. They originally were intended to carry high-ranking passengers long distances but many have been reconfigured for general passenger and cargo work.
Book 2 rules ( ... mostly). Standard displacement is one thousand dtons and the ship is fully streamlined.
The March-class is modular. A two-deck primary hull provides motive power, crew accomodations, and an initial high and lowberth passenger capacity. A fuel tank deck between the primary hull decks (except in engineering which fills the entire space) extends wings out from the primary hull to provide a form-matching support frame for up to four standardized attached modules. It is 1 meter deep throughout and holds one hundred forty dtons of fuel, enough for one jump 1 and concurrently four weeks of normal operations, or 14 weeks of normal operations. The primary hull with fuel deck extensions is six hundred dtons while the four standard attached modules are one hundred dtons each. Modules may carry fuel (each such module allowing extension of the ship's jump range by 1 parsec up to Jump Drive capacity), or cargo/lowberth containers, or middle passengers. In addition some wealthy individuals and corporations who have need of frequent travel have their own private modules. Modules may be selected to take advantage of changing economic and trade conditions, allowing the ship to be tailored to existing circumstances and routes. Swapping a module and conducting subsequent hull integrity checks requires only a few hours in any competent shipyard, or a single day by the unassisted engineering crew.
Several engineering configurations exist. The original is shown here - Jump Drive V, Power Plant V, and Maneuver Drive E, giving J4/M1, with power available for up to four triple turret laser weapons. The second is the Q package - Jump, Power Plant, and Maneuver Q - giving J3/M3 or J3/M2 with full VTOL, with no power available for laser weapons. A common configuration is Jump Drive Q, Maneuver Drive Q, Power Plant V, allowing the ship to be refitted between J4/M1 and J3/M3 as needed without disturbing the power plant and allowing sufficient power available for up to two triple turret laser weapons. Switching between these engineering configurations is classified as a major refit but in fact is fairly simple, requiring only two weeks in a class A shipyard. The deckplan illustrated here is J4/M1 but may be treated as J3/M3 if necessary without alteration. If actual depiction of a Q/Q or Q/V configuration is desired then simply swap the maneuver drive and jump drive graphics - those deckplan depictions are posted here.
A model 4 computer/sensor suite is located directly on the bridge in its own containment room.
The March-class has four hard points, two on the bow and two on the fantail. Two gunnery stations are located directly on the bridge and two are in engineering upper level, and each station may control any of the turrets. Given their typical passenger status most of these ships have four turrets installed, but some that run exclusively in civilized areas do not.
Crew facilities consist of 11 standard cabins and 4 double-occupancy cabins, a crew lounge, a robot-staffed meal-service section, a robot-staffed hotel services section, and a day room for the captain. Standard crew consists of 17 - captain, two pilots, navigator, chief engineer and four engineers, purser and four stewards, two gunner/deckhands, and the ship's physician. The two gunner/deckhands and two of the engineers share a double-occupancy cabin, and two other crewmen may be added into the remaining double-occupancy cabins.
Main hull passenger facilities consist of 8 full cabins with computer, 8 full double-occupancy cabins, a conference room, a robot-staffed meal-service section, two robot-staffed hotel services section, and and a steward-staffed lounge, all rated at high-passage level.
Crew and passengers are provided with several hologravitic entertainment booths. These generate holographic images and gravitic fields to simulate an interactive virtual environment to provide individual entertainment, training, and/or exercise. Booths may be linked to allow interaction with other booth users.
There are no lifeboats, rather the class has two Damage Control Stations, one forward starboard off the bridge and one aft port adjacent to the medical sub-station, each outfitted with a large damage control equipment locker, vacc suit and damage control locker, life support module, tanks with reserve air and water, and a large battery.
A medical-substation provides standard triage level 1 and level 2A medical care, an intensive care station, and low berths for passengers and crew.
A small-scale repair shop facility provides level 1 maintenance, repair, and fabrication response. The engineering atrium has two emergency-entry damage control lockers.
"e" marks the location of an emergency escape panel, which is nothing more than a plate, removable to the interior, bolted to the hull. A wrench to remove the bolt nuts is attached to each panel. Instructions are printed on the plate and wrench in glow-in-the-dark lettering. These are intended for emergency escape only.
Engineering operations are controlled from EOS (Engineering Operating Station). The EOS may override bridge engineering commands, and may itself be overridden by local engineering control panels.
The electrical load centers provided centralized distribution and control of ship's power.
If desired these deckplans may be altered using Microsoft Paintbrush (MSPaint or Paint). Each graphic will fit onto a standard sheet of paper 8.5 by 11 inches with 0.5 inch margins. Anyone may copy any of my deckplans for use in their games, feel free to do so. I would very much like to hear of any in-game use of these.
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