So, this guy posted this vid on YouTube, and has some thoughts regarding the game's current status;
What do you think?
What do you think?
What do you think?
I agree with some of it and disagree with some of it.
What I do know, however, is that an OSR-type blooming has begun for Traveller.
Mongoose, being Mongoose, has unwittingly sparked it. First, their versions raised the game's profile attracting 3rd party writers and publishers. Second, their release of Traveller SRDs to the OGC made an OGL version of the game possible. Finally, their shortsighted and greedy revision of their licensing agreement triggered the creation of an OGL version, Cepheus Engine, while also pushing 3rd party writers and publishers towards the OGL version.
The flood of OGL materials is just starting. Someone just released a CE version of FASA's Star Trek and much more is in the works.
Someone just released a CE version of FASA's Star Trek...
Where might I find this gem? :drooling:
He made a few interesting points but has never read or played the game.
Otherwise he would know about the experience section in LBB:2 - no character advancement, what tosh.
He is also one of those people dismissive of older editions of the game.
I don't know that it was intended for greed in retrospect...
People are playing (or will play, when it is released), the new Modiphius Star Trek game. I can't stand the Modiphius house system, and from what I've heard Aramis say about it (he likes it), it doesn't offer anything that I would like. I prefer FASA Star Trek. Love that game.
likewise, CE is poised to make core Traveller irrelevant... as the 3PP start to mix-n-match.
So I've been releasing iOS apps for CT and T5 over the last year or so. I just looked at the analytics and here's the total downloads for each app listed in the order the apps were released:People seem to love new games and games that are in print. I do understand that. But, what I don't understand is that they value the new over the old.
So I've been releasing iOS apps for CT and T5 over the last year or so. I just looked at the analytics and here's the total downloads for each app listed in the order the apps were released:
TAS Form 2 (Character database for CT) 368
GunMaker for Traveller5™ 161
ArmorMaker for Traveller5™ 147
VehicleMaker for Traveller5™ 120
Orbital Yards (CT High Guard ship design) 121
CT seems pretty popular. Just a data point.
I don't get this. Not at all.
The comments I'm referring to are not in his videos. (He has no concern for the older versions, so there's not need to comment on them.)I've watched his Traveller material on YouTube, and I didn't come away feeling he had any disdain for the older versions either.
I did, in fact, read an article on this topic yesterday. It dwelt not so much on virtues, but on hiw the random ship encounter table communicated two different paradigms of interstellar trade--'77 one of rampant piracy even on the mains, and vanishingly rare patrols--essentially, a 'space viking' mileu--while '81 told a more cogent tale of a universe where big money in trade protected itself with corresponding force.
[creativehum note: He is referring to a blog post of mine where I talk about the analysis Aramis did between the differences between the ship encounter tables in 1977 and 1981 editions.]
For my part, such efforts are intetesting forensically in identifying why Traveller took off--at least in the UK--and provide a window into how science fiction roleplaying came into its first flower.
As for practical dimensions, for my own part--only-my interest stops there. As I am a skeptic of white box revivalism, so too am I a skeptic of LBB revivalism--for reasons I sketch out in various places, but in a word--modernity and a living gospel are my own watchwords.
The canon of settings from that era, however, suffers no similar expiration date in my own--limited to my own tastes--preferences.
I have become inured to the opposite by some of the White Box rose-colored glass OSR folks and the pseudo-mystical reverence for 'the OSR mindset' I see in some places. "It's better because it was first, purer, more freeform" is something of how the mantra goes.
By this do you mean MgT2e as the "core"?