I'd rather they just come out with "Star Pirates" and then put "based on Traveller" in the credits or something in small print. Or even better, a sly, "Thanks Marc" at the end, for "those in the know".
Simply because, historically, "movies based on XXXX" almost always, frankly, suck. Especially games.
AT BEST we've had some good movies based on books.
Firefly was good not because it was based on Traveller, however intangible. It was good because Josh Whedon and Tim Minear made it good. Traveller, at its core, IMHO, is "low fantasy". Like "Aliens". Meat and potatoes, shirt sleeve worlds with Colt .45s and walkie-talkies.
As folks have been beating to a formless pulp on this forum for years, "Traveller is generic sci-fi". The Imperium in a TV series, especially a first stab at one, especially the Third Imperium, is going to have the lightest of footprints on the story. As much as the 3I has a light hand in many Traveller adventures. Even lighter than the "Alliance" in Firefly, since it acted as a overbearing force of authority (something the Imperium, especially dirt side, is not).
Outside of, perhaps, a shadowy, nascent noble class, who has time to "describe" the Imperium, it's history and scope, in a 2 hour movie which is, for most, ideally, filled with "run and gun", damsels in distress, and starships blasting off from Mos E^H^H^H^H^HRhylanor.
Pretty sure the "trader" or "political" campaign isn't going to convey well to casual viewers.